Yvette sold you out?..
I really dont trust Yvette, first we really dont know much about her exept that she is ,,helping'' you
Also, how does Vasquez ALWAYS know where you are, and she disn't warn us about the moonshots too, i dunno i just find her suspicious
Your toughts?
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I don't really trust her either, she doesn't seem like the type of person who does anything for nothing.
I was speaking to another poster the other day about this, i thought she had sold us out too, but they said that it was most likely just Hyperion being able to track their property (Rhys' arm and Echo eye) or he/she thought Jack may have sent them some signal himself.
Personally i think it's a combination of Hyperion tracking Rhys directly and Vaughn sending Vasquez updates.
Vasquez knew that they wouldn't be able to handle the Gortys halfs, which only Fiona, Sasha and Vaughn were present to find out. Also, every time something interesting happens, Vaughn touches his glasses, which makes me think that he is taking pictures, or video and sending it back to Hyperion. Even back in ep1, vaughn tells Fiona that if he doesn't get the money, Vasquez will have his ass in a sling. And he's always disappearing somewhere.
No bro fist for you Vaughn!
Wow great thinking mate

That about Vaughn is interesting, also he says to Vasquez when him and Rhys meet him in the desert that he lied about what he would do, which is probably what he told Rhys too if he sells out Vaughn, so he didnt really did that just to keep Vasquez away from them, hmmm?
There is a good chance Yvette sold Rhys out. The moon shots stopped because Yvette asked real nicely and Vasquez appearing just as she was about to send stuff right to them, does not help that theory from gaining ground. That said, I think Yvette is trying very hard not to be caught by Vasquez and it ends up making her look more guilty of betrayal as a result.
Vaughn is the one who is in the better position to sell Rhys out honestly and after playing though both play thoughs of going to hollow point and old haven, Vaughn is surely still betraying Rhys as he orders Loader bot to attack Vasquez before he spilled some info. On the other hollow point play though Vasquez puts his hand on Vaughn's arm and he freaks out in anger and disgust (At himself or Vasquez?) and I believe Vaughn is still selling Rhys out by telling Vasquez where they were going. Vaughn must have made a deal either in a misguided attempt to keep Vasquez off Rhys and himself (Which failed before....Vaughn would be the "King of Stupid" to trust Vasquez again) or he really is only looking out for number #1, himself.
Jack betraying? Maybe, but unlikely since he has no way of knowing if Rhys dies what happens to himself.
I also don't buy the spyware on Rhys theory....the moon shot would have blew up the valuable Atlas tech Rhys and Fiona found and Vasquez could have sent August to retrieve it then, rather then lose something worth well over 10 mil. Rhys either has VERY dedicated friends or treacherous snakes just acting as friends, one or the other in this case.
I'm not so sure, as it seems they might have originally been going for that route and changed it since one of the pictures for one of the choices changed:
-In the original it was at a different angle and it showed Yvette standing behing Vasquez, it even had her name in the call.
However in this new one all traces of Yvette have been erased.
I agree, I do believe she may have sold Rhys and Vaughn out and is secretly helping Vasquez out. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems really likely to be true.
Thanks Bad Boy Bigby, i'm not sure if in the beginning Vaughn really did have good intentions or not but i would like to hope so.
I think it's part back up plan, part trying to keep Vasquez off of their collective backs. But, the farther they go down this road where they are against the Hyperion party line, the less likely that They will survive it. I mean what is the game plan here? They just walk back into Hyperion and say 'hey, sorry bout the trouble, where do i report for duty?' They want to dig around in Rhys' head for crying out loud!
I don't really think Rhys has had time to think about the repurcussions of what has happened with regards to Hyperions attitude towards him, as opposed to Vasquez' personal feelings. But, i think that Vaughn has thought about these things and values his own life.
There's also the scene in the Atlas facility where Rhys is asking how Vasquez keeps finding them and Vasquez says (paraphrasing) 'it's only the fool who thinks they can escape their shadow' and then immediately after, Vaughn tells Loader Bot to attack. The 'shadow' part makes me think it has to be one of Rhys' companions for sure, and I really don't see Fiona or Sasha selling him out to Vasquez/Hyperion.
