Bang, Marry, Kill



  • Gotta make him suffer first. Make him see that he really isn't as clever and powerful as he thinks he is. :)

    BipedalP posted: »

    Kill him from a distance to be doubly sure that doesn't happen.

  • This is so funny. And i mean really, what else could you do with jaime?

    Bang: Jaimie Marry: Jamie Kill: Jamie

  • edited May 2015
    • I'd bang Talia Forrester (after she came of age)
    • I'd marry Rodrick Forrester (I'm bisexual guy, just saying)
    • and I'd kill Cotter. (Damn thief) <---- This one could change depending on what he does in the next episodes.
  • Bang: Asher (self-explanatory, really) Marry: Jon (hottie) Kill: Mira (idk, not to be a b'tch but I really don't like her...)

  • Olenna, Tywin, or Aemon?


  • The (Franken)Mountain, Lady Stoneheart, Maester Qyburn (the Dr. Frankenstein maester)

  • Marry Olenna (she's an old lady and she thankfully wouldn't want to sleep with a twenty-something woman like me, at least I hope not). Bang Aemon (gross, but I'd get it over with quickly, lol). Kill Tywin (obvious choice here, I hate the guy).

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Olenna, Tywin, or Aemon? GO

  • edited August 2017


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