Who's gonna die?
Since I haven't seen such a thread, I thought I'd just make it.
Who do you think is going to die in the game? Rhys, Fiona and the stranger are alone in the desert, neither vaughn or sasha are there (cpt. obvious strikes again). maybe they're just gone, living happily ever after (Vausha-pairing. THAT would be a surprise), but what if the reason that rhys and fiona hate each other at the moment is that one of them is dead (or they just think they're dead)? I mean, it could be. sasha pissed of a gangster-boss, and vaughn is...vaughn, he's not made for the life on pandora. Ya'll got any theorys for that?
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Vasquez, because celebrity voice actors are too expensive.
Nobody is going to die. They will just hook up. Rhys and Sasha, Fiona and Vaughn, Vasquez and August, Handsome Jack and Zer0.
This game should have been called Ships From the Borderlands.
fiona and vaughn? no f*cking way, they're too different. rhys and fiona are hating each other, and they're the main characters. I'm sure they'll end up together
A character is gonna die.
Whose gonna die--->The character whose going to die (this answer is stupid because you're question is dumb)
Hopefully not Sasha.
Please don't kill her.
I'm thinking Sasha starts getting all affectionate and flirty with August.
Then, when he lowers his guard and puts his trust into her again; BOOM! Knife in his back! Followed by a;
"Once again, you just got...
stabbed in the back."
LMAO, что каламбур
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Rhys dies at the end ;-;
there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers sweeps white chinese beard
heh, you're cute with your naivety
Everyone changes positions, swap weapons and suffer only minor flesh wounds... oh wait.
Jack. (In a sense.)
Oh come on! "insert a gif of HJ here"
That's why we can't have nice things. Btw, Felix's still counts as one death already.
not for me. I wanted to see him dead, but I accidentaly clicked the wrong option and now this fucker is still alive >:( but hey, if I find one more bullet for fiona, I'm gonna acid-bullet the shit out of him
That's um almost creepy actually. xD
then rewind.
didn't know this was posssible until now
but it's too late for it now anyways, and it's probably even better like this. can't be bad if this guy feels bad for fiona and sasha and comes back to save their asses
pls no ;_;
Everyone... oh wait this isn't the Game of Thrones section
Hopefully Sasha
say what? o.O I don't really trust her after all and I'm sure she wouldn't risk her life for me if I'm not useful to her, but dieing? nah, she's adorable, I hope she survives
Shoot him in the balls instead.
I hate Sasha with a passion. I've never wanted a Telltale character to die more than I want her to, excluding some of the antagonists seen in the games (fucking Gryff).
Yes, because a good relationship starts with punching the other in the throat.
Vaughn seems pretty expendable to me at the moment. But I doubt he will die, he'll probably just get taken hostage by Vasquez and we may have to rescue him.
Some people want to see other pixelated people die, you'll get used to it. It always happens, in (almost) every fandom. There always will be reason why someone hates someone, and it doesn't matter who is that or what he/she did. I saw people hating and wishing death to many in BL, including Lilith (many people want to see her dead, like wow), zer0, Angel, Athena, Vaughn, Sasha... and it's not to mention people like Nisha or Vasquez, because there's at least we have some objective reasons for hate. It's not always about what they do, but also what they represent.
I'm thinking August is pretty expendable. They could've just had Vasquez show up in the Atlas facility alone with some goons, but August just comes out of the blue.
If he dies, I'm going to cry. Like, a lot. Like, worse than the end of S1E5 of The Walking Dead. :[
I like him too and would personally rather it were Sasha who died (if anybody)
I dunno, he didn't use his fancy new watch for anything yet.
CRAP... Wrong Franchise, carry on.
Valar Morghulis.
Yep, it's stupid!
How can we say this character is going to die or this one... Vaught can die, Sasha, Vasquez, August... Everyone!
you know, that's what a forum is for. so we can talk and think about who probably dies and why and how. we're here for discussion
zombie zarpadon will blow up ailpis and pandora, everyone exept for claptrap will die, rest of the game will be on eden 6.