Who Do You Think The Stranger Is And Why?

I know this weird,but I think the stranger is Lilith cause Lilith is always the Psycho Woman that hates Jack and Hyperion knowing that Rhys and Fiona are involved with the Vault and the Stranger what's to know about Gortys and I think Lilith what's to stop Hyperion from getting it including from Rhys and Fiona cause I think Rhys and Fiona are working for Hyperion I don't how they are working for Hyperion,but if you put the pieces together about Sasha wanting to get off Pandora and Fiona wanting to give her that by saying "You be seeing Pandora from Space". Which includes Helios in space and Rhys wanting to run Helios and be like Jack and Handsome Jack wants revenge for getting killed by Vault Hunters and they also need a Siren to opening the Vault so yea I bet they trying to get capture by Lilith and play along with it and they capture Lilith who is the stranger if it's not Lilith then who is the Stranger.




  • Na, Lilith is way too thin to be the stranger.

  • The stranger is wearing a heavy radiation suit, so it's completely possible.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Na, Lilith is way too thin to be the stranger.


    This guy

  • What the hell does Rysha have to do with this. Don't spread the shipping wars to the wrong threads.

    BTW Rhyiona4lyf

  • I've been utterly convinced that it's about 12 different people (and seem to change my mind on a whim), but Lilith's always been one of my top contenders. It's not the first time she's pretended to be someone else/concealed her identity... And coupled with the genderless pronouns, relative niceness and quirky personality etc. she definitely fits.

  • Calling it right now, it's Lilith.
    I don't care if I'm wrong.


  • I think its Valory

  • Questions what Rhysha has to do with this, says don't bring in the shipping wars, talks about Rhyiona.

    What the hell does Rysha have to do with this. Don't spread the shipping wars to the wrong threads. BTW Rhyiona4lyf

  • Alt text


  • I think it's me.


    PCGaming posted: »

    I think it's me.

  • What if it's poor old General Pollux? He survived his ordeal and he's pissed as hell about his eyes.

    Though in that case he'd probably want Rhys to hit Fiona, not the other way around! Maybe they'd have to spork each other to death in the season finale.

  • I was thinking that...the clothes that the stranger wears do have red parts which would indicate an association with Atlas.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    What if it's poor old General Pollux? He survived his ordeal and he's pissed as hell about his eyes. Though in that case he'd probably wa

  • I like to think it's Sasha, but I don't really have any reason to think that. I just like her and I'm wondering where she is, so yolo swag it's totally her.
    ...Honestly though I do kind of suspect it might be someone they've already shown in the series. Plus for some reason Rhys' tracker said the stranger was Fiona, so whatever he was tracking the stranger had some reason to have it.

  • Its Cotter

    Alt text

    He heard the real legend that says that the Vault is actually filled with potatoes... And nothing will stand in his way until he finds them!

  • Best one so far. :D

    Its Cotter He heard the real legend that says that the Vault is actually filled with potatoes... And nothing will stand in his way until he finds them!

  • His voice reminds me of princess snake from DBZ abridged. If I knew how to post videos here I would!

  • My god.

    its all clear now.

    Its Cotter He heard the real legend that says that the Vault is actually filled with potatoes... And nothing will stand in his way until he finds them!

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited April 2015

    Marcus. Stranger is fat so it must be him. Also, Kincaid tells the story at the beginning. Knows what Stranger hears from Rhys and Fiona.

  • That would actually be very plausible...
    I mean, he does seem to be donning Atlas-esque gear, only seems to utilize one eye, and clearly sounds old-ish. Plus, serious battle to the death using a spork is very Borderlands style.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    What if it's poor old General Pollux? He survived his ordeal and he's pissed as hell about his eyes. Though in that case he'd probably wa

  • It was for comedic effect

    Questions what Rhysha has to do with this, says don't bring in the shipping wars, talks about Rhyiona.

  • I really need to play GoT, if only because I feel like I'm missing out on so many good jokes...

    Its Cotter He heard the real legend that says that the Vault is actually filled with potatoes... And nothing will stand in his way until he finds them!

  • In all fairness he's narrated other Borderlands games with eerie omnipotence (despite not having a large role in them).

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Marcus. Stranger is fat so it must be him. Also, Kincaid tells the story at the beginning. Knows what Stranger hears from Rhys and Fiona.

  • It's him Jack. At the beginning of 2nd episode he's repeating everything Fiona and Rhys told him in the 1st. And he's asking for details, like why Rhys choosed Hollow Point. Why? Because he loves stories. It's Marcus.

    In all fairness he's narrated other Borderlands games with eerie omnipotence (despite not having a large role in them).

  • Hmm, maybe - I'm still not convinced...

    Omid's cat posted: »

    It's him Jack. At the beginning of 2nd episode he's repeating everything Fiona and Rhys told him in the 1st. And he's asking for details, like why Rhys choosed Hollow Point. Why? Because he loves stories. It's Marcus.

  • While I thought that at one point, I then realised that even though the stranger wears a helmet which severely distorts their voice, that wouldn't account for the fact that they don't have Marcus' Russian accent.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    It's him Jack. At the beginning of 2nd episode he's repeating everything Fiona and Rhys told him in the 1st. And he's asking for details, like why Rhys choosed Hollow Point. Why? Because he loves stories. It's Marcus.

  • Initially I thought it was Zer0. I remember reading somewhere that he sometimes speaks in haikus? He's also got that slightly robotized voice, but Zer0's too obvious. I don't feel like it's Lilith; I will be seriously surprised if Lilith shows up in this game, at least anything more than a cameo.

    It could be Marcus. Remember in the very very first trailer? Marcus recognized the Gortys core and told Rhys and Fiona that it'll only get them killed, you want no part of this insanity, you're not Vault Hunters, yada yada. I'm not sure if that supports or opposes the idea that Marcus is the Stranger. Marcus might have only said that so he could have the Gortys core for himself.

    Honestly before I came to this forum I thought it was a random bandit.

  • My money is on it being Axton.

  • For the most part, that would make sense. The only thing that irks me is that Marcus seems sort of lazy to me to do that. I could be wrong tho.

    Initially I thought it was Zer0. I remember reading somewhere that he sometimes speaks in haikus? He's also got that slightly robotized voic

  • I'll fill in the blanks for you -


    And I recommend the game, it's great. But if you're waiting till all the episodes are out or something, then I also recommend watching the show first.

    I really need to play GoT, if only because I feel like I'm missing out on so many good jokes...

  • Roland is - oh wait

  • Plot Twist : Roland is alive

    Roland is - oh wait

  • Plot Twist : Roland is alive

  • Ahahahaha - and I thought Tales was a comedy!

    Yeah, I haven't got around to watching the show yet so I thought I better wait, but I'm so tempted to just play it (especially after that)!

    I'll fill in the blanks for you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKd1g0i9nZk And I recommend the game, it's great. But if you're waiting till all the episodes are out or something, then I also recommend watching the show first.

  • Digi-Roland comes back to seek revenge on Digi-Jack, but they just end up getting digi-milkshakes together...

    SzymeG posted: »

    Plot Twist : Roland is alive

  • edited April 2015

    Rhys evil twin brother Reese :P

    insert picture of reese's cups on stranger body here

  • That must be the same guy August is always talking to. :D

    Rhys evil twin brother Reese :P insert picture of reese's cups on stranger body here

  • Looks kinda too tall to be Lilith.

  • Yeah, I think it's Lilith too

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