Um...hmm... Well my choice changes everytime XD. I'll just put my top 3 these 3 usually alternate between the number 1 spot lol. If Life Is Strange continues to be awesome in the final 3 episodes then it will probably be up their as one my of my favorites.
Oh, it's this thread again. While, I post what I always do.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Anybody who likes games like Fallout needs to play this game.
Markd do I have to tell you why Kingdom Hearts 2 is superior? well okay than!
* There is a talking Duck.
* A talking badass Mouse.
* … moreA idiot with a shield.
Just kidding
Ooh I forgot to say when my friends came over and they played it for the first time... XD
This game is amazing, it's basically Silent Hill and Final Fantasy Tactics had a baby and it was presented with the cinematic flair of Metal Gear Solid. It's tough, it's moody, the story has a lot of emotional depth, and the environment communicates a lot about the story and world if you pay attention.
VtM Bloodlines is notorious for being really buggy (basically, the game had to be completed and sold a lot sooner than they were ready, and Activision screwed them over by releasing it around the same time as Half-Life (2 I believe). The company went out of business, but there is a really big fan patch, I forget the name, which cleaned up some of the bugs and restored unused dialogue. The game is still excellent in standard, but it's clear that there aren't nearly as many easter eggs in the second half, because of the rush. But people are still modding it today even though it's 10-odd years old - it's just that good.
Yay a fellow Ps Vita fan! I haven't played Danganronpa 1 and 2 yet but from what I've heard they're really good. Thinking about playing them this summer.
Um...hmm... Well my choice changes everytime XD. I'll just put my top 3 these 3 usually alternate between the number 1 spot lol. If Life Is … moreStrange continues to be awesome in the final 3 episodes then it will probably be up their as one my of my favorites.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mass Effect 3
Persona 4: Golden
Yay a fellow Ps Vita fan! I haven't played Danganronpa 1 and 2 yet but from what I've heard they're really good. Thinking about playing them this summer.
Um...hmm... Well my choice changes everytime XD. I'll just put my top 3 these 3 usually alternate between the number 1 spot lol. If Life Is … moreStrange continues to be awesome in the final 3 episodes then it will probably be up their as one my of my favorites.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mass Effect 3
Persona 4: Golden
And believe me Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc isn't far behind. It's definitely in my top 5 or 6 as well. Can't wait for the spinoff game in the fall.
(Cover art of spin off coming out below)
Also can't wait for Danganronpa 3. I heard it is in the early stages of development, hopefully the vita is still alive in North America when that happens lol.
Um...hmm... Well my choice changes everytime XD. I'll just put my top 3 these 3 usually alternate between the number 1 spot lol. If Life Is … moreStrange continues to be awesome in the final 3 episodes then it will probably be up their as one my of my favorites.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mass Effect 3
Persona 4: Golden
This game is amazing, it's basically Silent Hill and Final Fantasy Tactics had a baby and it was presented with the cinematic flair of Metal… more Gear Solid. It's tough, it's moody, the story has a lot of emotional depth, and the environment communicates a lot about the story and world if you pay attention.
Markd do I have to tell you why Kingdom Hearts 2 is superior? well okay than!
* There is a talking Duck.
* A talking badass Mouse.
* … moreA idiot with a shield.
Just kidding
Ooh I forgot to say when my friends came over and they played it for the first time... XD
In no order because I haven't given it enough thought to pick a single favorite...
Deus Ex.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Fall… moreout.
Fallout 3 & Fallout: New Vegas.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.
Edit: Resident Evil 4.
ET for the Atari.
No, just kidding.
TWDG (both seasons +DLC) are my favourite of all time. TLOU is ranked just under.
That's a classic
Lmfao What happened to Judgement?
Um...hmm... Well my choice changes everytime XD. I'll just put my top 3 these 3 usually alternate between the number 1 spot lol. If Life Is Strange continues to be awesome in the final 3 episodes then it will probably be up their as one my of my favorites.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Mass Effect 3
Persona 4: Golden
I bought that game recently on Steam, it was pretty cheap. Havent played it yet though.
Markd do I have to tell you why Kingdom Hearts 2 is superior? well okay than!
Just kidding
Ooh I forgot to say when my friends came over and they played it for the first time... XD
XD Idk I never played but one day I will it sounds awesome
And when you do and finished the game with tears of joy you will throw TLOU out of the window...

XD I bet I'll smash tlou with a hammar this will be so epic :P I'll definitely play it soon
Markd: Harley go back to the van
Harley: But pudding-
Markd slaps TLOU out of her hands
Batman: Good job now you just made me even more angry
Markd claps and waves to Batman with a smile on his face
Batsy, my dear friend-
You killed 18 people to play KH2...
Markd looks surprised
Really I thought I killed more or, oh what the heck...
I keep count.
And I love you for it!
Okay... I hope you love it, and to remind you it has allot... OF CUTESCENES with character development
This game is amazing, it's basically Silent Hill and Final Fantasy Tactics had a baby and it was presented with the cinematic flair of Metal Gear Solid. It's tough, it's moody, the story has a lot of emotional depth, and the environment communicates a lot about the story and world if you pay attention.
Do it. Do it now. lol.
VtM Bloodlines is notorious for being really buggy (basically, the game had to be completed and sold a lot sooner than they were ready, and Activision screwed them over by releasing it around the same time as Half-Life (2 I believe). The company went out of business, but there is a really big fan patch, I forget the name, which cleaned up some of the bugs and restored unused dialogue. The game is still excellent in standard, but it's clear that there aren't nearly as many easter eggs in the second half, because of the rush. But people are still modding it today even though it's 10-odd years old - it's just that good.
Its a Tie between SIlent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 5. Both i could really relate to , in my own personal life.
It never existed!
Yay a fellow Ps Vita fan! I haven't played Danganronpa 1 and 2 yet but from what I've heard they're really good. Thinking about playing them this summer.
Here's a few of mine:
I would like to say Fallout 3 but I played Warcraft everyday for a year and a half.
You definitely should I loved them both. They're really fun and remind me of a cross between Phoenix Wright and the Zero escapes games.
You have my respect for having both DR2 and P4 Golden listed.
And believe me Danganronpa:Trigger Happy Havoc isn't far behind. It's definitely in my top 5 or 6 as well. Can't wait for the spinoff game in the fall.
(Cover art of spin off coming out below)
Also can't wait for Danganronpa 3. I heard it is in the early stages of development, hopefully the vita is still alive in North America when that happens lol.
I love this game so much
What was your favorite chapter? Just wondering
Glitz Pitz was the best. Followed by the chapter on the train.
I'm not even finished it yet, but The Witcher 3 is making its way up here for me. It very well could end up near the top.
Ayyy! Fellow DanganRonpa Fan I see!
From your description, This game sounds Like an everlasting Orgamsic Nostalgia Festival. Gonna go find it now. XD
You don't even have to say why Kingdom Hearts is superior. No words are needed.
There isn't enough love for Kingdom Hearts on this forum, come on people!
It's definetly tied for GOTY for me so far, but I don't think it will wind up my favorite of all time (maybe my top 5 though
Brother I heard you
There are NO words to describe Kingdom Hearts

You can get it on PSN for $5! Be warned, it's pretty tough (but never unfair).
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
I think the Last game I completed was Silent Hill 2 (PC) on Hard mode, I'm sure that this ain't shit. XD
In no order because I haven't given it enough thought to pick a single favorite...
Deus Ex.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Fallout 3 & Fallout: New Vegas.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne.
Edit: Resident Evil 4.
i thought it was eh, the first time i played it god knows how long ago.
We're best friends now.