Real life VAULT KEY!
So I made a thing... (More pictures at Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays
It has 2 LEDs in it. One that is a solid tape and another one is a wire that has the flowing lights.
Soonish I'm posting a video of the blinking/flashing lights of the vault key in the dark on my cosplay page.... [Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays
If anyone is interested...
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I say you let me help you find the vault, and we split the contents 50-50. What do ya say?
I AM getting in that vault one way or another.
You should consider wearing it on your head while you scare the shit out of people at night. XD
Channeling your inner Felix eh?
But can this one actually be touched?
(Awesome work, btw!)
Damn. Now all you have to do is charge it. Know any Sirens?
Careful. Wet paint!
now you just need to find someone to con them out of their money 
Took me 2 weeks to make
it is AMAZING, you are so wonderful... natural talent :P
Wet Paint.'s fake.
Wow that looks amazing, great job!
I'll pay you 10 million for that.
Don't drop it! It could break...
Probably selling it to some Hyperion stooge, right?
Holy shit! It's real! Let's meet at a fucked up museum so I can give you ten million dollars for it!
Don't let Rhys touch it.
That ketchup guy?
Kudos, just promise me...your will split the money 50/50