What You Want To Happen...

There's room here for both serious and funny responses, so feel free to post away.

I'd want a moment to inform Jack about the fate of his daughter, Angel...if nothing else to see how furious Jack would become, as he apparently is not aware of events surrounding his death. Perhaps Nisha, too; It'd be interesting to see if he had developed any deeper feelings for her beyond their mutual love of death and suffering (doubtful).

I want Rhys to lose his robotic arm in some heroic moment...or perhaps a cowardly moment. Player choice could determine how, thus letting us shape his personality: Does he sacrifice the arm to save a friend, or is it lost accidentally while abandoning them?

Anything else?


  • edited April 2015

    I want everyone to live, as unrealistic as that may be in a telltale game.

    I also want Rhys to have to definitely choose loyalty between Hyperion or his new Pandoran team. I love the progression he can take from Hyperion asshole to unlikely friend, and it's already kind of hinted at with the "Trust Fiona/Trust Jack" and the "Hollow Point/Old Haven" choices. I just have a feeling that even if it does happen it's not going to make a difference, because of the way he and Fiona treat each other in the present day.

  • I'd love to see Handsome Jack take over Rhys' arm and give a hands-on demonstration of the differences between choking and strangling!

    In all seriousness though, I'm hoping Jack will take over at somepoint and just do something awful. I love Jack's character, but terrible actions are his M.O., and I'd enjoy watching the fallout, especially if there's the choice to go along with it.

  • At some point I want Rhys to do a really cool "throws off Hyperion uniform" when he officially decides he's done with Hyperion.

  • edited April 2015

    Loader Bot to live and save Rhys and Fiona from their captivity.


    Also, I like the idea of Handsome Jack taking over at some point, I think that would definitely be interesting to see.

  • Shirtless Rhys and for Rhys to loose his arm in some way

  • While waiting for episode 2 to arrive, I cope with imagining some over-the-top ideas with Rhys and his robot arm and Loader Bot.

    I imagined an idea where Rhys managed to upgrade his robot arm to the point of being capable of shooting laser beam like Iron Man or Rhys receiving a iron man like suit to combat bad guys.

    I imagined a scene where Rhys managed to achieve a stronger control over Loader Bot, like Loader Bot mimicking Rhys' movement. I imagine a scene where the two charge at the bad guys and Rhys said this to Loader Bot. "Come on! Let's finish this, together!"

  • +1 for Jack finding out/being reminded of Angel's fate.

    That is probably one of the highest wants on my list, second only to you guessed it!

    This guy:
    Alt text


  • I want to know more about Jack, his relationships with Angel, Nisha, his wife, family, etc. We learned some in TPS but I want them to go a little more in depth, especially with Nisha! Also I like the idea of something happening with Rhys' arm.

  • I want rhys to make Vasquez suffer so bad.

  • I want Handsome Jack and Rhys to be buds. Them against the world kinda thing. This is unlikely to happen because Jack is...well, Jack.

    I kinda also want someone to die...BECAUSE I AM A HORRIBLE PERSON. FEAR ME. TWD has got me always waiting for the next death and while I like how lighthearted TFTB is I want there to be a, "shit just got real," moment.

  • Bonus points for those who decided to keep him a secret and are now stuck with total blame for whatever happened! Yes, I want something like this to happen too.

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    I'd love to see Handsome Jack take over Rhys' arm and give a hands-on demonstration of the differences between choking and strangling! In

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