So how do you think Rhys' New Best Frenemy is going to react to hearing about You-Know-Who's Death?

If Nakayama was better at researching the object of his obssession than he was at walking down stairs, then the Handsome Jack AI he made is probably aware he has a daughter...a daughter who is dead now.

He had a hard enough time grappling with his own demise, how do you think he'll handle finding out that Angel is dead?


  • edited May 2015

    The only people that know of what the Guardian Angel was were Lilith, (Roland), and the BL2 vault hunters. You can play that Lilith told Mordecai and Brick later, but that's it.

    We're not going to hear anyone else mention it. So that brings up that no one' dude that information unless they knew Jack would get angry. Why just tell some lowly Hyperion desk worker who is pretty close to being jobless that the Guardian Angel that everyone had spoken so highly about is dead?

    For results, that's why. I'd assume Lilith will be the one to gloat about it if she ever appears and finds out what's in Rhys' head. And I can see Jack AI trying really hard not to do anything rash until she reminds him/tells him for the first time what she and the BL2 vault hunters did.

    Edit: ah yes, let me forget Jack telling everyone everywhere that the vault hunters killed his daughter. Nice job me. Still no one I can think about would bring up Angel's death is Litlith or a Vault Hunter who want to salt the wounds.

  • Well when she died Jack went straight up ballistic and murdered Roland and kidnapped Lillith without hesitation this was the first time we saw Jack do something directly so... I'm thinking maybe he'll take full control of Rhys and go after Lillith or any of the Vault Hunters from Borderlands 2.

  • There's a slight chance that he is aware of her demise, depending where the AI's consciousness cut out (which may have occurred at his moment of death which is why he doesn't remember that specifically), but I tend to think AI Jack's personality is more indicative of how he was at the beginning of BL2 (or at least prior to Where Angels Fear to Tread which was his breaking point).

    Either way I really hope there's at least some reference to her and that Telltale don't gloss over her existence like TPS did - she was a huge part of the first and second games, and was pretty much representative of the last shred of Jack's humanity. She's far too important of a character to not include in some capacity.

    And yeah, if he doesn't know, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the one telling him...

  • Yeah, I was really disappointed by the lack of Angel in Pre-Sequel. All she had were a few unimportant voice lines in echo recordings. She's such a great character, I'd love to hear more about her. Although I'm not sure if Jack AI would be willing to open up about her to Rhys. But maybe he could depending on weather or not you've been siding with him?

    But speaking of Pre-Sequel... remember that adorable picture of Angel that was on his desk? We'll probably end up back on Helios at some point. The episode Escape Plan Bravo was originally called Escape from Hyperion according to what has been found in the code. Plus the title card shows Loader Bots fighting on what I believe looked like a Helios location. Well, anyway, what if while on Helios, we come across some old items that were once in Jack's office? Like Angel's picture? That could be a good way to bring the matter up.

    There's a slight chance that he is aware of her demise, depending where the AI's consciousness cut out (which may have occurred at his momen

  • Telltale, take note.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, I was really disappointed by the lack of Angel in Pre-Sequel. All she had were a few unimportant voice lines in echo recordings. She's

  • The only way she could find out is by BL1/2 vault hunters talking about it. I dont think Nakayama knew, Jack didn't really talk to him, and Angel was kept under strict, strict wraps. Only a select few knew. Nakayama wasn't one of them.

  • This was a nice touch though.

    Especially due to what Jack does with it near the end.

    Alt text

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, I was really disappointed by the lack of Angel in Pre-Sequel. All she had were a few unimportant voice lines in echo recordings. She's

  • I kind of thought he might already know, based on how terrifyingly angry he got while mentioning his sacrifices if Rhys says he deserved to die. But he doesn't act eternally pissed off, nor does he seem focused on seeking revenge so perhaps not. But right now his concerns probably lie more on finding a way to NOT be some weird holographic dead guy, so... Revenge might come later.

