Why Rhys and Fiona might have been captured on purpose

So obviously there has been alot of questions on what happened in the future with Rhys and Fiona, where is Sasha and Vaughn, who is the stranger, but after episode 2 I think Rhys and Fiona were captured on purpose.

So in episode 2, Jack upgrades Rhys' eye so he can hack Vasquez's gun. Now in the future either Rhys' eye is more upgraded or it is a new eye ( and still more upgraded due to his arm being upgraded aswell ) So this had me thinking. Why doesn't Rhys just escape. He could most likely destroy the Strangers gun and run for it, especially after he is untied.

In a theory on why they would do this, its possible Rhys and Fiona have now contained a vault key at this point of the story, but now need a siren to open the vault. As far as we know, the stranger could be a vault hunter created by Telltale, who is with a vault hunter team which has a siren. This would make Rhys and Fiona's goal of being captured a way to find the siren they need. For them hating each other in the future, it could just be a way to make it more believable that they were easily captured. And shipping aside, its kinda hard to make the 2 characters you play as hate each other when its a game all about your choices.



  • where is Sasha

    Out looking for her love Rhys. No doubt about it.

    I think it they are getting captured on purpose it's to get to the Sanctuary where Maya or Lilith can charge the Vault Key.

    I think the Stranger is most definitely related to Lilith, the psycho bitch.

  • But wheres Vaughn? ._.

    where is Sasha Out looking for her love Rhys. No doubt about it. I think it they are getting captured on purpose it's to get to t

  • edited April 2015

    I don't know, it seems a little far fetched. We have no idea who the Stranger is, much less if he's connected to anyone, and I don't think telltale would introduce a brand new set of vault hunters just for the purpose of one siren. If they did, they only have three more episodes to do that, and with the addition of Vallory, Brick (as seen in the previews), and Athena, I think that would just make the story too muddled.

    And Rhys and Fiona's animosity seems pretty genuine, I mean, I can't imagine Rhys willingly letting Fiona punch him and spit on him and kick dirt in his face. Before he was captured by the stranger, he was saying "Fiona, we can work this out!" and the last episode's title screen makes it seem like there's a fight going on between them, so it's pretty clear there are still real issues to be resolved. Even if they did get intentionally captured for some reason, but personally I doubt it.

  • Out looking for his love, Fiona.

    Vaiona confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But wheres Vaughn? ._.

  • Alt text

    Out looking for his love, Fiona. Vaiona confirmed.

  • I also want to know where HJ AI is in the future -- whether or not they and/or Hyperion got him out of Rhys' head or he's taken greater control of Rhys' subsytems (assuming that's what decisions like the one at the end of Ep. 2 are going towards). His new eye is yellow which is the color it turns when Rhys lets HJ take over in the 'present.' We also know Jack has been pretty anti letting Rhys fumble his way through getting captured like a million times, so I'd find it hard to believe he's quietly sitting around waiting for Rhys' next inevitable head injury -- which could lend to the being there on purpose theory...

    So many questions!

  • edited April 2015

    ^ This. I forget where I read it, but it was something about Fiona's and Rhys's past coming back to bite them in their butts in the 4th episode. There's still a lot that can happen, and the characters can really go anywhere from here, if TTG decides to make their backstories important. My theory is that they'll have a falling out sometime in Episode 4 and that will continue on. It would be a good way to separate them, as having two playable characters means they have to show separate situations/perspectives. If they hate each other and go their own way about things, that would work well with the playstyle.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't know, it seems a little far fetched. We have no idea who the Stranger is, much less if he's connected to anyone, and I don't think t

  • I'm thinking HJ AI is still around in Rhys' head in the present. I thought it was a little odd when Fiona had chosen to hit Rhys' neck instead of his head. Seeing as how HJ usually appears, it'd make sense why.

    I also want to know where HJ AI is in the future -- whether or not they and/or Hyperion got him out of Rhys' head or he's taken greater cont

  • I found her punching him in the neck interesting as well, but Rhys does takes a shotgun stock to the face at the very start of episode one. If that counts as suitable head trauma, I figure it's telling us one of two things: either Jack was there prior and then vanished due to the hit, or he's truly not there anymore.

    Or I dunno... maybe they merged together and Rhys received an upgrade to his fashion sense.

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    I'm thinking HJ AI is still around in Rhys' head in the present. I thought it was a little odd when Fiona had chosen to hit Rhys' neck instead of his head. Seeing as how HJ usually appears, it'd make sense why.

  • Why Rhys and Fiona might have been captured on purpose

    The Rhyiona shippers decide to take matters into their own hands by forcing them to get over their fight and rekindle the love that brought them together in the first place.

  • Mmm yeah Rhys still seems fairly Rhys-like in the future so I don't think HJ will have fully taken over, I can't see him imitating Rhys/tolerating being captured that passively even at gun point... Which leads me to believe that Rhys has somehow found a way to control the AI? Maybe he's using leashed AI Jack's knowledge of Hyperion / the H source to get the upgrades (fashion and tech).

