Are Sasha and Fiona Full Biological Sisters?
Sorry, sorry if I did anything wrong starting this discussion. I'm new here. But I haven't seen anyone else question it so I figured I might as well.
I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks so, or if it's been gone over and I didn't see, but apart from both having green eyes Fiona and Sasha kind of seem like they're not entirely very similar in appearance? I kind of thought they might be half sisters, or otherwise kind of adoptive sisters from both being alone at such a young age. It wouldn't weaken their relationship since they seem to care about each other just as much as any sisters would; it could just be an interesting part of their history. In fact, if they aren't biological sisters it would probably mean they are even closer considering how long they've stuck together through the tough times on Pandora.
Anyway, I realize siblings don't have to look like identical twins. They kind of look like different races to me with Sasha's dreadlocks and their different skintones, and it would be interesting history for the two's relationship. Please let me down easy if I'm being incredibly dense by suggesting such a thing.
I was also wondering if they're half-sisters. Until that's confirmed, I'm going to assume they're full sisters since it's possible for siblings to look as different as they do.
The thing mentioned about dreadlocks, Sasha didn't have them when she was younger and 'hairstyle' is not really a genetic trait so. But still it would be pretty cool if they tured out not being biological sisters.
They definitely looked more alike when they were younger:
Sasha's hair doesn't look like it's the kind that can form dreadlocks from how this looks. But then, I'm no hair stylist or anything, so for all I know maybe it's possible for it to happen as she ages.
I think they are biological
I think the person "Vallory" who picked the photo is their mom.

I think they are biological sisters based off the photo when they were younger, but probably half sisters.
I'd say half. Sasha looks black where Fiona is white
Didn't know its possible for someones skin to get darker while growing
I hope we will get some backstory or at least some codex from Telltale, because I am very interested in their backstory (Hell, all of the characters, that bit of information from the cosplay guide is already damn interesting). I mean, where are their real parents and who were they? Bandits? Scientist?
It's possible for anyone to get dreads. It just takes time. From the looks of Sasha's dreads, it looks like she started them not to long after those pics were taken (provided she is in fact in her early-mid 20s).
It actually is. My little brother was lightskinned like Season 1 Clementine when he was little. He is now a bit darker. I've met people who were darker in their baby pics and lighted up over the years. Plus, young Sasha still has a light drown complexion compared to young Fiona. I've recently noticed that "pictures" in TellTale games don't necessarily match up with the game files look. They look similar, but different... if that even made sense.
You've never heard of a tan?
Random, yet relevant anecdote time:
I know three people who started the dreadlock process when they were in high school - the two that still have them today (a male and a female) are both natural blondes whose hair was relatively thin, straight and surprisingly silky prior to dreading! Their hair both took to it really, really quickly and required minimal upkeep. At the same time, one of my black friends who had really thick/coarse/wiry hair (which you would assume would be better for dreads), could not for the life of him get his hair to take - he started the process countless times over the years, but no matter what he did it just wouldn't turn into dreadlocks - he even went to alternative hair salons and PAID people to do it for him, but it never worked! His hair would always eventually spring back to it's normal form, even if he was fastidious with the upkeep.
So yeah, dreadlocks clearly work in mysterious ways!
When the game first came out someone asked Anthony Burch on if they were both POC and he said yes - I know that doesn't necessarily mean that they're full-sisters, but Fiona is 100% not white.
I think it's kind of like how so many people were shocked to find out Sir Hammerlock was black (which to this day I still don't understand!)
Half sisters imo. Sasha has darker skin.
Totally agree. I'm kind of fascinated by the humans of Pandora (as opposed to the Psychos, Bandits etc.), why would someone other than a Vault Hunter emigrate there? Are we to assume Fiona and Sasha are true Pandoran natives and were born there? If so, how many generations have lived there before them?
The same can be said for Helios - I really doubt any of the Hyperion crew are Elpis locals (their lack of an Aussie accent being an obvious giveaway!), so where do the come from? One of the Edens? One of the mythologically-named planets that the different Vault Hunters come from?
The Borderlands universe is SO expansive - we could have 10 seasons of Tales and still not even begin to scratch the surface!
I think Vallory is her mother.
I originally thought that they were sisters by adoption or relation (or maybe step sisters), but the idea of them being half sisters would be cool. I agree with @DaveTheArakin though, their backstory has the potential to be really interesting.
You gotta believe the dreads man.
If you look at the style of Fiona back from when TellTale first teased TFTBL, Fiona looked a bit more tan than she does now. While Fiona now looks kind of white, it is possible she is mixed. I know friends who people think are white but are in fact 100% hispanic. People don't people believe them until they hear them speak Spanish fluently.
I was assuming that they're biological sisters. People don't have to have the same skin tone as their siblings, after all. I'd also love to learn more about their backstory.
I can attest to this. My mother is an Alaskan Native while my dad is white. I look white as snow whereas my younger sisters inherited my mom's "Native-ness". 8D; I like the idea of them being mixed.
Oh wow...that is pretty funny. 8D; I learned something new today. Thanks, Handsome Jack.
My cousin is French, German, English, Italian, and so on and people think she's half black or Latino. So skin tones and hairstyles (anyone can get dreads) don't mean much, I assume they're at least half sisters.
The thought's crossed my mind a few times. However, I'm fairly light skinned while my brother is as dark as it gets for someone of our ethnicity, and we look nothing alike. In fact, when we're with our cousin, people always think they're the brothers, without fail. So...I'm sticking with "full-blooded sisters" as canon unless Telltale says otherwise.
I assumed they were half-sisters.
D8 noooooo no no THIS snow

any snow but THAT snow.
...Ok, I'm done now.
I laughed eheh xD Thanks
hispanic is not race and i have a cousin that looks white or "hispanic" but she has 2 black parents and her sisters looks str8 up black without a doubt, so it is very possible for them
do you wanna build a snowmaaaan?
So then August is their brother?
(I know this comment is old, please forgive me)
That's one of the things I wanted most from the finale. I want to learn more about Fiona and Sasha!
Oh well, maybe in season two...? wink wink
Hairstyle depends. If you style it yourself then no, if you're born with it then most of the time yes.
Both Fiona and Sasha have the same skin tone as told by one of the artists who worked on the game. I think it's the lighting that makes it seem different, but to me they definitely look the same colour.
Yeah good point. Fiona is 100% white while Sasha got a bit of cool looking black blood IMHO. I mean look at her hair lol
But I still think they're still full biological sisters. It's probably about recessive genes.