Need to updated an updated update and... where's my episode 2?

I wasn't really following the release schedule for episodes, so I had no idea that episode 2 was out...

Or is it? I don't know - I can't play the d___n thing!

Whenever I try to launch the game, I get a friendly message saying I need to download a patch. Well, GOOD, I think, new episode, yey! But the patch is mere 39MB in size and... doesn't want to install. "Incompatible with the version" it says (or something along those lines). Well, I re-download the whole game once more from TellTale, install that, and try to run it and.... the game informs me I need the patch. Well, OK, I'll update the game, no fuss. I re-download the 39MB-sized patch once more and this time it installs correctly.

But launching the game... it tells me I need to patch it, and redirects me to the same d___n patch over and over again!

OK, seriously, I'm getting more and more angry just writing this post. I KNEW I should have stayed with Steam on this!

Can someone please tell me what's going on? For the record, I bought the PC version directly from TellTale. If any other extra information is needed, let me know and I'll provide it.

EDIT: Aww d__n it, I should have posted this in the support section. Sincere apologies for that one.

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