    Otherwise I don't imagine Rhys knowing much about Angel, and I'm not sure how it would be brought up for him to find out. If it were Lilith/Mordekai/Brick/any BL2 Vault Hunter I can only imagine sheer rage. Maybe leading to Rhys accidentally strangling someone.

  • Well, anyway, what if while on Helios, we come across some old items that were once in Jack's office? Like Angel's picture? That could be a good way to bring the matter up.

    Yes - that would be perfect!

    Maybe Vasquez forces Rhys to do his janitorial duties and in the janitor's closet is a box of old junk that we have the option to search through, and Rhys sees it and just haphazardly throws it aside (or even worse makes a mean comment about the picture) and Jack takes over and just goes nuts (or breaks down).

    Alternatively, Rhys stole the picture/frame after Jack's death and now has it in his office (because it's a trinket of his idol) and Jack recognises the frame and demands to know where the picture is.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Yeah, I was really disappointed by the lack of Angel in Pre-Sequel. All she had were a few unimportant voice lines in echo recordings. She's

  • Especially due to what Jack does with it near the end.

    Don't remind me...

    Alt text

    The-Qing posted: »

    This was a nice touch though. Especially due to what Jack does with it near the end.

  • What... what happens?

    Especially due to what Jack does with it near the end. Don't remind me...

  • Edit: ah yes, let me forget Jack telling everyone everywhere that the vault hunters killed his daughter. Nice job me. Still no one I can think about would bring up Angel's death is Litlith or a Vault Hunter who want to salt the wounds.

    Well Rhys was stupid enough to tell him he deserved death which led to Jack kinda-sorta explaining himself and the events of the previous games a little so maybe it's not completely impossible after all. Maybe - just maybe he was already referring to Angel's death when he said about the sacrifices he's made.

    Dapnee posted: »

    The only people that know of what the Guardian Angel was were Lilith, (Roland), and the BL2 vault hunters. You can play that Lilith told Mor

  • He just layed it down on the table, "face" down and a this point it's like he did it because he couldn't "face" her anymore due to all the things he did and what people have done to him.

    What... what happens?

  • Jack has her picture facing down onto the desk after the mission where Moxxie, Lilith and Roland betray him by blowing up his laser. I have a feeling he does this because he's worried that Angel will end up betraying him eventually as well. Which is a nice touch, considering she does indeed turn on him in BL2.

    What... what happens?

  • edited May 2015

    That's interesting, I never thought about it that way. And now I think there could be one more meaning to this, something like that no one understand what he's trying to do and why they can't see I'm a good guy? Or something close to that.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Jack has her picture facing down onto the desk after the mission where Moxxie, Lilith and Roland betray him by blowing up his laser. I have

  • Ok, thank you both :)

    DeityD posted: »

    That's interesting, I never thought about it that way. And now I think there could be one more meaning to this, something like that no one understand what he's trying to do and why they can't see I'm a good guy? Or something close to that.

  • I think its more because he didnt want Lilith and Co. to find out about her.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Jack has her picture facing down onto the desk after the mission where Moxxie, Lilith and Roland betray him by blowing up his laser. I have

  • Maybe by sacrifices he means using his own daughter as the catalyst. (I'm not sure if it was called catalyst I don't really remember)

    DeityD posted: »

    Edit: ah yes, let me forget Jack telling everyone everywhere that the vault hunters killed his daughter. Nice job me. Still no one I can thi

  • I second this interpretation.

    DeityD posted: »

    He just layed it down on the table, "face" down and a this point it's like he did it because he couldn't "face" her anymore due to all the things he did and what people have done to him.

  • I actually think it could be, among other things, about Angel - especially since he says something similar while we fight for her: "Angel, do you have any idea how much I've sacrificed for you? The bandits I've killed, the people I've manipulated - everything I've done was to protect YOU!" I mean he's a manipulative ***** of course, but it's the second time when we hear about "the sacrifices" from him.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Maybe by sacrifices he means using his own daughter as the catalyst. (I'm not sure if it was called catalyst I don't really remember)

  • Yeah, this has always been the way I took it (especially because it's after what he does to the scientists) - but I quite like @Deadpoolian's interpretation, too.

