A question for video editors!

Do you plan on make TFTB tribute videos once the season is done?
I think I will, and I might do some GoT ones aswell.


  • edited March 2015

    I'd like to, but it depends if I have time. But if I did, I'd use this song because it just somehow reminds me of Tales from the Borderlands:

    I know I'll wither, so peel away the bark, because nothing grows when it is dark. In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear.

    It's just a nice feel good song. If anybody thinks they can make something fancy out of it when the season is fin, go right ahead...and if you think the guy in the video looks like Robbin Williams you're not the first to have said that ;_;

  • Okay... you now have me hooked on this song! Damnit, Can't get it out my head! X3

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'd like to, but it depends if I have time. But if I did, I'd use this song because it just somehow reminds me of Tales from the Borderlands

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