    I didn't think much of the neck punch other than it being a funny line but now that you say it, it is a weird place to punch a person :O

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    I'm thinking HJ AI is still around in Rhys' head in the present. I thought it was a little odd when Fiona had chosen to hit Rhys' neck instead of his head. Seeing as how HJ usually appears, it'd make sense why.

  • edited April 2015

    I'm pretty sure Rhys and Fiona got captured because mystery mask guy wants them both to re-enact 50-Shades of Grey...with socks.

  • Alt text

    "Let's do it."

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I'm pretty sure Rhys and Fiona got captured because mystery mask guy wants them both to re-enact 50-Shades of Grey...with socks.

  • Just... leave the socks on

    Alt text

    bloop posted: »

    "Let's do it."

  • I am not sure what the stranger wants from them, but I also think that he wants them both to accomplish some missions. Based on the present scenes in episode 1, he seems "need" to find Rhys after capturing Fiona. When he finishes kidnapping both of them, then some procedures can be further carried out, and perhaps this is why he is bringing them to somewhere in episode 2. The situation might be similar to what happened in Old Haven where both Rhys and Fiona were captured since they hold two Gortys halves respectively, it is possible that they are "sharing" something again.

    In addition, they might plan to be captured too. It is so ridiculous that they are not frightened or stressed after being kidnapped and have time to fight like children. Speaking of their bickering, I think there was a "critical" event happened which caused them to "hate" each other, but something could not be done (maybe saving Vaughn and Sasha) unless they work together.

    Just guessing.

  • edited April 2015

    I thought it was interesting to note: that of the 3(edit: 4, forgot he disappeared when Rhys hit his head dodging Vasquez's car) times Jack appears, only two of those times can be seen as directly following a head injury(the other two being ep. 2 start, and randomly when Vaughn and Rhys are stranded in the desert). Conversely, every time he DISAPPEARS, it was following a head injury.

    So, if the neck punch was an intentional thing, maybe it'd be because they did want HJ's help and didn't want him to go away?

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    I'm thinking HJ AI is still around in Rhys' head in the present. I thought it was a little odd when Fiona had chosen to hit Rhys' neck instead of his head. Seeing as how HJ usually appears, it'd make sense why.

  • True, but then I'm sure he would have helped them by then, or maybe he's also upset about something, and doesn't want to help?

    mirashade posted: »

    I thought it was interesting to note: that of the 3(edit: 4, forgot he disappeared when Rhys hit his head dodging Vasquez's car) times Jack

  • At the ending of Episode 2, if you choose to trust Jack, they showed a clear procedure on how Jack take controls over Rhys' body. Rhys' original bionic eye is blue, when he's in control, it's yellow, as well as Jack's. It's possible that Jack is in control of him but leaves out some freedom for Rhys. Or, he had a new upgrade on the eye colour before getting captured.

    The new outfit and hand really makes me wonder about where he got those things, either he runs the Hyperion company now, or there's some more prototype weapons or anything by the Gortys Project, because of those orange buttons and such, it really reminds me of those orange weapons back at the Gortys base at the racing field.

    Speaking about punching him in the neck, Fiona might have known about Handsome Jack living inside Rhys' head. There might be a reason why she punched him in the neck. Probably about what Fiona and Rhys is suppose to settle. Rhys did mention about something like "work this out", there's a couple of possibility, either they fight about some relationship issues (it could be relationship issues, or Rhys wouldn't have come alone, the whole team would come together, or Sasha would leave with Fiona if she didn't agree to what the boys where saying), or team issues, or handling the Vault Key (if they found it).

    NinjaCat23 posted: »

    I'm thinking HJ AI is still around in Rhys' head in the present. I thought it was a little odd when Fiona had chosen to hit Rhys' neck instead of his head. Seeing as how HJ usually appears, it'd make sense why.

  • edited April 2015

    Yea Rhysha Baby also I also think the Stranger is related Lilith lol ohhh that would be awesome Rhys and Fiona are playing along and they know who the stranger is,lol ohh I can just imagine Handsome Jack will enjoy some payback for him getting killed by the Vault Hunter ohhhh yeaaah baby Hyperion and Handsome Jack Strikes Back Big Time

    RhyshaForever #HyperionFan

    where is Sasha Out looking for her love Rhys. No doubt about it. I think it they are getting captured on purpose it's to get to t

  • Related to outfit choices, knowing Jack's colossal boner for yellow he probably wouldn't let Rhys go out of the house without it on somewhere. Rhys clearly has more $$$ with the cybernetic/clothing upgrades so I'm definitely with you on either he used the Gortys tech to take over Hyperion or start another company -- your make a good point about the colors, since it seems like employees often rep the company in some respect. Rhys notably doesn't have any branded material on in the future, no H or anything.

