Mysterious woman ?
Any ideas who's the woman shown in the preview of the future episode ? You know, the one who tears the picture of Felix and the girls in half.
I think that it may be Vallery or the woman which you can see in the photo in Felix's workshop, where they both 'look happy'. Your ideas ?
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Vallory is the woman from photo in Felix's workshop!!!
Vallory is the woman in the picture and Vallory is also the woman in the episode 3 screen so the mysterious woman is also Vallory.
Is this confirmed ?
isn't she a beauty
these are the unused name credits go to @dojo32161
she is mother of Fiona and Sasha
now it is :P
Guess so xD
And a longer length pic to show off that epic ensemble:
I just want a showdown between her and Moxxi - two badass Pandoran matriarchs who get exactly what they want, and run circles around the men.
I wonder who would win
Can't wait to see her finally, the unused lines in Zer0 Sum made her seem she may of shown up earlier.
What lines?
I thought Moxxi was younger, later learned she's Scooters mom.
It is VERY POSSIBLE we'll meet Mad Moxxi. Her voice actor is working with Telltale (credits), she talked to Zer0 in the first episode. Did she send him? Vault Hunter was looking for Gortys Project - that means... Moxxi KNOWS what GP is.
More guessing. Tector Hodunk is a bouncer at Purple Skag. Working for August and... Vallory. Correct me if I'm wrong, Moxxi and Hodunks aren't friends? Our protagonists may get involved in some clan wars.
what is this a leak or just an edit? i dont come to the forum for a day and this is happening :¬¬¬¬¬¬
well, she talked to zer0 in episode 1.. maybe that's it. i dont think they'll have her actually appear on tales, i dont see where she fits in rhys and fiona 's story! moxxi wont shoot them, she hires vault hunters to do the dirty job for her, she's the type of character to give orders then rewards you, not actually kill or hunt people herself! so unless you're doing something for her i dont see how can she be any of use in future TFTBL episodes
i hope we see her tho, she cracks me up with her all over the place innuendos
Well technically Moxxi is a Hodunk (along with Scooter and Ellie), but no they're definitely not friends - and you're totally right, if Tector is working for August/Mallory I could definitely see them going up against Moxxi - even her finding out that two of Mallory's goons beat up her son is enough to start (another) full-blown clan/mob war.
I'll have to see Mallory in action before I can judge - but Moxxi basically has an army of Vault Hunters working for her!
the lines that no one know about.
And Vault Hunters are an unstoppable force, a force to be reckoned with
However, Hunters aren't assigned to Moxxi only - if Vallory would suggest a better deal, some Hunters would definitely fight for her.
Just from what I have from tumblr, I only have one line from August, but there are a few where Fiona mentions Vallory.