Interesting things in the Cosplay Guide

So recently Telltale released a cosplay guide that had some interesting information about the main characters.

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I wonder what Rhys' other tattoo is for then. It's also revealed Fiona's favorite color is red (no surprise, really). Credit to tumblr user sueslayer for the pics.

Also there are the following Bios:

Rhys got his cyberware to help him get ahead in the data-mining department. It was paid for by his quarterly bonus, which he received for arranging a lucrative (though controversial) Eridium mining deal.

Guess that explains how and why he has a robot arm and Echo eye, and Vaughn's brief mention of a mining deal at the beginning of the game.

Rhys' oldest friend and closest confidante, Vaughn likes to think of himself as the "brains" to Rhys' "looks." Smart, crafty, and ambitious, he loves the thrill of bending the rules & manipulating the system to get ahead.

Unfortunately for Vaughn, there are no "rules" on Pandora - He'll have to learn a whole new playbook if he wants to survive down there.

Interesting that's how Vaughn thinks of Rhys.

Sasha is Fiona’s sister and partner-in-crime. Although she can sometimes be flaky and quick to anger, she is loyal and determined to a fault. Sasha used to have a pirate radio station, “Radio Hollow Point,” which played anti-Hyperion propaganda and music by local Pandoran bands.

This kinda makes her hostility towards Rhys more understandable, since she played anti-Hyperion propaganda. Also explains her alias (revealed if you scan her in episode 2) as "DJ Rakk Attack". Her jacket back design also somewhat looks like Helios.


  • Unfortunately for Vaughn, there are no "rules" on Pandora - He'll have to learn a whole new playbook if he wants to survive down there.

    So your tellin me Vaugh was most likely going to turn on Rhys? I forgave him tho....

  • Oh I can see it now, especially after reading how he sees Rhys.

    Unfortunately for Vaughn, there are no "rules" on Pandora - He'll have to learn a whole new playbook if he wants to survive down there. So your tellin me Vaugh was most likely going to turn on Rhys? I forgave him tho....

  • This kinda makes her hostility towards Rhys more understandable

    It was always understandable. People just liked Rhys more than her and completely ignored his flaws, which he certainly have. And they're many. The fact that he backstabed his way through Hyperion and rose to the current position by making some shady deals with eridium mines was always overlooked "somehow". Can't blame them (though it's a little irritating), he's more charismatic than Sasha, he seems harmless and naive, he was introduced first and he's a male. He won this round in ep1.

  • So that time we could scan in the caravan 'Hollow Point Radio' which said Anti-Hyperion Propaganda, was Sasha's? Another reason to love her.

    And Rhys and her are destined to be together. Rhys is in 'Securities Propaganda'.

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  • Oh no I love Sasha and I always understood her distrust of Rhys. I'm saying this more for the mass of other people who did not like her treatment of Rhys in episode 1.

    DeityD posted: »

    This kinda makes her hostility towards Rhys more understandable It was always understandable. People just liked Rhys more than her a

  • Me too, don't worry. :)

    Though I like Rhys more than any other character in this game for now, I just can't ignore the fact he's a douche and deserved far more than a couple of insults from a young and scared citizen of Pandora, what she did to him (I mean, freaking nothing) is just a joke, really.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Oh no I love Sasha and I always understood her distrust of Rhys. I'm saying this more for the mass of other people who did not like her treatment of Rhys in episode 1.

  • That's pretty much how I feel too. Rhys and Sasha are my two favorite characters, but I can see their faults too. Granted, I'm playing Rhys progressively less of a douche as he spends more and more time on Pandora.

    DeityD posted: »

    Me too, don't worry. Though I like Rhys more than any other character in this game for now, I just can't ignore the fact he's a douche a

  • So, Rhys got his tech trying to get ahead then

  • Not a single comment about Vaughn's abs? I am disappointed.

