2 Weeks After News Of Episode 3.What Do Expect In The Next News Update of Episode 3?

I know since March 31st we had no news for 2 weeks so I expect in the next few days or Next Week will get a tease or a image like they did for GOT Episode 3 like it's been almost a Month and we are close to a 1 Month and 1/2 so do you guys think we get similar early release like GOT Episode 3?Also What do you expect in next update?I expect we get some awesome moments of Voice Acting or Images of Episode 3 like before and maybe we get to have some romance like Rhysha and I do this Respectively (I don't like them,but with Respect)Rhyiona maybe we get the answer.Also one last question if you had to choose to killed August or Vasquez in episode 3(Based on your Choice at the End of Episode 2)Who would you kill?Me?I choose Vasquez



  • I honestly don't think that we'll get news that soon.

    I mean, yes, I'd absolutely adore it if we did, but the thing is, with the absolutely amazing reception that both the first and second episode got, I wouldn't think that the team would want to rush anything just to make up for the long wait, you know? If the third episode turned out to be a flop because they didn't spend enough time working on it, that would.. Suck.

    I dunno, after the wait for the second episode and seeing how amazing it turned out, I'm okay with waiting.

    Also, definitely kill Vasquez.

  • edited April 2015

    I'm not sure either. I feel like, having realeased GoT and Tales nearly the same time, it's going to be a while until we hear news of either. I'd say the end of April for news at least, probably.

    Hm, on one hand, Vasquez has more power and resources at his disposal, yet August is more dangerous and unpredictable, and they both tried to give a heart-to-heart to Rhys and Fiona. I think I'd choose Vasquez, because I feel like he's the most immediate threat right now, besides this Vallory character.

  • I'm thinking May 19th for "Catch a Ride" release. It would still probably come out a bit later, but May 19th is bare minimum, methinks. TTG won't rush anything (I'd honestly be disappointed if they did), and they always take at least two months to put out a new episode. Here's hoping it's not as long a wait as last time. In the meantime, however, I expect some news by the beginning of May, perhaps about Vallory's voice actor. I wanna get a feel for her character.

    The romance which has been building up on the forums worries me. I doubt TTG would actually put anything definite into the game, but I wonder if they'll slip tiny hints in there. I'm also curious to see if they'll delve deeper into the characters' pasts, and how they'll do it. With the sudden inclusion of Vallory, a character we know next to nothing about (but who we can only assume is vital), the story can really go anywhere from here. Maybe the next update will reveal a little more about her.

    Given a gun and some time alone in a room, I think I'd shoot August. I don't really care for him. Vasquez is Assquez, but he's a riot and I'd hate to see him die. Plus, if he goes, then the quest for this Gortys Vault would probably hit some hiccups. As cool as it would be for the Fantastic Foursome to discover everything by themselves, I really don't think they can get to that point without Hyperion's power. Sure, the group can do it differently and Vasquez can be replaced, but...he's so cool.

  • Episode 3 isn't even uploaded to steamdb we wont get news.

  • This ^^^

    I hate to say it, but I think we may be in it for the long haul, once more...

    Episode 3 isn't even uploaded to steamdb we wont get news.

  • I'm not even going to like your comment. But you're probably right.

    This ^^^ I hate to say it, but I think we may be in it for the long haul, once more...

  • edited April 2015

    That makes me sad..

    Alt text

    This ^^^ I hate to say it, but I think we may be in it for the long haul, once more...

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