Nearly all the Vault Hunters alive, and playable. Except Wilhelm. He's pretty dry for a character. And Roland as well. Also have them have slight personality changes: Nisha is more polite and less of a jerk (but still very sadistic), Mordy is not such a drunk, etc.
BL1 weapons back, at least.
Have enemies drop the gear that they're using, plus ammo and health every time.
Reduced Oz consumption, bigger capacity in Oz kits.
All legendaries and uniques from the three previous games back!
Loyalty rewards for save files.
Make revolvers OP again.
More enemy variety in Scavs.
You can pick a manufacturer to sponsor you, except Hyperion.
Unique dialogue for all Vault Hunters!
Visit all the places from the previous games, and their DLCs.
More benefits for solo players/Aspyr users.
References to not only pop culture, but the previous games. Like, A LOT MORE.
Return of the Grinder!
Return of NPCs we LIKE!
If possible, we can revisit the previous Vaults...
Better AI, like enemies in BL1.
Longer FFYL time, and the ability to throw grenades in it.
Better scaling for all modes.
You don't need a DLC for UVHM.
Bigger chance of finding greens than whites.
Fast Travel stations, EVERYWHERE!
You can buy parts for your weapon from the Ammo Dump.
Character development!
More skins and heads!
Improved level design, especially for the Veins of Helios.
All manufacturers make all weapon types.
Cryo on Pandora!
Slag on Elpis!
A graveyard for the dead, as seen in Tiny Tina's DLC, that can be visited.
* The TFTB protagonists as the newest members.
* Nearly all the Vault Hunters alive, and playable. Exce… morept Wilhelm. He's pretty dry for a character. And Roland as well. Also have them have slight personality changes: Nisha is more polite and less of a jerk (but still very sadistic), Mordy is not such a drunk, etc.
* BL1 weapons back, at least.
* Have enemies drop the gear that they're using, plus ammo and health every time.
* Reduced Oz consumption, bigger capacity in Oz kits.
* All legendaries and uniques from the three previous games back!
* Loyalty rewards for save files.
* Make revolvers OP again.
* More enemy variety in Scavs.
* You can pick a manufacturer to sponsor you, except Hyperion.
* Unique dialogue for all Vault Hunters!
* Visit all the places from the previous games, and their DLCs.
* More benefits for solo players/Aspyr users.
* References to not only pop culture, but the previou… [view original content]
Loot midgets? I don't usually freak out of horror movies or games but loot midgets always scare the shit out of me when they jump out. Every single time x) Your list is very good I'd love to see character development in BL3, and I'm hoping for an interesting new story too.
* The TFTB protagonists as the newest members.
* Nearly all the Vault Hunters alive, and playable. Exce… morept Wilhelm. He's pretty dry for a character. And Roland as well. Also have them have slight personality changes: Nisha is more polite and less of a jerk (but still very sadistic), Mordy is not such a drunk, etc.
* BL1 weapons back, at least.
* Have enemies drop the gear that they're using, plus ammo and health every time.
* Reduced Oz consumption, bigger capacity in Oz kits.
* All legendaries and uniques from the three previous games back!
* Loyalty rewards for save files.
* Make revolvers OP again.
* More enemy variety in Scavs.
* You can pick a manufacturer to sponsor you, except Hyperion.
* Unique dialogue for all Vault Hunters!
* Visit all the places from the previous games, and their DLCs.
* More benefits for solo players/Aspyr users.
* References to not only pop culture, but the previou… [view original content]
Here are some things I'd like to see.
* Open world-Skyrim style: Everything OUTDOORS needs to be connected, no need for different zone… mores. Of course, I can understand the need for loading screens in internal areas, or cities.
* Flying vehicles: Stingrays in TPS were close, but not indefinite flight. C'mon give us a buzzard already!
* Stealth elements: Seriously, enemies just know you are there when you close, even if you are out of sight the whole time via cover. Maybe introduce silenced weapons that can be used to take out one enemy and not alert the others. Zer0 was sort of there, but even then the game was still "blast the horde to bits."
* Crossbows/grappling hooks: Back to stealth again, these could be great silent killers, or silent ways of zipping around. Plus, an arrow bolt to the head is sure to hurt .
That's all for now.
* The TFTB protagonists as the newest members.
* Nearly all the Vault Hunters alive, and playable. Exce… morept Wilhelm. He's pretty dry for a character. And Roland as well. Also have them have slight personality changes: Nisha is more polite and less of a jerk (but still very sadistic), Mordy is not such a drunk, etc.
* BL1 weapons back, at least.
* Have enemies drop the gear that they're using, plus ammo and health every time.
* Reduced Oz consumption, bigger capacity in Oz kits.
* All legendaries and uniques from the three previous games back!
* Loyalty rewards for save files.
* Make revolvers OP again.
