Do You Prefer Borderlands 1 or 2?

Hey fellow Borderlands fans I would like to hear your opinions of which you prefer/like more. I'm asking since I'm new to this franchise and I'm interested in playing the series. So story, character and game-play wise which of the two is your favorite and why? (Definitely plan to get the Pre-Sequel at some point). Thank you!

Edit: Accidently posted in comments lol. Sorry for not answering sooner, lifes been getting in the way. Thank you all for the feedback I do appreciate it. I got GOTY Borderlands 2 and I am def hooked. So far I'm playing Zer0 solo, level 9 and helping Roland out. I'm gonna go for melee/any gun based though I'm enjoying the sniper rifle I got from Hammerlock, will play Krieg next around. Gonna get the Pre-Sequel at some point. Thanks again! :)


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Currently I've only played 2. I'm planning on getting the Pre-Sequel during the summer sale.

  • I prefer borderlands 2. It has a better gameplay and the story is far better than the first one.
    But to get the whole story you should play both games, you will not regret it!
    both games are hilarious and make a lot of fun :)
    (sorry for my bad english)

  • You forgot The pre-sequel. :) I like it better because it's funner and shorter (which is good because when you're doing most of the side-missions it takes a lot of time,like wow just so much). I also liked the beginning better, it's way more badass and all that.
    It was also nice to play as a hero of some sort, I didn't really enjoy hunting Jack down that much and for the most part he was creeping me out more than anything else. The main storyline in BL2 was a little too heavy for me. I mean I adore the game but I needed some time after the ending to recover, kinda. It's like half-life 1 and 2. The second game is more powerful but I like the beginning of the story better for some reason.

    Can't really say about the characters, I only have 1 in tps and 1 in BL2 which I enjoy playing, but somehow BL2 was a little better in that matter imo.

    But yeah, haven't played BL1 at all so can't really say anything about it.

  • edited April 2015

    I've played 1, 2 and tps, but I like Borderlands 1 the most, I played it when it first came out and it introduced me to this series I love. I loved the feeling, the setting, the atmosphere, the look, I thought everything was amazing lol.
    And the song that sold me on it

  • Played both 1 and 2. I would say Borderlands 2 would be the one to play if you had to play one and only one. They're both the same in regards to game play and the story is WAY more fleshed out in 2 than 1. In Borderlands 1 you got the opening and ending cinematic along with audio log diaries to tell the story. The same is in 2, but with a lot more characters and in-game story scenes. A suggestion if I may: play this with friends/online if you can, it will be a lotta fun, but it is doable single player.

  • Borderlands 2 was definitely my favorite. I have good memories of playing the first game, but the writing stepped up to a whole new level in the sequel. Add in Handsome Jack who quickly became one of my all time favorite villains and it's just no contest. The Vault Hunters in 2 don't say very much (there's a lot more group dialogue in the pre-sequel) so as far as favorite characters go, I just like Maya's Siren gameplay the most. It really just boils down to how you'd like to play: sniper rifles, turret based, crowd control or guns, guns and more guns.

    It's worth playing them all if you really want a feel for the world, but Borderlands 2 is a solid place to start. Most of the DLC is also pretty content heavy and worth picking up. I dunno if you play on PC or console, but Steam frequently puts the games on sale in a bundle for cheap!

  • yea, tps was neat (I just love jack, blame me!).
    In b1 you just dont learn so much about the characters(thats how i remind it) but in the second game they get a deeper personality and you learn to love them.
    The characters of the second game are awesome too. You can find echos and learn about their backround and its realy interesting!
    Sometimes they even talk with the characters from the first game.
    In TPS you play characters wich appeared in former games, therefore I think they are the most interesting ones.

    Story: 1. TPS and Borderlands 2, I just cant decide :/ 2. Borderlands
    Gameplay: 1. TPS 2. Borderlands 2 3. Borderlands
    Characters: 1. TPS 2. Borderlands 1/2

    But its just my opinion :)
    (again, sorry for my english)

    DeityD posted: »

    You forgot The pre-sequel. I like it better because it's funner and shorter (which is good because when you're doing most of the side-missi

  • Both are awesome but 2 is my favorite

  • Between BL1 and BL2, I prefer BL2. The writing is stronger, and the gameplay just feels less clunky overall to me - thought that might be because the menus are improved from what it was in BL1.

    If you're going to include TPS in the mix then I guess that one. Admittedly, it's probably because I like the low gravity, and laser guns mostly.

  • Definitely 2. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the first one.

  • edited April 2015

    Gonna be honest, I enjoyed Borderlands 2 a lot more than its predecessor. Nothing against BL1. It was a fun game, don't get me wrong. I loved the characters and such. But god, when I first picked up BL2, it was like a breath of fresh air. Beautifully improved UI, the (millions of) guns were suddenly much more exciting and fun to look at/collect, (not a fan of the gun cards in BL1), the writing was funnier, and best of all, the skill trees for each class were more rewarding. I actually felt powerful once I had reached the end of a tree. It was such a great improvement, in my opinion.

  • Borderlands 2 (only because I never played the original, but I've heard it gets dead boring at times).

  • I love the first game. Maybe because I played the entire thing through with a friend and had the time of my life. The second one however, I played on my own.

    I mean the second one had a lot more story compared to the first one and I sort of understood what was going on a little more. But overall I still prefer the first one.

  • Edit: Sorry for not answering sooner, lifes been getting in the way. Thank you all for the feedback I do appreciate it. I got GOTY Borderlands 2 and I am def hooked. So far I'm playing Zer0 solo, level 9 and helping Roland out. I'm gonna go for melee/any gun based though I'm enjoying the sniper rifle I got from Hammerlock, will play Krieg next around. Thanks again! :)

  • Pre-Sequel.

  • I preferred BL2. Smoother mechanics, funnier writing, better dialogue/voice acting, slightly more story driven than th first.

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