Am I playing these character correctly ?

Fiona I play her as a con woman who looks out for herself, and thinks of most people (except her sister and Felix) as nothing but acquaintance. She still looks to Felix as a father and because of that warned him about the bomb. She speaks her mind plainly and direct to her captures when she sees that there is no way out, as evident by telling August his relationship with Sasha was a scam. She also direct and honest to her sister as evident by her not opening the box that Felix left for her. However, she will manipulate the situation if she can but will not do so if it means selling out.

Rhys I play him as a con man who is very cynical and distant to people. Always making sarcastic remarks and shows more honesty towards Vaughn than the other 3 main protagonist. Since Vaugh deal with Vasquez my Rhys did not fist bump him and told him we'll talk about it later.He also question Vasquez on whether Yvette sold him out. He tends to avoid awkward questions directed at him by dodging the questions.

My choices:
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  • There is no correct way to play The characters. That's what's so awesome about Telltalegames. It's up to you to decide how you wanna play them :)

  • As James said, there are no correct choic-

    Wait a sec...

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    How could you? ;_;

  • I play Fiona as a hardenend selfish con woman out who only has a soft heart for thoose close to her... and currently has Vaughn and Rhys growing on her. She won't how much respect to her captures such as Assquez or August, but warned Felix as he still held a place in her heart.

    Rhys is a ..... "child" in my book, He tries to have a good heart and will try and act like a badass most of the time, only for him to puss out, or it to backfire, but his heart is in the right place.

  • In the words of Loader Bot...

    "You suck."

    Pipas posted: »

    As James said, there are no correct choic- Wait a sec... How could you? ;_;

  • edited March 2015

    YOUR way is the correct way. However you want to play the characters is the right way for you as is the case with everyone else. Just because you're on the minority of a choice, doesn't mean you're picking the wrong choices or playing wrong. (Also you look like your choices are in the majority anyway and keep in mind that some choices are multiple choices, ex. choosing to shoot Finch with the fire, shock, or corrosive gun upgrade.)

  • So i'm not playing them right ?

    In the words of Loader Bot... "You suck."

  • Oh no worries, we're just joking. :) The right way is how you want to play them.

    So i'm not playing them right ?

  • There's a reason every Telltale story game begins with "the game is tailored by how you play". Meaning there is no wrong or right way to play. I was in a minority for a LOT of my choices, but I still feel it was the right way to go about stuff. It will be different for everyone, so do not worry about being "wrong". :D

  • There is no correct way to play.

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