* More enemy variety in Scavs.
* You can pick a manufacturer to sponsor you, except Hyperion.
* Unique dialogue for all Vault Hunters!
* Visit all the places from the previous games, and their DLCs.
* More benefits for solo players/Aspyr users.
* References to not only pop culture, but the previou… [view original content]
What?! Have you played Borderlands 1? The AI is an absolute tragedy. Enemies don't shoot you even if they stand right in front of you, move randomly left and right, shoot the walls etc. BL2's AI is much better.
* The TFTB protagonists as the newest members.
* Nearly all the Vault Hunters alive, and playable. Exce… morept Wilhelm. He's pretty dry for a character. And Roland as well. Also have them have slight personality changes: Nisha is more polite and less of a jerk (but still very sadistic), Mordy is not such a drunk, etc.
* BL1 weapons back, at least.
* Have enemies drop the gear that they're using, plus ammo and health every time.
* Reduced Oz consumption, bigger capacity in Oz kits.
* All legendaries and uniques from the three previous games back!
* Loyalty rewards for save files.
* Make revolvers OP again.
* More enemy variety in Scavs.
* You can pick a manufacturer to sponsor you, except Hyperion.
* Unique dialogue for all Vault Hunters!
* Visit all the places from the previous games, and their DLCs.
* More benefits for solo players/Aspyr users.
* References to not only pop culture, but the previou… [view original content]
I just wished since with the different classes to choose from we'd get different reactions from the NPCs
Like in Diablo, certain NPCs will have new dialogs to certain class.
If they can make a whole different experience in the solo fame for each class.
Not sure if it'll work well in coop, I think it was ok with Diablo coop too. But if youtubers have their volumes up, different players can hear different dialogs at once.
Being treated the same even if ur a bad ass ninja or sniper is just bit dull. At least they generalise as vault hunters.
Also not sure if its possible in old games can we win with melee & skills only?
If not would like some beefing up with the melee skills.
Yes! I hope we get more of personality in each VH when we play, BL2 was lacking with NPC interaction regarding feedback, which TPS did improve on which i loved. I hope gearbox keep improving even more on that aspect.
I just wished since with the different classes to choose from we'd get different reactions from the NPCs
Like in Diablo, certain NPCs will … morehave new dialogs to certain class.
If they can make a whole different experience in the solo fame for each class.
Not sure if it'll work well in coop, I think it was ok with Diablo coop too. But if youtubers have their volumes up, different players can hear different dialogs at once.
Being treated the same even if ur a bad ass ninja or sniper is just bit dull. At least they generalise as vault hunters.
Also not sure if its possible in old games can we win with melee & skills only?
If not would like some beefing up with the melee skills.
Why? Because in TPS, she was a massive jerk, but in BL2, she's all "Oh, you're new in town? OK! Stay and feel free to slaughter the whole town or rob the bank with explosions, because it's pretty boring in Lynchwood."
I want to see Rhys sliding in like a badass, pulling out an assault rifle and blasting away while Loader Bot blows up an entire bandit village. In the intro.
Oh, and if we could have Rhys punching through walls, that would be amazing.
Loot midgets? I don't usually freak out of horror movies or games but loot midgets always scare the shit out of me when they jump out. Every… more single time x) Your list is very good I'd love to see character development in BL3, and I'm hoping for an interesting new story too.
I want to see Rhys sliding in like a badass, pulling out an assault rifle and blasting away while Loader Bot blows up an entire bandit villa… morege. In the intro.
Oh, and if we could have Rhys punching through walls, that would be amazing.
Now I wonder what Fiona's action skill would be?
I want to see Rhys sliding in like a badass, pulling out an assault rifle and blasting away while Loader Bot blows up an entire bandit villa… morege. In the intro.
Oh, and if we could have Rhys punching through walls, that would be amazing.
Now I wonder what Fiona's action skill would be?
mee too, nisha, wilhelm, roland, angel, jack and many others are dead. but its a huge universe, and i know we'll have some new characters that we'll love even more plus we can count on gearbox to mention those in future games of BL, so we wont totally forget about them
I want to see Rhys sliding in like a badass, pulling out an assault rifle and blasting away while Loader Bot blows up an entire bandit villa… morege. In the intro.
Oh, and if we could have Rhys punching through walls, that would be amazing.
Now I wonder what Fiona's action skill would be?
I also want Nisha back.
Why? Because in TPS, she was a massive jerk, but in BL2, she's all "Oh, you're new in town? OK! Stay and feel free to slaughter the whole town or rob the bank with explosions, because it's pretty boring in Lynchwood."
