Did you pick Fiona or Jack, why, and what do you think the result of it will be?

I personally picked Fiona because I don't trust Jack. Plus, my friendship with Fiona is in a good place. I know she wants everyone to make it out of there, whereas you can never tell with Jack.

I have a feeling that if you choose Jack, more people will make it out (on both sides), but someone monumental is going to die no matter who you pick.
If you pick Fiona, I think you're going to have to fight off the drones and more people may die, but not on your side. The same monumental death will still occur, though. I'm going to be surprised if everyone gets out of there without a scratch...



  • I picked Jack because I'm a horrible fangirl and he's much more interesting and amusing to me than Fiona. I honestly expect someone is going to die in a terrible way, knowing Jack, but that's okay.

  • If Handsome Jack told me to go jump off a cliff, I'd do it... ;)

    So, yeah, obviously I sided with Jack. The only result I care about is that he be pleased with me, and if people die, well, that's what people do.

  • edited May 2015

    I took Jack, because taking over the facility made more sense to me than whatever Fiona could improvise.

  • Chose Fiona. I was assuming the grenades she had were emps and would stun the robots and give us a chance to either "barter" Gortys, or fight our way out. I didn't choose Jack because he's unpredictable and literally has nothing to lose anymore. He'd likely shoot everyone and tell you to thank him later than just aim for Vasquez, August, and their goons. My Rhys is reluctant to have Jack come back in any compacity. Jack as the story he painted is a hero, the man himself? Nah.

    Plus if we took over the facility and flushed Vasquez and them all out, I'd assume Vasquez would slice the caravan's tires or steal it, you know. A grown up move.

  • I was leaning towards Jack because he had a good plan but I chose Fiona because it seemed WAY too risky to give Jack control of Rhys's subsystems looking back on it I wish I picked Jack but I don't change choices on my first playthrough.

  • Picked Jack. My Rhys is a bit of an ass, and honestly, taking over the facility seemed pretty friggin' awesome.

  • Jack, Fiona would be surprised and she wouldn't know that jack is in Rhys mind and Jack/Rhys can control the robots and will attack Vasquez and his men. So yeah in my opinion; Trust jack is better.

  • I chose Fiona, simply because I don't trust Jack and don't want him in control of Rhys' body.

  • I chose: Jack

    Why: Well, duh - #HailToTheKing

    Result of the choice:

    Alt text

  • I picked Jack because Fiona's plan was terrible.

  • I chose jack so i can f*ck sh1t up.

  • Jack, because as the primary driving force in...well...ALL of the Borderlands games, trusting him will probably result in much more interesting consequences.

    So I chose his option not because he's good or because it was reasonable, but because his path is the one that's bound to rock.

    Honestly, it's a pretty big catch-22 for Rhys as both his choices involve people who he knows to be treacherous and have likewise tried to get him killed in their own ways.

    As to how it'll immediately affect the story? The results?

    Fiona: Tense escape through the Old Haven Atlas Facility ducts. Vaughn and Sasha are taken hostage by the bad-er-worse guys and Fiona and Rhys find themselves having to work together to get their preferred partners back. Rhys will of course blame Fiona for the capture of their companions and by extension, YOU (because you chose to "Trust Fiona").

    Jack: Jack uses the drones to shoot up the facility, killing most of August and Vasquez's entourage. However, the two villains escape with Vaughn and Sasha as their prisoners. Same deal as above with our two playable characters being forced to work mano-a-mano, but this time it's Fiona who blames Rhys for getting her sister captured due to his hacking shenanigans. Jack's simply tickled that he got to kill a bunch of bandits and you get some good karma from him for letting the guy jack your bod.

  • Picked Jack because I trust him to not betray me and not in the slightest use the situation to his advantage.

  • 2 save files. One with Fiona, one with Jack.


  • Rather doubt that they will work together since that would be pointless from the plot telling point. Rhys and Fiona had to separate since they're only playable character and it would be pointless to have them toghether

    The-Qing posted: »

    Jack, because as the primary driving force in...well...ALL of the Borderlands games, trusting him will probably result in much more interest

  • Fiona. 'Cause Jack is a psychotic wild card and I don't trust him. Sure, he's a likeable psychotic wild card, but that's not gonna change my opinion of him anytime soon. However, what with Fiona's flimsy 'plan' and all...

    Well, sh1t.

  • It worked for Sam & Max.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Rather doubt that they will work together since that would be pointless from the plot telling point. Rhys and Fiona had to separate since they're only playable character and it would be pointless to have them toghether

  • Never played it, but from my point of view Rhys and Fiona have to cover their part of the story for the formula to work to keeping them together would be pointless from my point of view because seperately they can cover more of it.

    The-Qing posted: »

    It worked for Sam & Max.

  • Trusted Jack. First time through I was under pressure, and it seemed like a better idea to take control of the drones rather than try luck with Fiona's grenades. I'm hoping it won't bite me in the ass come episode 3, but who knows at this point.

