Favorite facial/body expressions in TFTB
Ok I saw one of these in TWAU so. I was surprised not to see one for TFTB Let's get started ENJOY:
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Ok I saw one of these in TWAU so. I was surprised not to see one for TFTB Let's get started ENJOY:
Body expression, eh?
I love their expressions here. One of the rare moments Rhys manages to actually look cool, and Jack sure looks impressed.
) Reluctant partnership but epic teamwork inbound!
Most of Rhys'.
Oh and when Scooter meets Sasha.
Crossed eyed Rhys.
This dork in this scene. (and pretty much every face HJack makes)
Best I could find:
I just adore how genuinely touched he looks. it's very sweet. x3
Same! Though I'm curious to see his response to the "we're not friends" option, I can't bring myself to go through with it knowing his adorkable reaction to telling him you're friends.
I absolutely adore the whole 'angel and devil on your shoulder' vibe this has:
Dat Chesire Cat grin:
Nothing special if I recall it right. Fiona says we're not friends but they're with us and they just walk into the van, I think. Maybe mutters something passive-agressive as he go there, but nothing noteworthy (otherwise... I wouldn't forget that xD).
Can you remind me where exactly Rhys manages to impress Jack?
That part was either just before or after they mess with Vasquez's shiny new gun/car.
What a badass.
I'm not good with gifs so bear with me...
My favorite is Handsome Jack slowly leaning uncomfortably close to Vasques's face still trying to figure out who he is.
Right before, "Whoa! Wallethead!"
Rhys' eyebrows are so dang expressive and I always notice how beautiful Fiona's eyes are.
Funny, but sometimes, after playing TFTB or any other Telltale game I find myself making weird facial expressions like if my face was animated by Telltale.
Just do what I do and steal them off far more talented/less lazy people than myself (I kid, thank you @Deadpoolian)!
Also, my stomach drops every time I get to this part of the ending. Just the way he looks at Sasha... :shudders:
omfg i love that part XD
Is... that a good shudder or a bad shudder? Because I have all the creepy shudders going all over me XD
lol ignore this plz. double wrong post
Aw, thank you! Glad people are having fun using my gifs.
Me too bro, it's so bro.
Tell me that this one isn't be best
I couldn't agree more
Definitely a bad shudder:
Shade is an insan...I mean interesting character. He gets me every time with his jumpscare.
Tales overall has some of the best animations from Telltale yet
I can never forget that one "hyperion face" Rhys has in the first episode. That dead fish look? Anyone picked that?
Maybe it is just because I'm tired but more I look at the Moxxi poster and more I would like a scene with Fiona where she must impersonate Moxxi.