Very nice intro indeed, i like how the areas, in this case the boat feels alive, how stuff moves and stuff, still think something better than that hopesack could have been done
Also not sure if its only the intro, but the video goes out of synch at 2:32 aprox.
Awesome, simply awesome.
The only thing I didn't like was the main theme, it's only a copy-and-paste of MI1 theme.
I hope this isn't definitive.
I also hope there will be some CMI-ish reggae music with REAL instruments in the game.
Unfortunately, I think TTG has got a low budget, so there will be a lot of synthethized instruments.
I think to say it's just a copy and paste of the MI1 theme is a little off, there are lots of differences in the arrangement and the backing. It's true that it is similar in feel to the MI1 theme, though, and I kind of like that. It makes me think we're in for some classic Monkey Island
Yeah, they used live instruments for Sam and Max and Wallace and Gromit. In fact, in another thread(in the Wallace and Gromit section) I posted screenshots of the credits for the live instruments from a Wallace and Gromit episode:
And click here for MP3 samples of the Sam and Max soundtrack, which was filled with live instruments. The soundtracks for Sam and Max were always excellent, almost every track felt iconic.
RE: The theme
I kind of like a closer arrangement to the original. I'm not even sure if that's the actual music for the scene or just something tacked onto the end of the video, but I think a lot of people want to start off in a fairly familiar way, considering how the series has been languishing in nostalgia for nearly a decade now.
And with that fangirl squee of approval done, I have one single complaint. I really, really, really wish it wasn't an issue, but LeChuck's's just not doing it for me. I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem quite right. But then again, I suppose anyone other than Earl Boen will seem not quite right to me.
I agree, the voice did sound a bit off, and I like Earl Boen better...BUT
I felt the same way the first time I played Sam & Max, but now it sounds weird to hear the original voice actors from Hit the Road! The Tell Tale voices have become Sam & Max.
The reason it will be especially hard for us MI fans to get used to the new LeChuck is because Earl Boen does the voice in the Special Edition coming out soon after Tales. So most of us fanboys/girls will be listening to both voice actors at about the same time. I'm afraid Boen might win out.
Maybe later in the season once we are finished up with the Special Edition and it's "shelved" (in our hard drives) for a while, we'll get more used to the new LeChuck.
I thought Elaine was just referring to the fact she and Guybrush always end up with their life endangered by LeChuck at one point or another of every Monkey Island adventure ^^
Yep, I agree... or a reference to the beginning of EfMI, in which
Definatley like how they've set it in a storm instead of a sunset from the comparisons of the trailers, it fits the mood perfectly and if its made to be an ending to the mythical MI 5 then it works as an ending as well
I was very pleased with LeChuck. I was skeptical at first, but when he said that classic line "And the seas will run red with the blood of my enemies" I knew that the voice actor knew what LeChuck was all about. As for the laugh, LeChuck's laughs were nothing that special in the other games anyway, not to mention he never laughed all that much as compared to some other villains.
I've been holding back on commenting. I just have to say 'WOW', you guys nailed it!! I'm sure this trailer will diminish any doubts fans have had. July 7th, I long for thee!!
Can anybody explain the whole 'dry bone wet bone' thing? i've watched it over and over but i never quite got what that was all about...
Outside of that i was blown away by how good this looks. I'm so darn excited.
By the way, did anything important or plot worthy happen in escape of monkey island that i should really know about? or can i pretend that this game is the sequel to curse of monkey island. (no disrespect to those who worked on mi4, i just never got into it)
Can anybody explain the whole 'dry bone wet bone' thing? i've watched it over and over but i never quite got what that was all about...
Outside of that i was blown away by how good this looks. I'm so darn excited.
By the way, did anything important or plot worthy happen in escape of monkey island that i should really know about? or can i pretend that this game is the sequel to curse of monkey island. (no disrespect to those who worked on mi4, i just never got into it)
I'm not sure if you need to "get" the bone joke... It just sounded silly to me, and silly is funny. Sometimes...
As for MI4... well to make the long story short, and full of spoilers, I repeat SPOILERS!!!