    I also think this was one of the key moments where he stopped viewing her as his daughter and started viewing her as his weapon (especially after the loss of the eye). He couldn't associate the little girl in the picture with the eridium-riddled monster he had forced her to become.

    DeityD posted: »

    He just layed it down on the table, "face" down and a this point it's like he did it because he couldn't "face" her anymore due to all the things he did and what people have done to him.

  • But wasn't Angel hooked up to the Hyperion network via the satellite orbiting Pandora? She could open doors, override controls , etc if i remember my Borderlands and Borderlands 2 playthrough (though feel free to correct me :).

    Though ECHOnet was shut down at the end of BL1, she still had some awareness and control in BL2.

    What if Jack tries to 'call' Angel via the network? Only for no reply or 'oh, what? We don't/can't use that anymore,'..Could be a way for Jack to find out without actually been told. If that makes sense. Just a thought

    (long time Lurker, First Time Poster! :D )

    The only way she could find out is by BL1/2 vault hunters talking about it. I dont think Nakayama knew, Jack didn't really talk to him, and Angel was kept under strict, strict wraps. Only a select few knew. Nakayama wasn't one of them.

  • Welcome! ^_^

    And yeah, I definitely think Jack trying to contact Angel is a great way they could establish him finding out about her (if he doesn't already know).

    Doodle_imp posted: »

    But wasn't Angel hooked up to the Hyperion network via the satellite orbiting Pandora? She could open doors, override controls , etc if i re

  • edited May 2015

    In some cut dialogue Jack says nakayama was scanning his brain and trying to 'capture his essence' so I'm guessing this was way after the Pre-Squeal, considering how crappy the 'professors' first attempt at an A.I Jack was. XD

    But I think HoloJack's memories stop just before BL2, maybe even before Roland started up his resistance.

    Mainly because when he first 'physically' appears to Rhys he seems to be under the impression that Atlas is still around? Even though it was on it's last legs, Atlas didn't completely abandoned Pandora until Hyperion started strong arming their presence on the planet. (under Jacks leadership) Heck he even seems to know a bit about the gortys project, and that Atlas was trying to find a vault? So the "It's like Atlas is just begging us to take it." line makes me think this version of Jack has no memory of the events of BL2.

    Which would mean he still thinks Angel is alive...welp have fun with that Rhys. Space gods help you and Pandora if Jack finds out. Him getting angry about his own death if you choose the 'you deserved it' option was...Handsome Jack will remember quickly became the scariest four words in the English language.

    Also I'm not sure how it would be brought up but Jack did announce to the while planet that his daughter was dead, even if no-one knew she was The Guardian Angel A.I

  • I forgot about that, amazing ideas. Imagine be giving you two thumbs up.

    Doodle_imp posted: »

    But wasn't Angel hooked up to the Hyperion network via the satellite orbiting Pandora? She could open doors, override controls , etc if i re

  • At the end of the day Jack really thinks he is the 'Hero' and that he's doing the right thing despite the questionable things he did to Angel he really doe's care about her.

    DeityD posted: »

    I actually think it could be, among other things, about Angel - especially since he says something similar while we fight for her: "Angel, d

  • edited May 2015

    To those that said that only the BL2 and 1 Vault hunters would know of Angel and her death. It should be pointed out that Jack, after his daughter's death, made a public announcement to all of Pandora informing them that he has withdrawn the bounty on the BL2 vault hunters (Zero, Maya, Axton, etc) due to them murdering his daughter and warns those who would try to kill them before he does. So even if Fiona and Sasha doesn't know what Handsome Jack's daughter's name was, they knew he had one and that she died during the conflict between the VHs and Jack. And people from Hyperion would most likely also know that.

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