Jack is not dead (Cinderella Man Theory)

I have a theory about Handsome Jack and how he's still alive.

Theory: Remember in the final boss battle of Borderlands 2 where Jack has stunt doubles/ carbon copies of himself that the Vault Hunter killed? Honestly I think the Vault Hunter just killed a random double who Jack swapped himself out with who was also scripted to say what Jack said and was commanded to be killed by The Vault Hunter so Pandora would think Jack was dead so he could (in secret) search for the Gortys project. The AI Rhys installed into his head is a hologram from Jack, tucked safe and cozy in a hidden location. Him acting upset about his death and him wanting Rhys to survive is just a trick so they can do his dirty work for him.


  • When Jack dies his mask falls off and we see his scar. Jack is dead ;-;

  • Duplicates/ Clones

    Poogers555 posted: »

    When Jack dies his mask falls off and we see his scar. Jack is dead ;-;

  • No he's dead and I hope he stays dead if he did come back I hope they have a better explanation then...


  • He may be dead, but his legacy remains, his AI ghost may still play a role in shaping the story and hopefully TIMOTHY is still around.

  • Honestly I will take any "Jack is alive" theory because he's too good of a complex and overall entertaining character to let go. :(

    However, I do think you're wrong. His death rant was filled with way too much emotion for it to be someone else reading off a script.

  • He was a good actor with Jack's likeness

    Honestly I will take any "Jack is alive" theory because he's too good of a complex and overall entertaining character to let go. However

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUOtmpJiOSM

    Well, in the above preview video for Tales they interviewed some of the Gearbox guys about Jack being back, and Anthony Burch said,

    "Handsome Jack is dead, and he's not coming back - but there are contingencies."

    Which seems to indicate that it was 100% him at the end of BL2, but that he had the AI as a backup.

    That being said, I was one of the people who totally bought the whole "this was part of his master plan" thing that came about after the events of TPS (based on the fact that he arguably foresaw his fate in his vision in the vault), and I think that ties in nicely with The Gortys Project - maybe he saw all of that too?

    I also really like the idea of him projecting himself to Rhys, which is very similar to the way in which Angel appeared to the Vault Hunters (maybe if they had ECHO eyes she would have been able to interact with them how Jack does with Rhys?)

    This could also mean that Jack is The Stranger, and the reason why we don't see his AI in the future scenes is because he can't broadcast himself when he's standing in front of them.

    BUT if it turns out to be true and it was a double, IT BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN TIMOTHY!!!

    TL;DR Gearbox seems to have officially ruled this out, but me being the conspiracy lover that I am, I've gotten caught up and have run with it, even though I personally think it's highly unlikely.

  • I dunno, have you seen the bizarre way the Opportunity double holds a gun?


    There's no way Jack would wield a weapon like that - it's some serious uncanny-valley stuff!

    Clemenem posted: »

    He was a good actor with Jack's likeness

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned

    no, hes dead. obviosuly he dosent rule hyperian anymore, he known to be dead by everyone, he have no reasone to "fake his own funeral" and give up the biggest company on the galaxy unless he scared as shit the vault hunters will get to him eventually and want everyone to think he is dead

  • Bringing jack back would be dumb IMHO

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