The Tales of Monkey Island Intro (Video!)
The intro to Tales of Monkey Island, via TTG's Youtube! Very minor spoilers. Worth watching because it shows a lot of improvement over everything we've seen so far.
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We also see how the inventory works
The intro music sounds a little bit different from CMI and EMI, but its bloody good!
You're right.
While the ships are rocking the Cannons are rolling back and forth...
Awesome shot of the MI clouds"™" (Stormy this time) while Guybrush is "showboating"
Their faces are really expressive the brows and eyes especially..
LeChucks voice replacement is more than efficient... (I do not dig his beard though whats up with it?)
Agreed! I'm quite relieved. Of course, I suppose they could still run the voices through the compressionator prior to the final release. I sure hope not, though. Anyone from Telltale care to comment??
I disagree. The original actor was perfect for the role and very very good at what he did. I never though an actor would come as close as this one. It almost sounds like Earl. I hope they cast the original actor for upcoming voice overs.
The game looks dynamic, fluent and has some stuff reminiscing of the old MI games. I was sad to see he(Lechuck's original voice) wasnt in the 5th installment, but the second guy quickly let me get used to his work.
One thing im worried is that i get to finish this first episode as fast as San n Max 1st season episode. I wasnt impressed with the one i preordered.
....And some things never change. The "rope bag" from Episode 1 of Season One of Sam and Max is back. =p
Only complaint is the lip-sync is horribly generic looking. Other than that, it's looking mighty fine, and the body acting is getting much better!
Can always take sleeping pills. Not a healthy choice but will make time go faster.
Not bad casting if you ask me. Sounds pretty menacing and piratey. It's not Earl, but you 'can't always get what you want', and this new voice talent does a decent job of it.
What I noticed is that Guybrush and Lechuck seem to have pretty good lip sync, but Elaine's seems bad. It could be that LeChuck and Guybrush's lines are mostly "mini-cutscene" lines, whereas Elaine speaks mostly in the "in-game dialogue" style... or it could also be that the male characters keep their mouths open between words, but Elaine closes hers when she isn't speaking, which makes flaws in her lip sync more noticeable. Or maybe her comparatively quiet voice is harder for the lip-sync-engine to deal with.
Nice clip. That didn't seem to spoil too much. Can't wait to play!
I liked LeChuck's voice here more than I did in the first trailer. His laugh seems a bit forced, but it works with the campy fake end-game-sequence vibe. I'm sure when I actually play the game, it won't even faze me.
Maybe you should put a spoiler tag in the thread because I'm going spoiler crazy with my post and most people probably will start doing the same...
Spoilers ahead:
I love it! The intro music, the deep in the caribbean titles. The actions starts with Elaine captured by Lechuck in a ship and Guybrush arriving in another ship.
The atmosphere is great. There's a LOT of background animation: rain, ships moving, cannons firing, etc. It feels really alive (and zombified) and very Monkey-ish.
This small intro made laugh a lot, something which I don't make a lot with games nowadays. It's definitely not a rip-off or a second rate copy. It is Monkey Island! The way you can interact with objects and combine them seems like a real improvement from past Telltale games. And the dialogue... What can I say? Great actors, funny comments.
Guys and girls, if this shows anything that is coming in the episodes, then I'm really excited because this looks like the Monkey Island we love and new adventures at last! What else can we ask?
I wish I could go to the swamps of time and go to the future 'til July 7th now!
The sound quality was just amazing. I rewatched the video again and spent the whole time listening to the background music, or what you can make out of it. It also sounds really great from what I can tell! Most definitely Michael Land's work.
EDIT: I just compared these scenes to the versions in the trailer. The version in the trailer compared to the final in-game one is quite....not as cool. It was fun to compare the beginning look to what it is now.
(*all dogs within a five mile radius writhe in pain*)
And with that fangirl squee of approval done, I have one single complaint. I really, really, really wish it wasn't an issue, but LeChuck's's just not doing it for me. I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem quite right. But then again, I suppose anyone other than Earl Boen will seem not quite right to me.
But still, this whole thing is Made of Awesome.
Epic music when Guybrush arrives! The animation is also pretty good, especially the lipsync
Man I really can't wait!
If i might point out something odd, it would be that plain-calm sea in the middle of a storm
But really, it looks terrific.