Imagine if ep3 opens with...

Based on your choice, either Sasha or Vaugns death.
I mean i doubt it would happen as they both have stories to tell, but still, that would such an unexpected opening, and it would really test Borderlands ability to hit you in the feels like Walking dead.


  • That would be horrible. Sorry to be blunt, but it would be, and it just doesn't fit with the Borderlands universe.

  • I dont really expect any of the main characters like Sasha or Vaughn to die. And if they do, I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

  • Please let someone die at least.

  • Vaugh did not even use his new watch. No way Bro will die.

  • Why wouldn't it fit? While Borderlands certainly is more comedy centric, it does have some hit you in the feels moments, like Roylands death, or when Jack is begging you not kill his daughter.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    That would be horrible. Sorry to be blunt, but it would be, and it just doesn't fit with the Borderlands universe.

  • That would be SHOCKING. But, it's still episode 3 so Sasha or Vaughn won't die. Or Vasquez and August I think. They are quite the pair of antagonists.

  • It just doesn't seem fitting with the way we've seen Telltale portray it so far. And never played Borderlands before so thanks for spoilers <3

    kaza125 posted: »

    Why wouldn't it fit? While Borderlands certainly is more comedy centric, it does have some hit you in the feels moments, like Roylands death, or when Jack is begging you not kill his daughter.

  • Oh sorry :D When you said it doesn't fit with the Borderlands universe I kinda assumed you played them, sorry bro :)

    torkahn808 posted: »

    It just doesn't seem fitting with the way we've seen Telltale portray it so far. And never played Borderlands before so thanks for spoilers

  • It's all good. My fault anyway, always meant to play it, but never got around to it. :)

    Alt text

    kaza125 posted: »

    Oh sorry When you said it doesn't fit with the Borderlands universe I kinda assumed you played them, sorry bro

  • I wouldn't be too surprised if August or Vasquez died, but Sasha and Vaughn? No way.

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