    I'm also thinking his big windfall is where he and Fiona will 'break up,' based on what we know now I'm leaning towards there being an option for Rhys selling out/betraying (maybe at the insistence/influence of HJ) Fiona and Sasha to get all or most of the Project vs. sharing it.

    Liscariot posted: »

    At the ending of Episode 2, if you choose to trust Jack, they showed a clear procedure on how Jack take controls over Rhys' body. Rhys' orig

  • Actually, Sasha and Vaughn decided to leave Pandora together, and Sasha left without Fiona that's why Fiona doesn't have a high opinion of her in the future.


    where is Sasha Out looking for her love Rhys. No doubt about it. I think it they are getting captured on purpose it's to get to t

  • I do like the theory that Rhys and Fiona are pulling a con on the Stranger, maybe it's to get to a Vault so they can get rich and finally start their life together.

  • I agree with you about the company uniform and respect they give for Hyperion. It's possible that he started a new company.

    Regarding the "break up", please no D: But, I don't think Rhys will betray her to be honest, he's a smart person, but not that smart, if you get what I mean, he's not really that type of person. Unless he turns bad or anything xD

    Related to outfit choices, knowing Jack's colossal boner for yellow he probably wouldn't let Rhys go out of the house without it on somewher

  • Rhys isn't that much of a dickbag/manipulative mastermind (at least the way I'm playing him), but Handsome Jack definitely is :(

    I love me some HJ but there's no way having that asshole in your brain bits is going to be a good influence

    Alt text

    Liscariot posted: »

    I agree with you about the company uniform and respect they give for Hyperion. It's possible that he started a new company. Regarding the

  • I like this too! I'm definitely picking the options that make the crew more friendly whenever I can so if it's down to the player, unless I was forced I don't think I'd make them betray each other. I want to believe in the power of unlikely dork friendships :(

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I do like the theory that Rhys and Fiona are pulling a con on the Stranger, maybe it's to get to a Vault so they can get rich and finally start their life together.

  • Vaughn has taken a liking to Pandora, actually.

    Therefore, Rhysha.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Actually, Sasha and Vaughn decided to leave Pandora together, and Sasha left without Fiona that's why Fiona doesn't have a high opinion of her in the future. VashaConfirmed

  • Vaughn was to team up with grifters. Sasha is a grifter.

    Vasha confirmed

    Vaughn has taken a liking to Pandora, actually. Therefore, Rhysha.

  • Fiona is a grifter.

    A grifter that he sent more time with.

    Faughn confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Vaughn was to team up with grifters. Sasha is a grifter. Vasha confirmed

  • Sasha thinks Vaughn cared for her when she got shocked.

    Vasha Confirmed

    Fiona is a grifter. A grifter that he sent more time with. Faughn confirmed.

  • Remember no one else but Rhys can see HJ so it could be that HJ is walking right next to him and he has got better at ignoring him. I kinda doubt it though also Rhys was out cold for a while after being hit in the head so... yeah HJ could have been walking next to him while he was out.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    I found her punching him in the neck interesting as well, but Rhys does takes a shotgun stock to the face at the very start of episode one.

  • i dont think they have a vault key. it takes you 30+ hour to even see a vault key if you finish BL2. and thats a real vault hunters work, not a level 0 characters like rhys and fiona, and its not easy to have one! so i doubt that, YES, they are more advanced now (rhys/fiona) but in TT having atleast a 2 hour per episode, i cant imagine how they can. unless there is a HUGE time skip. i do believe that in order to access the vault they NEED rhys and fiona. because as ep2 established that they are the only one who can access it. they key is imprinted on them. so i guess yeah, it could be planned, but it cant be that they have the vault already.

  • Rhys said "Cmon we can work this out" to Fiona.

    Rhyiona confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Sasha thinks Vaughn cared for her when she got shocked. Vasha Confirmed

  • Rhys and Fiona are either the greastest cons ever or the dumbest

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I do like the theory that Rhys and Fiona are pulling a con on the Stranger, maybe it's to get to a Vault so they can get rich and finally start their life together.

  • edited April 2015

    Guys, HandsomeJack.exe was put into the recycling bin LOOOOONG before Rhys got captured.Alt text

    Rhys isn't that much of a dickbag/manipulative mastermind (at least the way I'm playing him), but Handsome Jack definitely is I love me some HJ but there's no way having that asshole in your brain bits is going to be a good influence

  • Where is sasha

    Dead. Well, she will be in my game, least.

  • https://youtu.be/32AAmrMWE5c

    You have my best regards <3

    Alt text

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Where is sasha Dead. Well, she will be in my game, least.

  • I'm not gonna lie, if it comes to selling out Sasha and Fiona I would absolutely do it if Handsome Jack told me to.

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