  • Jack, because taking over the "whole facility" seemed like such a better idea than blowing ourselves up (even though I know now that that grenade was only a flashy thing). And threatening to blow ourselves up might keep Vasquez and August from hurting Vaughn and Sasha but it wouldn't keep the drones from killing us all. Taking over the drones could solve both problems. And it seemed so cool! And I thought Fiona would agree with me if she knew about Jack (obviously, because I am Fiona).

    And, perhaps more importantly, I just didn't think that hard about this decision, for the following reason:

    I don't expect anything very bad to happen at all, whether you choose Jack or Fiona. I've had discussions about this before, so I know it's for good reason that a lot of people think TFTB is a much darker game than I think it is. But going into this game, all I knew about Borderlands was what I'd read on the Wiki about Jack and what I'd gleaned from some interviews with Telltale. So, I formed my opinion of this game based on this game alone, and I thought that this was a happy-go-lucky kind of game.

    And honestly, I still think it is. In one of those Telltale interviews, Telltale said that, while TWD mostly presented you with choices between Bad and Worse, TFTB would present you with choices between Awesome and Awesomer. I think that's what the Fiona Vs. Jack choice was: Awesome Vs. Awesomer.

    But since I've been doing more research into the Borderlands franchise and it actually is a pretty dark series of games, I know I could be wrong.....but I hope I'm not wrong. =)

    Also, if Jack does go kinda psycho, I think Rhys would still have quite a bit of say in what the drones do. I mean, based on the fact that Jack seems to be controlling both of Rhys's arms at the end, you might conclude that Rhys is losing control. But, based on the fact that Jack had to ASK for access into Rhys's brain this time when he didn't have to ask in the desert, you could also conclude that Rhys is gaining more control. I want to think it's the latter, so that's what I'm gonna think. ;)

  • Jack at first because I was shit scared for Sasha and vaughn and I didn't understand how Fiona using a flash was going to save THEM. More so considering both of them had guns pointed at their faces. I don't want the badass side-kicks to die 8c

    But then I realized Jack is probably going to kill everyone to protect Rhys (because if he goes Jack goes) so I made a second file and choose Fiona. Cus yay cheating!

    Though consequences aside, Trusting Jack was a lot more awesome.

    Hail to the king baby.

  • I chose Fiona because she seemed confident in her plan and her own sister is at risk so I trust that she knows what she's doing... But mainly, I just don't trust Jack with Rhys under his control. At all. Plus, I'm trying to keep him a secret in my playthrough and whatever he does is not something I want to have to explain.

    ...Naturally, I made a separate save where I chose Jack anyway because his ending is 10x cooler though. I think it's interesting that most of the people on the forum seem to have chosen Jack, but the statistics at the end say only 30-something-or-so% of players chose him.

  • in my canon playthrough I chose Fiona, because it was Rhy's choice and if shit goes south I don't want her to blame Rhys, since we know she is a bit of a hothead.

  • I'm fairly certain it's an EMP rather than a flash bang(which is part of why I trusted her)

    Clause posted: »

    Jack at first because I was shit scared for Sasha and vaughn and I didn't understand how Fiona using a flash was going to save THEM. More so

  • edited May 2015

    I picked Jack. Originally I picked Fiona, but after seeing what she did, I rewound and chose Jack. He seemed to know what he was doing.

    As for what is going to happen, I think relatively the same thing will happen (everyone gets out alive) just in different ways.

    Fiona: shooting enemies as you run out of the building.

    Jack: Jack tears all of Vasquez and August's goons apart as you walk out of the building, with a huge bloodbath behind you.

  • Crap really? Well if it was an EMP I didn't pick up on it for some reason. Does make the choices more even looking at it that way.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I'm fairly certain it's an EMP rather than a flash bang(which is part of why I trusted her)

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I choose Jack because the grenade of Fiona is a "fake" (it can't explode so it's a REALLY BAD PLAN)

  • I could be wrong, but I think it's pretty likely. Plus if I remember correctly(been awhile) that was what happened with Athena(if you picked a certain path)

    Clause posted: »

    Crap really? Well if it was an EMP I didn't pick up on it for some reason. Does make the choices more even looking at it that way.

  • I choose Fiona, because magical power of friendship and stuff. I imagine we'll use our resources (grenades, hidden gun, and shield) to fight our way to Sasha and Vaughn. The drones seem idiotic and incompetent so well probably outsmart them. And I'm sure Jack will constantly complain the whole way.

  • edited May 2015

    I picked Fiona for the same reason you did.

    And I feel either:

    • Picking Jack: Sasha dies

    Picking Fiona: Vaughn dies


    • Picking Jack: Everyone survives

    Picking Fiona: Both Sasha and Vaughn die

    I seriously doubt the second one and I feel like they'd keep both Sasha and Vaughn until episode 4 or 5 but you never know

  • Jack, bc honestly my Rhys is kind of a wimp and scared shitless of jack. I mean honestly he can obviously interact with Rhys implants, is unstable and stuck in rhys head. Rhys is all alone with Jack who he might admire but still is really really scared of. Better to do what he wants and hope he keeps you and Vaughn alive for a while longer rather than use your own metal arm to strangle first your friend and then you out of frustration.

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