Questions You Want Answered

I like to discuss about the currently unanswered questions in TFTB.

1) The identity of the masked kidnapper (already being discussed).

2) The whereabouts of Claptrap.

3) How does "Wallethead" keep finding the group?

4) What really happened that helped Fiona and Sasha to escape Athena.

5) When did Handsome Jack create that AI of himself?



  • Well for 5 Nakayma ( I think I spelt that right .-. ) was obsessed with Jack and created some Ai thing of him. for 3, they can probably track Rhys with all his Tech in him

  • More:

    • What happened to Fiona and Sasha's real parents?
    • What's up with Athena's red eyes?
    • Why was the Gortys Project terminated?
    • How does this story link in with the post-BL2 scenes from the pre-sequel?

    I'm sure the last two will be answered at some point, but these are the ones I'm most curious about (besides the ones already mentioned)

  • Rhyiona will be canon? :3

    Alt text

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited April 2015
    • More details on Vallory.
    • How pissed is Athena?
    • True ship.
    • What happened to Sasha (don't care about Vaughn)
    • Where's Jack?
  • I think I can answer Athena's red eyes. Remember that Fiona and Rhys are unreliable narrators, they sometimes embellish their story for dramas sake or to describe how they see things from their perspective.

    Imagine a dangerous vault hunter who has killed countless bandits and fought immense robots and alien monsters, Fiona must really be scared of Athena, that's why she described her with red eyes and echoing voice.

    More: * What happened to Fiona and Sasha's real parents? * What's up with Athena's red eyes? * Why was the Gortys Project terminated?

  • How will Kroger and Finch play out in the rest of the season? (seriously they were introduced for like 2 min. and it's over)

    Gortys ball or Gortys A.I.?

    How Fiona and Rhys became unfriendly?

    Will Rhys live the rest of his life with HJ in his head?

    How will the most expensive Physco Mask and caravan play out?

  • For the Gortys project I think that it was Athena doing, I belive that it was said in the recordings.

    More: * What happened to Fiona and Sasha's real parents? * What's up with Athena's red eyes? * Why was the Gortys Project terminated?

  • edited April 2015

    She killed the crimson lance soldiers there, but she never said why Atlas abandoned the Gortys Project. At least that's the impression that I got from what she said - but I suppose she could've meant that she was putting a stop to it.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    For the Gortys project I think that it was Athena doing, I belive that it was said in the recordings.

  • (don't care about Vaughn)

    How could you say that ;'(

    * More details on Vallory. * How pissed is Athena? * True ship. * What happened to Sasha (don't care about Vaughn) * Where's Jack?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited April 2015

    Wasn't this connected to them abandoning pandora?

    Edit: Also killing everyone inside and threatening the guy in charge is pretty self-explanator to why they abandoned it

    She killed the crimson lance soldiers there, but she never said why Atlas abandoned the Gortys Project. At least that's the impression that I got from what she said - but I suppose she could've meant that she was putting a stop to it.

  • Yeah I think they probably abandoned it because they were leaving

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Wasn't this connected to them abandoning pandora? Edit: Also killing everyone inside and threatening the guy in charge is pretty self-explanator to why they abandoned it

  • I'm not convinced about that to be honest - I'm not sure why but I feel like there is a legitimate reason that she does have red eyes. Maybe Atlas conditioned her or something?

    I think I can answer Athena's red eyes. Remember that Fiona and Rhys are unreliable narrators, they sometimes embellish their story for dram

  • edited April 2015

    Ok mine are

    -Rhys Arm and Eye explained more ( I know the concept art said he had it willingly removed to rank up faster, but I hope Rhys can talk about it more in game)

    -Who gave Fiona the scar on her eyebrow and how

    -When and where do Rhys and Fiona get the new outfits

  • If Rhys decide to take off to Old Haven, Fiona and Sasha would end their confrontation with Athena in Scooter's garage. She didn't have her red eyes and haunting voice there. Also, in the preview she didn't have her red eyes either.

    I could be wrong, but for now, I accept that the red eyes and the voice are only embellishment by Fiona.

    I'm not convinced about that to be honest - I'm not sure why but I feel like there is a legitimate reason that she does have red eyes. Maybe Atlas conditioned her or something?