Guybrush and Elaine are married. LeChuck returned disguised as a politician. He teamed up with an australian, Ozzie Mandril, who wanted to take over the Caribbean and get rid of all the pirates. To succeed, he needs a powerful talisman called The Ultimate Insult. Herman Tothrot is actually Elaine's Grandfather who lost his memory but now regained it. LeChuck kills Ozzie. Guybrush makes LeChuck go BOOM using The Ultimate Insult. The end.
Really, that's the whole plot. There you go, now you can enjoy the new Monkey Island... and I actually assume that there won't be any references to MI4.
If I had to guess, it's probably because having item combination right there upfront in the inventory interface brings it to your attention. This is the first telltale game to use inventory combo puzzles, and it just might not occur to more novice adventurers that putting stuff together is possible.
Nothing worse that wandering aimlessly around a world for an hour because you didn't realise the things you needed were right there in your inventory, and this helps to introduce that concept clearly.
This is a big reason. We wanted to remind people that it was always a possibility, after five years of not including it.
i do not like le chuck's voice.other than that it seems awesome.
I didn't like him in the original clip, but now that we can hear more, his accent seems better than before and not as squeaky, I like it
I also like the way so many questions are answered (as somebody else has written) without giving away too much. I wasn't sure about how the inventory thing would work even though it was explained in writing. Looks great.
I was a little concerned at how empty things looked (Of course, this is just two ships out on the open sea), but looking at earlier comments it looked like there were some little touches that I missed on.
While I think LeChuck's voice sounds fine, his mannerisms need tweaking. I agree that the laugh is forced, and not in a good way. I'm not a person who thinks evil laughter is always cheesy, and the laughter fits more a wanna be villain, whereas LeChuck is more "He's silly, but be afraid." However, given what we know of the plot so far, I'm assuming LeChuck won't be a constant element in the game, so it probably won't take away much.
Dialog is limited, but seems promising. One thing that I've been most nervous about is how they'll handle Guybrush. One of my biggest problems with Escape is that they overplayed his akwardness and naivety. They are essential parts of his character, but he's always demonstrated a wit and charm that made it so that while he was a wimp, he was a cool wimp. He was a particular wise*** in Curse (Just look at his interactions with Palido, Renee Rottingham, and Wharf Rat to note a few).
I am a bit disappointed at the lipsynch. In the original trailer, it looked like there would be a wide range of facial expressions, but looking at this they seem to be reusing some of the ones that were used in other conversations, though I've not seen enough of the game to see whether it'll become repetitive.
Can anybody explain the whole 'dry bone wet bone' thing? i've watched it over and over but i never quite got what that was all about...
"Dry as a bone" is just a figure of speech (that simply means "very dry"), and Guybrush here is combining that with the "dry" that means "fresh out of drinks."
His following musings about "one of those wet bones" is just randomness, although I suppose freshly-removed bones would be wet and gross
Finally I watched it!!! ....can't say anything more, have to watch it again immediately!!!
edit: well done! it's great!!
and my small doubts about the graphics are completely gone now
btw. elaine's voice is really well chosen, i love the accent. is it the same voice actress as in 3+4?
(i only played these parts in german, so i'm not able to identifiy her voice :-P )
I watched it! I'm not sorry I did! And I loved it. It all looks right. Love the inventory controls.
And extra points to the actor voicing LeChuck. It ain't Earl Boen, but there's some serious effort there to master a piratey voice and it works. The only thing that doesn't work is the repeated "HAR... HAR... HAR."
While I think LeChuck's voice sounds fine, his mannerisms need tweaking. I agree that the laugh is forced, and not in a good way. I'm not a person who thinks evil laughter is always cheesy, and the laughter fits more a wanna be villain, whereas LeChuck is more "He's silly, but be afraid." However, given what we know of the plot so far, I'm assuming LeChuck won't be a constant element in the game, so it probably won't take away much.
I can't get used to LeChucks voice I'll just have to hope it grows on me, just abandon that laugh, it makes me cringe, LeChuck sounds more like some childish kid who's mocking another kid at school "HARRR HARRRRR HARRRRRRR".
I know that Evil laughter is always going to be cheesy, but it can be cheesy and GOOD, like Murray and Earl Boen's LeChuck (which was actually angry sounding, suited LeChuck).
While I'm still very much looking forward to playing this, and I think Dominic Armato is as charming as ever, I'm concerned about LeChuck. His inflection, his mannerisms, and his dialogue just feel off. The reference to the pirahna poodles from the first game made me cringe.