MY WISH! even as a DLC characters just like how kreig and gaige and TPS timothy and auriela.... i hope we get them somehow, or maybe as an unlockable characters if you have the season pass of TFTBL, which i doubt, because we have to pay for them xD, even so, i would in a hearbeat if i get to be a VH as fiona or rhys.
yeah, nisha is awesome, plus she's handsome jack girlfriend so you can see that they belong to eachother xD, i dont think we'll have nisha back we killed her in BL2, and in TPS we got to play as her. so maybe they will surely mention her in later instalments of the franchise, but i dont think she'll be there physically
I also want Nisha back.
Why? Because in TPS, she was a massive jerk, but in BL2, she's all "Oh, you're new in town? OK! Stay and feel free to slaughter the whole town or rob the bank with explosions, because it's pretty boring in Lynchwood."
i can see rhys skill tree, including
fiona is a bit tricky... maybe future episodes will give us more of what fiona can do
yeah, im glad they added that, but there must be 3 skill trees, NO WAY you can make them all about pistols... i hope in future episodes they can show us more of fiona as a vault hunter. maybe add some new things? just how Rhys now has an advanced echo eye, which can be as hacking and maybe crowd control? just like what Maya do in BL2. add loader bot and the stun baton and many thinks will come, as far as fiona she ONLY has a pistol, which yes it can make so much damage but its not enough if you want to play her as a vault hunter. i really like fiona and i wish they can add more stuff for her, she has so much potential, Rhys as far as now in EP2 is far more advanced than fiona is, maybe next episode will be hers? i hope so
That was a fun/sad sidequest for me. I mean, the gun battle was fun, but to watch the character I spent playing TPS with for 2 playthroughs die was...upsetting.
yeah, nisha is awesome, plus she's handsome jack girlfriend so you can see that they belong to eachother xD, i dont think we'll have nisha b… moreack we killed her in BL2, and in TPS we got to play as her. so maybe they will surely mention her in later instalments of the franchise, but i dont think she'll be there physically
I think the main thing I want Gearbox to do is really stretch the universe of Borderlands.
People say its all about Pandora, but Pre Sequel went beyond that with Elpis, amirite? So I think that Borderlands 3 should start on an entirely different planet, then from there we go on to some missions on Elpis, and find our way to Pandora by the middle of the game. Therefore, we can easily fast travel to one of said places by the middle of the game (note, I wish for Borderlands 3 to be much longer than 2 or Pre Sequel).
Otherwise, I trust Gearbox. Borderlands 2 and Pre Sequel are some of the best games I've ever played tbh, so I know they are more than capable of making a great game. I just want them to go above and beyond with it (looking at it from the fact it may be the last Borderlands).
And people who don't like it don't have to use it. But I will be glad to have an opportunity. We could easily have something like that in, say, Zer0's skill tree without hurting others characters gameplay and hurting people who like to rush as Zer0, because we have 3 different brances of skills. But it's iritating when yo're trying to be all sneaky-beaky shooting one person from a sniper riffle and all the bandits from this side of Panora just rush on you suddenly knowing where you are even when you're on the other side of the map. xD It's so stupid. Especially in solo.
Personally i hate stealth, especially in a shooter looter game, it doesnt make sense to have bazillion weapons and then be stealthy.. but if… more many people want this then i dont mind that being a mission or something but not in the main campaign because STEALTH is my most hated thing to do in a game xD
It would ruin the game. How do you make a game stealth where almost every 10 seconds you have to fight enemies. No stealth pls then you would have a chance to not fight enemies and fighting enemies gets you sick loot and XP. I don't want a chance to avoid battle because then I would be tempted to do so
YES! THAT WOULD BE A DREAM FOR A BORDERLANDS FAN! good job, sir. i totally forgot half of those.
Loot midgets? I don't usually freak out of horror movies or games but loot midgets always scare the shit out of me when they jump out. Every single time x) Your list is very good I'd love to see character development in BL3, and I'm hoping for an interesting new story too.
anyone else want fiona and rhys as NPC's? that would be awesome
Yes! Also, TFTB should set up events for Borderlands 3!
TFTB is setting up events for BL3 if you didn't know
Fiona and Rhys as NPCs? I'm all for that
I mean not like in skyrim or so. But just so I can sit in the distance and snipe a bit before everyone comes to molest me |D
I already ship GLaDtrap
(Waits for opportunity to pre-order)
I want more character customization like in the sims, not just recolors as they are now.
did you play Tiny Tina's DLC ?! THAT WILL MAKE YOU CRYYYYYY
i want that.
Better AI, like enemies in BL1
What?! Have you played Borderlands 1? The AI is an absolute tragedy. Enemies don't shoot you even if they stand right in front of you, move randomly left and right, shoot the walls etc. BL2's AI is much better.
I just wished since with the different classes to choose from we'd get different reactions from the NPCs
Like in Diablo, certain NPCs will have new dialogs to certain class.
If they can make a whole different experience in the solo fame for each class.
