Episode 3 Choices and Summary Mod Edit: Fake Choices

Mod Edit: FAKE Choices!!

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Warning. The following contains spoilers for episode 3. I’ll make it brief. I’ll sum up what happens in the story by discussing what happens from each choice to the next in the order they occur. Keep in mind, these are the basic details, much more happens.The first choice in the game on weather or not you asked for Rhys’ help. Depends on your choice, Jack will have the turrets begin to fire at August and Vasquez, but will lose control, having the turrets start to shoot at everyone, including Rhys and Fiona.
If you trusted Fiona, Rhys and Fiona are flashed, along with Vasquez and August but it soon wears off and leads to the same effect with the turrets. This leads to Fiona falling off the platforms that begin to move again, with the Gorys ball rolling on the platforms, this will give you the choice to tell Rhys to get the ball or to help her get up. Having Rhys get you up, leads to Fiona catching the ball right before it falls. The platforms will then reach the door ways and Rhys and Fiona run back to the main room, and leave the facility. Once out, they see 2 cars driving away, one with Vasquez and Vaughn and the other August and Sasha.
Rhys and Fiona enter the Caravan and chase after the 2 cars. Eventually during the chase, the 2 cars split up and you will need to choose who to follow. Whoever you follow will lead to you being shot into a gorge. Both find themselves unconscious and wake up at night.
Rhys and Fiona work push the Caravan back on its side and start driving, while driving Rhys will ask Fiona if she wants to play a game.
If accepted you basically ask yourself a question about themselves for some more info or make them do something funny. After some time later, Kroger and Finch stop the Caravan and take Rhys and Fiona hostage. They reveal that Valorey is the one who hired them to find Fiona, but are now tasked to kill her. This will then give Rhys an option to stand in front of Kroger (holding the gun) or to do nothing. Standing up to Kroger leads to Rhys getting hit and Fiona escaping, not standing up will lead to Fiona hitting Kroger and escaping.
Fiona is now in the desert alone, when Athena comes back to kill her. A fight between them happens. The fight ends with Brick and Mordecai appearing, and fight Athena, beating her. Brick will congratulate Fiona with helping them capture Athena that he gives her the offer to become a slab. Accepting doesn't seem to matter, except Brick will always call you slab if you accept. Fiona tags along with Brick and Mordecai as they keep Athena captured, which leads to Athena telling Fiona she knows about the Gorys project, and Pollux had many facilities around Pandora to put together a path to a vault by using each Facility to have a part for the next.
She tells Fiona that the next Facility shouldn’t be far from where they are now, and Brick and Mordecai agree that they will bring Fiona there if she wants, which she does. Back with Rhys, Rhys is being walked to Valory’s camp. Rhys has also taken the gortys ball with him. Finch and Kroger and Jack talk to Rhys as they walk to the camp, once arrived Rhys is introduced to Vallory. Vallory tells Rhys about who she is, why she wants to find a vault, how she knows about the Gortys project, and how she is impressed Rhys had made it this far.
August will then arrive in his car with Sasha and Rhys and Sasha will be tied to two different polls, told they will go to the next gortys location once the sun goes down. Rhys and Sasha will then talk about Fiona and Vaughn and how they will get out of the mess they are in. Jack will then appear and tell Rhys that the car August drove up in can easily be hacked to explode, killing August, Vallory, and the rest of the bandits, and keep Rhys out of harms way, but Sasha is to close, which could also lead to her death. Rhys will say no, but Jack says he doesn’t care, and all he cares is Rhys’ safety, and reminds him that if Rhys dies, he dies. This will then have Jack trying to hack into Rhys again. Rhys will then have the choice to ask August to punch him in the face, or to hit his head against the poll until Jack disappears.Back with Fiona, she reaches the next facility with Athena Brick and Mordecai, who tell her they need to go and bring Athena to lilith and to be careful. Cars will already be waiting at the facility. Fiona will sneak in and see August, Vasquez, and Vallory with some other bandits, with Vaughn and Sasha tied, as they tell Rhys to enter the room with the gortys ball and tell him to activate it. We then switch to Rhys as he activates it in the room, and also swap back to Fiona as she starts to find a way to get Vaughn and Sasha to safety. Rhys will get the gortys ball activated, which turns into a small robot that has gps coordinates to the vault. Vasquez will then shoot at him, saying he doesn't need him or his friends anymore. Rhys will dodge it and hide behind the gortys activation station, but is shot in the leg. The Gortys robot has gone over to Vasquez. Fiona will see this, and then make some noise to distract them. Loader-bot will then storm into the facility, causing the alarm to go off. Everyone celebrates Loader bots return, but the doors begin to shut from the facility. Rhys will run over to Vaughn and Sasha and choose who to untie first, (it won't matter both get out.)
Loader-bot will continue to fight August, Vasquez, Vallory and the rest of the bandits. Fiona, Vaughan, Sasha and Rhys begin to run to the exit with the door beginning to fall. Everyone makes it across but Rhys, because he is running slow due to being shot. Rhys is then shot in the same leg again by Vallory, and he falls right under the door. Rhys will crawl to the other side, but his robot arm will be grabbed by Vallory and Pulled under the door, as you play as Fiona to pull him out. The door will crush Rhys’ arm and get him stuck. Rhys being stuck, will then lead you to have to cut him out. You will look around the outside and find an axe (most likely Kreig’s) and then have the choice to cut Rhys out yourself, or ask Sasha to do it. After Rhys arm is off, it goes back to the future with Rhys looking at his new hand, and the kidnapper will ask some questions, then having the episode end.