  • edited April 2015

    So does that mean Rhys voluntarily removed an arm and eye just for the chance to get ahead? Wow. That's surprisingly cutthroat. Suddenly the alternate dialogue line of his to Sasha about having wasted practically his whole life if he doesn't climb the ladder makes a lot more sense. He's banking completely on Hyperion paying off in the long run.

    Sure Rhys can be a bit of an ass, but it looks like he has a power hungry streak as well outside of natural ambition. He might be more like pre-sequel Jack than I thought.

  • edited April 2015

    So does that mean Rhys voluntarily removed an arm and eye just for the chance to get ahead? Wow. That's surprisingly cutthroat.

    I though we all saw it coming? Because there's no way in the hell that idiot could lose his arm any other way on that "clean space station". There was aslo unused line in ep1 where Vasquez said something like "oh look I became a boss and didin't even have to become a robot to do so" or something like that.

    Sure Rhys can be a bit of an ass, but it looks like he has a power hungry streak as well outside of natural ambition. He's more like pre-sequel Jack than I initally thought.

    Damn right. But he's also more gullible and stupid when Jack was always rather smart and cunning.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    So does that mean Rhys voluntarily removed an arm and eye just for the chance to get ahead? Wow. That's surprisingly cutthroat. Suddenly the

  • That approach to cybernetics is fairly common in the lore. Gaige (BL2 engineer) cuts off her arm with a particle saw and replaces it with a cybernetic one just to make it easier to summon her attack robot. Wilhelm (a mercenary) ended up replacing almost all of his limbs with robotic ones as well as numerous cybernetic implants and modifications, just because he liked it, and it made up for a bone condition.

    It doesn't seem unusual that Rhys wouldn't be bothered with replacing his eye and arm to get an edge in this universe.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    So does that mean Rhys voluntarily removed an arm and eye just for the chance to get ahead? Wow. That's surprisingly cutthroat. Suddenly the

  • edited April 2015

    I guess I should have said cutthroat for him; I feel like Vault Hunters are in a league of their own, haha.

    Trentest0 posted: »

    That approach to cybernetics is fairly common in the lore. Gaige (BL2 engineer) cuts off her arm with a particle saw and replaces it with a

  • It might be common in the lore, but Gaige and especially Wilhelm are not some common folks. Wilhelm is just batshit crazy. Like you know, we all think that what happens on Pandora is somewhat normal for everyone who comes across it and forget that it's not (which is clearly shown by Timothy and our hyperion boys). I think the same goes for cybernetic implants. Yeah, people are no longer surprised but cutting a fully functional arm just to make your way in the middle ranks of Hyperion? Maybe not so much.

    Trentest0 posted: »

    That approach to cybernetics is fairly common in the lore. Gaige (BL2 engineer) cuts off her arm with a particle saw and replaces it with a

  • Oooh, I didn't know about the unused dialogue, that's really neat.

    But he's also more gullible and stupid when Jack was always rather smart and cunning.

    So, so true. He lacks the same confidence.

    DeityD posted: »

    So does that mean Rhys voluntarily removed an arm and eye just for the chance to get ahead? Wow. That's surprisingly cutthroat. I th

  • Lots of cool new information!

    Also, not sure if I'm overanalysing, but now that I've seen it in its entirety does anyone else think Rhys' Tattoo is symbolic of Pandora/a Vault?

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    The main two circles are Pandora (and its core), the gap is one of the vaults, and the small filled-in circle is Elpis?

    I can't imagine Rhys getting a traditional vault symbol tattooed on him (I don't think its connotations with bandits/psychos would go down well in the halls of Helios), but I really like the idea of him getting creative and coming up with his own spin on it - especially given his obsession with Jack - it could be a fitting tribute to his (perceived) heroics (the original vault), or even his demise (the vault of the warrior).

    Really wish we got a better look at his chest tattoos, too - maybe if they do an updated guide for Rhys and Fiona's present-day outfits?

  • They released a guide? That is really awesome!

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