Not sure if it'll work well in coop, I think it was ok with Diablo coop too. But if youtubers have their volumes up, different players can hear different dialogs at once.
Being treated the same even if ur a bad ass ninja or sniper is just bit dull. At least they generalise as vault hunters.
Also not sure if its possible in old games can we win with melee & skills only?
If not would like some beefing up with the melee skills.
Yes! I hope we get more of personality in each VH when we play, BL2 was lacking with NPC interaction regarding feedback, which TPS did improve on which i loved. I hope gearbox keep improving even more on that aspect.
I also want Nisha back.
Why? Because in TPS, she was a massive jerk, but in BL2, she's all "Oh, you're new in town? OK! Stay and feel free to slaughter the whole town or rob the bank with explosions, because it's pretty boring in Lynchwood."
The reason why I don't want him back was because doing so would derail the plot something fierce.
I want to see Rhys sliding in like a badass, pulling out an assault rifle and blasting away while Loader Bot blows up an entire bandit village. In the intro.
Oh, and if we could have Rhys punching through walls, that would be amazing.
Now I wonder what Fiona's action skill would be?
That'd be so awesome
mee too, nisha, wilhelm, roland, angel, jack and many others are dead. but its a huge universe, and i know we'll have some new characters that we'll love even more
plus we can count on gearbox to mention those in future games of BL, so we wont totally forget about them 
Don't forget Rhys' special ability, it activates his stun baton and flings enemies in close range.
She kinda died though
MY WISH! even as a DLC characters just like how kreig and gaige and TPS timothy and auriela.... i hope we get them somehow, or maybe as an unlockable characters if you have the season pass of TFTBL, which i doubt, because we have to pay for them xD, even so, i would in a hearbeat if i get to be a VH as fiona or rhys.
yeah, nisha is awesome, plus she's handsome jack girlfriend so you can see that they belong to eachother xD, i dont think we'll have nisha back
we killed her in BL2, and in TPS we got to play as her. so maybe they will surely mention her in later instalments of the franchise, but i dont think she'll be there physically 
i can see rhys skill tree, including
fiona is a bit tricky... maybe future episodes will give us more of what fiona can do
Her pistol does mega damage, you can upgrade for elemental effects.
yeah, im glad they added that, but there must be 3 skill trees, NO WAY you can make them all about pistols... i hope in future episodes they can show us more of fiona as a vault hunter. maybe add some new things? just how Rhys now has an advanced echo eye, which can be as hacking and maybe crowd control? just like what Maya do in BL2. add loader bot and the stun baton and many thinks will come, as far as fiona she ONLY has a pistol, which yes it can make so much damage but its not enough if you want to play her as a vault hunter. i really like fiona and i wish they can add more stuff for her, she has so much potential, Rhys as far as now in EP2 is far more advanced than fiona is, maybe next episode will be hers? i hope so
That was a fun/sad sidequest for me. I mean, the gun battle was fun, but to watch the character I spent playing TPS with for 2 playthroughs die was...upsetting.
Hopefully Jack did an AI.
"Even if we both die, we can still have terrifyingly kinky sex!"
I want him to punch through walls or have an arm cannon or something.
I thought that, since she's a con artist, maybe a decoy skill would help? Like Zero's Deception and Timothy's Digi Jacks combined.
So that's like for every structure found on the open map
Create your own Vault Hunter?
I think the main thing I want Gearbox to do is really stretch the universe of Borderlands.
People say its all about Pandora, but Pre Sequel went beyond that with Elpis, amirite? So I think that Borderlands 3 should start on an entirely different planet, then from there we go on to some missions on Elpis, and find our way to Pandora by the middle of the game. Therefore, we can easily fast travel to one of said places by the middle of the game (note, I wish for Borderlands 3 to be much longer than 2 or Pre Sequel).
Otherwise, I trust Gearbox. Borderlands 2 and Pre Sequel are some of the best games I've ever played tbh, so I know they are more than capable of making a great game. I just want them to go above and beyond with it (looking at it from the fact it may be the last Borderlands).
Well, almost. If we had him punching through electric fences, then we would have a problem.
I like sneaky-beaky more.
And people who don't like it don't have to use it. But I will be glad to have an opportunity. We could easily have something like that in, say, Zer0's skill tree without hurting others characters gameplay and hurting people who like to rush as Zer0, because we have 3 different brances of skills. But it's iritating when yo're trying to be all sneaky-beaky shooting one person from a sniper riffle and all the bandits from this side of Panora just rush on you suddenly knowing where you are even when you're on the other side of the map. xD It's so stupid. Especially in solo.
It would ruin the game. How do you make a game stealth where almost every 10 seconds you have to fight enemies. No stealth pls then you would have a chance to not fight enemies and fighting enemies gets you sick loot and XP. I don't want a chance to avoid battle because then I would be tempted to do so