  • Terribly fake leak. Use something other than a potato for a picture, then MAYBE I'll give it 1% chance of being true.

  • Erm, that was brief?

  • I want to read this. Altough probably fake, I dont want to read it and find out its not >_<

  • There can't even be statistics for something that the population hasn't even played yet.

  • Actually there can. If testers played it there will still be stats I'm pretty sure, though I do think this leak is 100% fake.

    There can't even be statistics for something that the population hasn't even played yet.

  • You and 90.1% of players removed Rhys' arm

    Rhys: "Fuck it. Cut it off."

  • It's fake imo, but the theory for the summary is actually an interesting read anyway.

    Green613 posted: »

    Actually there can. If testers played it there will still be stats I'm pretty sure, though I do think this leak is 100% fake.

  • This is going to hurt

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    You and 90.1% of players removed Rhys' arm Rhys: "Fuck it. Cut it off."

  • edited April 2015

    Pretty good fake, but I'm not entirely convinced. This is realitively easy to fake; if you had posted a screenshot from the actual episode, things would be different.

  • Pretty convincing. Can't wait to play the actual episode.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I also call bullshit on the choices, especially the outcomes in the summary

    I mean, I know people get on Telltale's case about choices not mattering that much, but they definitely matter way more than that

  • Fake as fuck.

    I hope.

  • Dude, have you heard about paragraphs?

  • I know I should immediately denounce this as being "so obviously fake" and say things like "nice try" etc. , but I'm not above admitting that this got me pretty good... And that my hype-levels are at an all-time high right now!

    I mean, imagine if it was real?

    I know the chances are so, so slim, and it would be horrible for all the incredibly hard-working staff, but what can I say, I love a good conspiracy...

    What would Telltale do? Rewrites? Dear God, no! It could potentially be a good ep, too - if you get past the grammar-less rambling and think about how each plot point would be executed by TT - it could actually work (and I really want that truth or dare scene to be a thing).

    So kudos, 'leaker'. If for some miraculous reason it's real you kind of suck, but if it's fake (which is far more likely) you did quite well - for me, at least.

    At the very least it is a nice little distraction/way to tide me over during the wait that's managed to make me even more excited for ep 3 (not to mention the fact that we haven't seen a non-shipping thread with this much creativity in months)!