Selling him out in general to save themselves, Yes. But not to Vasquez so he could follow them all over Pandora.
I think it's possible Yvette works for Vallory. August said Vallory had several contacts within Hyperion, and in Zer0 Sum Yvette wore one of the ear-pieces that both Vasquez and August wore too. Also, she didn't sound very sincere with her "I'm so glad you're okay" thing on the phone - and is it a coincidence that it was what, ten minutes later that Vasquez found us? Very suspicious...
Nice catch Scooby! I never even considered that, but it makes alot of sense.
Or you know, Vasquez could be talking about the Handsome Jack AI in his head. I don't think that scene where Vaughn tells Loader Bot to attack means much.
Anyone know what happens if you say "So Yvette sent you?" when Vasquez finds you in the desert?
I think he says something among the lines of "I didn't have to, you think I didn't know about all the calls she was sending you?" Something like that. I'll look it up to make sure
EDIT: Welp I looked at like 10 different playthroughs and no one seemed to want to pick that option. I guess the world may never know
Actually I just found one and it's pretty much exactly what you said. So thanks bruh!

Yeah they really dont have any idea what they caused to Hyperion and Rhys tought just by bringing a vault key everything will change, i dont know...
Wow nice, thank you for this it really makes my theory on Yvette stronger
Thanks for the good comments guDs!
Nice one Scooby!
Yeah.. Yvette not to be trusted..
Buuuut maybe Vaughn is the really untrustworthy one and we're just being lead to suspect Yvette? o_O
Well.. Were probably gonna get more ingo in future but for now they both seem suspicious..
Sorry for this info
Man.. I am totally not-trusting anyone aside from myself (Rhys and Fiona).. well.. Except for Loaderbot
he is dead now so.. its you and the other you
He's only shut down, we can get the universal remote and reactivate him.
But after this you can tell Vasquez that Handsome Jack is the one who helped you, and he says something like, 'yes, he was an inspiration to so many.'
If he knew that HJ was lurking in your head, im sure his response would reflect that.
I agree so much, with the possible exception of Sasha. She may be rash, but i trust her. And Loaderbot!
Holy crap I made the EXACT same choices as you for Ep.1!
you cant see your shadow when your in darkness but its still there, so maybe hes saying youre blind to it but youre friends selling your out
you two are brothers from another mothers
Yes, Sasha is an exeption, loader bot is amazing tho
Also from the picture that dojo posted it says ,,friendships will be tested if you want to rise to the top''
Maybe Vaughn is just scared if Rhys becomes the boss, that he wont be anything special...
Maybe, thats true about Vaughn, but in my playthroughs i always make sure to reasure both him and Yvette that we are all in this together, one moves up and we all do. And i thank them, and tell Yvette to look out for herself...
So, if they really do betray me, No Mercy. I had their backs.
She can't be trusted.
I trust Yvette ._.
I don't know if this matters, but the Yvette themed head in borderlands the pre-sequel is called "Yvette's Regret".
Plot twist! Yvette is Vallory!! And Vaughn works for her by the look of his trained body!
Vasquez response is about as you said. That is it is vague. I chose that option because I, too, have my doubts about Yvette's loyalty and was hoping the response would provide a revelation. Although Yvette is not exonerated, my suspicions are somewhat alleviated and here is why. Vasquez thought he was in complete control of the situation and that Rhys' and Vaughn's doom was assured. So why not reveal Yvette's complicity? It would serve to further humiliate Rhys and Vaughn for having trusted her in the first place.
Yeah, I saw that too, but I think the only reason they went with it is because it rhymes (and they couldn't come up with an appropriate 'Y' word for the alliteration - like all the others).
But according to Athena's TPS skin, Vallory is a light-blue-haired white woman, so unless she's a decoy, Yvette couldn't be Vallory.
(unless you were joking and it flew over my head, in which i will feel silly.)
I was half joking half serious. I didn't know about Athena's skin, or about Vallory at all, before playing TFTB
So you can feel half silly, I'll take the other half ;^)