This scene is inspire for the jaime and cersei relationship in games of thrones years latter (just kidding I have no idea. But seriously its the most uncomfortable kiss I have seen in a film. I re watch this film recently and I notice that Mark Hamil's eyes are wide open, he doesn't close them during the kiss.)
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Let's be serious. . . spiderman would have died.
Oh I thought it said "My son knees himself in the face throwing up", that Steam group chat the other day still has me rolling lmfao.
In honour of Star wars 7: I've seen and love it but i'll post funny pictures anyway
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(Laughs) that's amazing thank you
That would be ten times better xD
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I love this video so much
oh yea and this video too
and this
John Boyega, ultimate Harrison Ford fanboy
I just think its funny how he's in all these different places always going "Harrison is my best friend."
I feel sorry for John when Harrison says "I hardly know you."
Its nice that John say that but it could just be marketing.
The top one is so true!
I just got the "What would Donald Trump say" App so I'm busy LOLing
This scene is inspire for the jaime and cersei relationship in games of thrones years latter (just kidding I have no idea. But seriously its the most uncomfortable kiss I have seen in a film. I re watch this film recently and I notice that Mark Hamil's eyes are wide open, he doesn't close them during the kiss.)
How to be the most perfect dad ever:
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I know a lot of people here may hate the Game Grumps, but this is the funniest shit I've seen all week so I'm posting it here.
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"Now Shamu..."
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That would so be me lol