  • I really don't want to look at or read it in case it's actually real and I spoiler myself in the face, but could someone maybe... give me a couple spoilerless teasers? A few hints on what the choices are? Gentle suggestions? Please?

    I'm just so curious and news-starved...

  • edited April 2015

    For some reason double post, srry.

  • Indeed. Though I hope it's fake it looks very welk done. I was really hyped and squealy for a second there.

    Now I don't know what to feel :(

    I know I should immediately denounce this as being "so obviously fake" and say things like "nice try" etc. , but I'm not above admitting tha

  • There ' s really no safe tease. But I will say this: Rhys' robot arm, Fiona asking for help, Angry (I presume ) Jack

    For some reason double post, srry.

  • Ty, man. I just wish the damn episode would come out already so I wouldn't have to live off of these... crumbs.

    (Also Jack, y u mad at me?! I did everything you told me to!)

    Linsepins posted: »

    There ' s really no safe tease. But I will say this: Rhys' robot arm, Fiona asking for help, Angry (I presume ) Jack

  • I'd like it to be true solely for the fact that Rhys hitting himself in the face in an attempt to get rid of Jack is hilarious to me. It should be a theme that carries on throughout the episode. Every time Jack teleports in to be snappy, Rhys finds the nearest hardest object and starts headbutting it.

  • So based on the comments, I'm guessing its 100% fake and I won't spoil myself if I read it?

  • Guys this is fake. If it was leaked, all the choices would be near 50% since no one has really played it yet.

  • ...it may not be fake. Or if it is, then it seems to be lining up with a lot of hinted scenes for the episode.

  • I dunno if fake or not, I'm just too lazy to read it all so no spoilers for me. xD I've only managed to read the choices description.

  • telltale, please clarify this is fake, you would never allow a leak, so PLEASE TAKE IT OFF! Ahhh!

  • This is fake, if i'm right the font of the choices look a bit off from the usual Borderlands text. I hope I unsee the choices I just saw...

    Linsepins posted: »

    Indeed. Though I hope it's fake it looks very welk done. I was really hyped and squealy for a second there. Now I don't know what to feel

  • They're in a difficult position (particularly the mods who aren't Telltale staff themselves) - take it down and you'll have everybody going "ohhh, they took it down, they didn't want anyone to see it - it must be true!"

    Actually that reminds me - :takes screen cap:

    AChicken posted: »

    telltale, please clarify this is fake, you would never allow a leak, so PLEASE TAKE IT OFF! Ahhh!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Look, I'd find this more believable if his only photo wasn't blurry, I mean he had a lot of time to take this photo (all the time in the world) to get an amazingly clear photo, yet he chooses one that's blurry as Heck to show us and only describes the plot instead of showing other images? It's definitely a fake.

  • Wait for the fake video.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Look, I'd find this more believable if his only photo wasn't blurry, I mean he had a lot of time to take this photo (all the time in the wor

  • I don't find this believable it doesn't explain Athena's Shield(If you went to Old Haven first and if you took Athena's Shield)I mean seriously I thought we can use the Shield against Athena which this Post doesn't say it or mention it so yea this is fake and I remember correctly August and Vasquez screw Gallery over the Vault Key and all a sudden she is now working with them,I mean wtf so this is fake and I know it is so yea

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited April 2015

    This is clearly fake, the "choices" look wrong for a Telltale game as i doubt Rhys and Fiona will play truth or dare and i highly doubt Rhys will be removing his arm.

    They remind me of the badly written fake "leaked" choices from The Walking Dead :P

    Edit: I am going to close this thread now as there won't be any worthwhile discussion about fake information.

  • Yea it does,This Writing is sooooo not Telltale and I have seen better fake choices than this and Really!?!Truth or Dare?lol

    OzzyUK posted: »

    This is clearly fake, the "choices" look wrong for a Telltale game as i doubt Rhys and Fiona will play truth or dare and i highly doubt Rhys

This discussion has been closed.