    1. How exactly hyperion knows that Jack is in Rhys head?
    2. Who were Sasha and Fiona's real parents?
    3. Van training regime, hell I want that for myself.
  • ( I know the concept art said he had it willingly removed to rank up faster, but I hope Rhys can talk about it more in game)

    Well it was originally in the game so I think he may mention it again

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ok mine are -Rhys Arm and Eye explained more ( I know the concept art said he had it willingly removed to rank up faster, but I hope Rhys

  • Yeah, I've seen that image alot, which I what really makes me wish we could ask him ;-; I hope they revisit it sometime, maybe when he gets his new arm we will have an option to ask what happened to his arm in the first place

    ( I know the concept art said he had it willingly removed to rank up faster, but I hope Rhys can talk about it more in game) Well it was originally in the game so I think he may mention it again

  • This is the biggest unknown question: Which ship is canon?

    1. Rhys' arm. Okay, I KNOW what happened, Eridium mining deal blah blah, but I want him to talk about, for someone to bring it up! Sasha and Fiona must be at least a little bit curious.
    2. What happened to Timothy after TPS? (Pleasepleaseplease let Timothy be in TFTB.)
    3. How much does holo-Jack know about actual Jack? Like, how "updated" is the AI? The AI knows the events of TPS, but does it know the events of BL2?
    4. I want to know more about Nisha's and Jack's relationship. I just want Nisha to be mentioned at least once, just once..
    5. How the hell did the Stranger get a Conference Call?

    (Okay, this list is more of a "I want this" instead of "Unanswered questions," but whatever.)

  • I think the number one question we should be wondering about is: What does Rhys look like shirtless?

    I mean. For important reasons of course. Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.

  • I am also curious. F-for science, you know.

    mirashade posted: »

    I think the number one question we should be wondering about is: What does Rhys look like shirtless? I mean. For important reasons of course. Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.

  • What happened to Timothy after TPS? (Pleasepleaseplease let Timothy be in TFTB.)


    How much does holo-Jack know about actual Jack? Like, how "updated" is the AI? The AI knows the events of TPS, but does it know the events of BL2?

    And this is one I'm really interested in, I've wasted so much time trying to piece everything together but normally just end up confusing myself even more...

    * Rhys' arm. Okay, I KNOW what happened, Eridium mining deal blah blah, but I want him to talk about, for someone to bring it up! Sasha and

    • Is the woman with Felix in the Polaroid Vallory?
    • Why does Rhys have property on Eden (something) in present time?
    • How is the group so darn good looking?
  • Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.

    If you're not implying that under the shirt we also will see a pair of tits - no, he can't be a siren. Since he's a male.

    mirashade posted: »

    I think the number one question we should be wondering about is: What does Rhys look like shirtless? I mean. For important reasons of course. Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.

  • Jack is DEAD

    * More details on Vallory. * How pissed is Athena? * True ship. * What happened to Sasha (don't care about Vaughn) * Where's Jack?

  • (I could be wrong since this is the internet but I think the italics were meant to imply sarcasm)

    DeityD posted: »

    Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren. If you're not implying that under the shirt we also will see a pair of tits - no, he can't be a siren. Since he's a male.

  • I'd like to know if I'm correct in thinking that Yvette sounds really insincere during the call in Ep2 when the boys are in the desert, and if it is actually her siccing Vasquez on them, or if she's working her own angle.

  • Well and here I was imagining the things I wrote... snap.

    dfh15 posted: »

    (I could be wrong since this is the internet but I think the italics were meant to imply sarcasm)

  • I also thought she sounded pretty insincere... but I almost feel like it's too obvious for her to betray us. I'm starting to think it may be Vaughn that we shouldn't be trusting so much?

    I'd like to know if I'm correct in thinking that Yvette sounds really insincere during the call in Ep2 when the boys are in the desert, and if it is actually her siccing Vasquez on them, or if she's working her own angle.

  • True... Vaughn also sounded off during the chat you can have with him in Old Haven...

    Or, you know, I'm getting paranoid, haha...ha...

    I also thought she sounded pretty insincere... but I almost feel like it's too obvious for her to betray us. I'm starting to think it may be Vaughn that we shouldn't be trusting so much?

  • O.o

    You say paranoid but - eh, I say you can never be too careful...

    True... Vaughn also sounded off during the chat you can have with him in Old Haven... Or, you know, I'm getting paranoid, haha...ha...

  • Oh you guys... If only the real Jack cared at least 10% like you do for Tim... that'd be great.

    Alt text

    Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk? (some people are speculating about the possibility after playing Claptastic voyage)

    What happened to Timothy after TPS? (Pleasepleaseplease let Timothy be in TFTB.) #SaveTimothy How much does holo-Jack know abo

  • I hope he is okay and we will hear about him more, but somethigs tells me that we care more about Timothy than creators expected we will. Like what if they just made Timothy to make more sense about Jack as playable character?

