As lovely as Rhysha and Rhyiona are...
Borderlands is one of the few mainstream series that actually features LGBT couples that aren't, you know, the butt of every joke. Handsome Jack totally kills off a man and his husband and laughs at them (not because they're gay, but because he's a complete sadist) so you know. Axton's bi, Hammerlock's gay, Janey's a lesbian, etc, etc.
Rhys and Vaughn are endgame.
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While I did main this ship before episode 2, Atlas Mugged has provided more than enough proof to prove that Rhyiona is the master ship. There isn't a stronger ship to exist.
Personally, I find that Rhys has a lot more chemistry with Sasha. At the same time, I'm starting to read his moment in episode one as like... building up trust with her. Same thing kinda happens in this second episode between him and Vaughn. Still, if everyone stays bros, I'll still be happy.
So long as no one dies, you feel me.
TBH i felt a lot of the LBGT felt forced
Would you mind elaborating? I take it you mean "they just threw it in there" which is partially why I think Telltale could do it justice.
Aaaaand you lost me.
I don't care if it's Rhyiona or Rhyasha. I just want a love interest for a main character in a TTG lol. I'm a sucker for romance in video games.
I honestly ship Rhys and Fiona, but even I admit their is more chemistry with Rhys and Sasha
Pretty much hell a friend told me about how burch added them to fill a quota and didn't try to make them intresting
Your Ship Has Sailed
I know Axton's situation was an oversight that they left in, but yeah the series proper doesn't really offer much. Like, TPS had Jack flirting with Nisha and that's about as deep as any "romance" gets in the series thus far unless you want to count the drama between Moxxi and Mordecai. It hasn't really fit with the game setting yet, but TFTB is more conducive to a romantic subplot anyway.
The boot though James, don't forget about the boot. Never let the Rhysha shippers brainwash you into thinking Rhys and Sasha actually have chemistry (makes me yuck just thinking about it)
Just curious do you find Sasha ugly or is it you just don't like that ship or something? :P
i ship Rhys and Fiona
Eh, I'd honestly prefer none of the main four get together. I'd like something more original.
Nah I like Sasha when she's around Fiona, it's just I can't stand when she's near Rhys, or when people ship her with Rhys.
I agree with that statement. Frankly, I don't like ships and wouldd prefer if there wasn't any sort of romance in the game, but if it were to happen, I'd be more comfortable with Rhys and Sasha, it feels more natural and it does seem they have good chemistry together.
I abstain from all forms of shipping.
I'm with you on that
I do admit I like the idea of Jack/Rhys over Vaughn/Rhys... Depends on how old Rhys is supposed to be.
I agree
Probably close to Vaughn and Fiona, so ~30 years old.
They're 27 and 29 respectively, so that does sound about right...
Jacks not gay though
Um, not bisexual you mean.
Like that has ever stopped shippers. 8U If you play as Jack's body-double in The Pre-Sequel, he makes comments about how distracted he is by how attractive the double is. Some people say Rhys looks vaguely like Jack, but eh. I'd only ship Jack/Rhys as a joke ship.
Either way he's straight
TBF the guy does love himself
He's Handsome Jack tho remember? Does what he wants. And he kinda gave some creepy comments about Timothy in TPS. So it's not entirely impossible even if we're talking about canon. Though we're talking about shipping here so yep.
Eh they don't need to make another character gay or bi for the hell of it burch did it enough
Yeah they don't need to - fandom will make it for them. xD
But seriously, I could see Jack harrasing anyone really. Just because he can do it.
Rhys/Timothy. His Jack obsession makes it all too possible. (Plus Timmy would be college-aged and not too far off from Vaughn and Rhys.)
Rule 34Shudders
Clearly the only answer to this shipping war is for all of them to get together. Including Holo-Jack.
Lol, this just reminds me of a scene where Jack makes Rhys stare at Vaughn's junk. You get it by not telling him about Jack, and you try to ignore him and Jack annoys Rhys. xD
Really? Well, play TWD S1 then! One of the greatest love stories ever featured in a Telltale game! CarLee FTW!!!!
Ohhhhhh.....I'm a dick. I feel sad now.
Jhys it is. I mean, how often do you see people get together with the AI living in their heads? Never, that's how often! Unless you count that thing in Halo......poor Cortana.