He's alright when he's speaking, but his laugh is genuinely awful. He sounds like Nelson Muntz doing a bad pirate impression. I think everything else about the game captures the spirit well, but at this point, I'm hoping to see a lot less of LeChuck.
*** Must not listen to the negativity about LeChuck ***
Because if I do it will distract me too and I will hate it... Like when someone pointed out that General Grievous from Star Wars sounds just like Cookie Monster.
Like when someone pointed out that General Grievous from Star Wars sounds just like Cookie Monster.
I never heard that before. I just went and watched a clip from the fight between him and Obi-Wan and I couldn't stop laughing.. because it's true. Oh man. XD
... Like when someone pointed out that General Grievous from Star Wars sounds just like Cookie Monster.
There's a BIT of a similarity, sure, but the difference is pretty clear. The Cookie Monster emphasizes differently and with a far "higher" tone(a raspy high tone, but a high tone all the same).
*** Must not listen to the negativity about LeChuck ***
Because if I do it will distract me too and I will hate it... Like when someone pointed out that General Grievous from Star Wars sounds just like Cookie Monster.
Then don't listen it. IMHO new guy is doing his job well. While some seem to think that only this Earl dude can be LeChuck, I have no such demands, because in my favourite two Monkey games LeChuck's dialogue is just colourful letters on the screen.
So, LeChuck I find most canonical (Earl's voice was much later addition) has no voice besides in my own imagination. And considering how bad my imagination is anyone who does the job decently gets my praise.
BTW I love that Guybrush has beard again and LeChuck is in his zombie form at the start of the game. Reminds me about the good old times.
Then don't listen it. IMHO new guy is doing his job well. While some seem to think that only this Earl dude can be LeChuck, I have no such demands, because in my favourite two Monkey games LeChuck's dialogue is just colourful letters on the screen.
So, LeChuck I find most canonical (Earl's voice was much later addition) has no voice besides in my own imagination. And considering how bad my imagination is anyone who does the job decently gets my praise.
It's not a matter of LeChuck's voice being different so much as it is obnoxious. HAR... HAR... HAR...
Also not sure if its only the intro, but the video goes out of synch at 2:32 aprox.
With the new controls this is gonna be good
The only thing I didn't like was the main theme, it's only a copy-and-paste of MI1 theme.
I hope this isn't definitive.
I also hope there will be some CMI-ish reggae music with REAL instruments in the game.
Unfortunately, I think TTG has got a low budget, so there will be a lot of synthethized instruments.
Geeze, I don't think that's the case with their other games. I'm pretty sure live instruments were used primarily for the Sam and Max soundtracks.
I love the conversation between Guybrush and Elaine and how Elaine gets more and more flustered with every line. And Guybrush's whole reaction when
Yeah, they used live instruments for Sam and Max and Wallace and Gromit. In fact, in another thread(in the Wallace and Gromit section) I posted screenshots of the credits for the live instruments from a Wallace and Gromit episode:
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
And click here for MP3 samples of the Sam and Max soundtrack, which was filled with live instruments. The soundtracks for Sam and Max were always excellent, almost every track felt iconic.
RE: The theme
I kind of like a closer arrangement to the original. I'm not even sure if that's the actual music for the scene or just something tacked onto the end of the video, but I think a lot of people want to start off in a fairly familiar way, considering how the series has been languishing in nostalgia for nearly a decade now.
I agree, the voice did sound a bit off, and I like Earl Boen better...BUT
I felt the same way the first time I played Sam & Max, but now it sounds weird to hear the original voice actors from Hit the Road! The Tell Tale voices have become Sam & Max.
The reason it will be especially hard for us MI fans to get used to the new LeChuck is because Earl Boen does the voice in the Special Edition coming out soon after Tales. So most of us fanboys/girls will be listening to both voice actors at about the same time. I'm afraid Boen might win out.
Maybe later in the season once we are finished up with the Special Edition and it's "shelved" (in our hard drives) for a while, we'll get more used to the new LeChuck.
That's nothing short of wonderful! I'm already completely charmed into it!
All the characters involved are simply excellent and nailed the their persona!
I burst into an unseemly laughter at
Yep, I agree... or a reference to the beginning of EfMI, in which
That is what I thought...