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh you guys... If only the real Jack cared at least 10% like you do for Tim... that'd be great. Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk? (some people are speculating about the possibility after playing Claptastic voyage)

  • Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk?

    Ugh, that would seriously be one of the most tragic things in the series... His personality was the only thing he had left. It was the only thing Jack couldn't change. :'(

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh you guys... If only the real Jack cared at least 10% like you do for Tim... that'd be great. Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk? (some people are speculating about the possibility after playing Claptastic voyage)

  • Well... This has both pros and cons. Pros are obviously his ties to Jack, and since the audience vallues Jack, it would be logical to explain where the f*ck is his only "real" body double is. They decided to add this character, they will need to end his storyline one way or another. Also, there was suppose to be the mission where they explain properly who he is and why he's here (that's why there are so many echoes about Tim lying around Hyperion Hub of heroism without any context). Besides, we know that Aurelia is with the Vault Hunters, and she has even less story reasons to be mentioned since she's basically a nobody. But here she is. I think the line "you'll need all the vault hunters you can get" and the fact they got Aurelia will lead to some converstaion about him at least. Otherwise, it won't be cool and it won't be like Gearbox at all.

    But yeah, they might not expected such... popularity, as TTG probably didn't expect it with LoaderBot (or maybe they did?) but now they have to deal with it imo.

    LoneSoul posted: »

    I hope he is okay and we will hear about him more, but somethigs tells me that we care more about Timothy than creators expected we will. Like what if they just made Timothy to make more sense about Jack as playable character?

  • That's actually pretty much exactly what happened, except that Anthony Burch (the head writer) chose to portray him as Jack's opposite basically because he was bored and thought making him too Jack-like would be super lazy. He thought that everyone would be majorly pissed that he wasn't like Jack (which is how the Doppelganger was marketed), but was absolutely blown away by people's reaction to him. He quickly became a fan favourite and people began hounding Anthony's demanding confirmation that he was safe (and making sure he wasn't the double we kill in BL2).

    Unfortunately Anthony is no longer writing for Borderlands (but he is writing for Tales), so if we want Timothy in BL3 we have to make sure the new writer includes him - the easiest way to do this is if Telltale establishes his fate in Tales (which is the main reason why I'm so vocal about saving him on this forum)!

    So yeah...


    LoneSoul posted: »

    I hope he is okay and we will hear about him more, but somethigs tells me that we care more about Timothy than creators expected we will. Like what if they just made Timothy to make more sense about Jack as playable character?

  • Heey... a tangentially related question, but I haven't properly played the pre-sequel yet, and I wonder - does playing as different characters get you different dialogue from Jack and stuff, or is it just like BL2? I can't decide who I want to play as, and of course Timothy is a tempting option, but I also kind of like Wilhelm, cause I kinda... maybe... share his dream of becoming a robot... ahem, anyways...
    Also why does he need saving? Is it just that he's never mentioned again?

    Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk? Ugh, that would seriously be one of the most tragic things in the series... His personality was the only thing he had left. It was the only thing Jack couldn't change.

  • That's only speculation now. I barely remember anything from that dlc and need to rerun it to make sure but they were referring to the fact he wasn't really, I dunno shocked (I guess?) at the... thing claptrap did in the church and it felt like he's more detached overall (than before, during TPS). But then again, the last time I played TPS I decide to do ALL the sidequests and well, there was that one time when he just suggested killing one of the npc to solve the problem (Wherefore Art Thou the mission wsa called I believe). I mean, I was "really"? That's the first thing that came to your mind?

    So maybe it's not him who changed but it's just we idealized him too much? I mean, we barely know the guy.
    There's also a possibility that he got into the character too, at last, because in the same DLC when claptrap left (after the angry speech I mean) he said "Am I suppose to break charcter now? I'm so confused".
    I don't really know what to make of it all, really.

    Though, what if he's ok but now he's kind of a jerk? Ugh, that would seriously be one of the most tragic things in the series... His personality was the only thing he had left. It was the only thing Jack couldn't change.

  • Who's running Hyperion right now? Like, Blake's a perfect candidate but I just want confirmation on that.

  • That is right, sometimes was Timothy sarcastic jerk, but when i heard his echoes i imagined him as shy and unsure person, so maybe Jacks face gives him confidence, maybe?

    DeityD posted: »

    That's only speculation now. I barely remember anything from that dlc and need to rerun it to make sure but they were referring to the fact

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