Gelato means Ice Cream in italian
I really enjoyed the freedom of roaming of W&G and I thought it would be even more apt in a Monkey Island setting!
Ice Cream!
Luckily enough we don't seem to need a term for blocks of ice going around yelling
Oh yes, that's right. I had somehow forgotten that part
Outside of that i was blown away by how good this looks. I'm so darn excited.
By the way, did anything important or plot worthy happen in escape of monkey island that i should really know about? or can i pretend that this game is the sequel to curse of monkey island. (no disrespect to those who worked on mi4, i just never got into it)
I'm not sure if you need to "get" the bone joke... It just sounded silly to me, and silly is funny.
As for MI4... well to make the long story short, and full of spoilers, I repeat SPOILERS!!!
This is a big reason. We wanted to remind people that it was always a possibility, after five years of not including it.
While I think LeChuck's voice sounds fine, his mannerisms need tweaking. I agree that the laugh is forced, and not in a good way. I'm not a person who thinks evil laughter is always cheesy, and the laughter fits more a wanna be villain, whereas LeChuck is more "He's silly, but be afraid." However, given what we know of the plot so far, I'm assuming LeChuck won't be a constant element in the game, so it probably won't take away much.
Dialog is limited, but seems promising. One thing that I've been most nervous about is how they'll handle Guybrush. One of my biggest problems with Escape is that they overplayed his akwardness and naivety. They are essential parts of his character, but he's always demonstrated a wit and charm that made it so that while he was a wimp, he was a cool wimp. He was a particular wise*** in Curse (Just look at his interactions with Palido, Renee Rottingham, and Wharf Rat to note a few).
I am a bit disappointed at the lipsynch. In the original trailer, it looked like there would be a wide range of facial expressions, but looking at this they seem to be reusing some of the ones that were used in other conversations, though I've not seen enough of the game to see whether it'll become repetitive.
"Dry as a bone" is just a figure of speech (that simply means "very dry"), and Guybrush here is combining that with the "dry" that means "fresh out of drinks."
His following musings about "one of those wet bones" is just randomness, although I suppose freshly-removed bones would be wet and gross
My thoughts exactly... the ships could have used a little more things going on on deck or more detail.
But looking at other screen shots of other locations I think it will be ok....
like this shot
edit: well done! it's great!!
and my small doubts about the graphics are completely gone now
btw. elaine's voice is really well chosen, i love the accent. is it the same voice actress as in 3+4?
(i only played these parts in german, so i'm not able to identifiy her voice :-P )
And extra points to the actor voicing LeChuck. It ain't Earl Boen, but there's some serious effort there to master a piratey voice and it works. The only thing that doesn't work is the repeated "HAR... HAR... HAR."
Thanks! I think i have to get my hands on the english version of CMI :cool:
I can't get used to LeChucks voice
I know that Evil laughter is always going to be cheesy, but it can be cheesy and GOOD, like Murray and Earl Boen's LeChuck (which was actually angry sounding, suited LeChuck).
He's alright when he's speaking, but his laugh is genuinely awful. He sounds like Nelson Muntz doing a bad pirate impression. I think everything else about the game captures the spirit well, but at this point, I'm hoping to see a lot less of LeChuck.
That reminds me of the end of MI2 when you can make guybrush inhale the helium from the surgical gloves and the balloon, and he starts singing, lol.
Because if I do it will distract me too and I will hate it... Like when someone pointed out that General Grievous from Star Wars sounds just like Cookie Monster.
I never heard that before. I just went and watched a clip from the fight between him and Obi-Wan and I couldn't stop laughing.. because it's true. Oh man. XD
There's a BIT of a similarity, sure, but the difference is pretty clear. The Cookie Monster emphasizes differently and with a far "higher" tone(a raspy high tone, but a high tone all the same).
Then don't listen it. IMHO new guy is doing his job well. While some seem to think that only this Earl dude can be LeChuck, I have no such demands, because in my favourite two Monkey games LeChuck's dialogue is just colourful letters on the screen.
So, LeChuck I find most canonical (Earl's voice was much later addition) has no voice besides in my own imagination. And considering how bad my imagination is anyone who does the job decently gets my praise.
BTW I love that Guybrush has beard again and LeChuck is in his zombie form at the start of the game. Reminds me about the good old times.
The intro has a bit of a school-play feel to it, but in a good way.