it takes to long

Tales from the borderlands is a good game
But why does telltale game keep delaying it. Dont awnser to make the game better becuse we all know you just put all of the work on game of thrones.
I am on the edge telltale you better do something becuse this is the worst thing you have ever done


  • There is 2 different teams on GoT and Tales, so yes, it does take a while because they want it to be as good as possible

  • I am not english

    Kruzii posted: »


  • They said around 8 weeks
    And got is already at episode 4 and started later
    I find that bullshit sorry if you disagree. Not my problem

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There is 2 different teams on GoT and Tales, so yes, it does take a while because they want it to be as good as possible

  • Trust me sugar, you're not gonna get anywhere with that attitude. We're all suffering from the wait and all that, but no one will answer your questions or make the waiting less painful. And if there's nothing you can do, it's better to let it go.

  • She does have a point though, and it's kind of direspectful to just keep quiet. I understand that games can be delayed, I'm not fond of it but I understand. However as soon as you know you won't keep your timeframe you should inform the community and update so they know were you're at. It's not that much effort. This is the first tell-tale game I play and I certainly won't give them money for an unfinished product again. I'm sure they eventually will release the next one but I could have waited for a sale or something instead of just buying it at asking price.

  • edited May 2015

    But why does telltale game keep delaying it.

    They don't, you can't delay something when they have never set an official date for release, which they haven't.

    Dont awnser to make the game better becuse we all know you just put all of the work on game of thrones.

    Telltale is not putting all their effort into GOT, each game has a separate team. GOT and TFTBL have their own set of writers, designers, artists, etc. Tales is not being put off because Telltale is focusing more on GOT, that's just untrue.


    And you'll get it, just be patient. Would you rather have an unfinished and poor product so that it's released in a time frame that fits into your schedule, or a finished and much better product, even if it takes a little more time to make? I'd take the latter any day of the week.

    I am on the edge telltale you better do something becuse this is the worst thing you have ever done

    Oh man, I bet Telltale is shaking in their boots after that. Seriously, what are you going to do, complain and whine about it some more like you are now, grow up and learn some patience.

  • Amen to that dude, there's no point in that kind of bitching and moaning about stuff, you'll only get a ban if you contniue like that, we'll get the EP when it's done.

    But why does telltale game keep delaying it. They don't, you can't delay something when they have never set an official date for rel

  • There. Is. No. Timeframe.

    Saomik posted: »

    She does have a point though, and it's kind of direspectful to just keep quiet. I understand that games can be delayed, I'm not fond of it b

  • edited May 2015

    Now I may not care much about Borderlands anyhow so the wait isn't as agonizing for me but..This is why I have never purchased their season passes for any of their games..and likely never will even for the beloved series they have such as Walking Dead. But I always knew I could never buy a game beforehand without knowing the exact date of release and had confirmation. I figure as soon as they have the episode out is when I'll have my wallet out. Sure wish I could do the same with my car note. Delay on payments a few months without saying anything to them about payments and that being enough to keep them from coming out to sneak and seize the vehicle in the middle of the

    That is fair and square even if you get a puny discount for purchasing the season pass. According to this logic from Telltale games and the fans that defend them for these consistent practices, they could actually even delay the game episode out 5 to 6 months after you've given them the money for the season pass, and it is still supposedly righteous because ("hey.. your still getting your episode you paid for eventually right?? and you know in fact the principle of gaming law states that the longer you wait the more incredible the game dude!.. so stop whining and wait a year with the rest of us for the awesome episode man!") smh Waiting an eon for a game does not automatically always mean the story will be any better, I mean at best perhaps the game will be void of bugs or glitches which should be the automatic goal by default of ALL games with a price tag anyhow.. Unless they were free I guess. Even then it would be no point to play a glitch game.

    I wouldn't even purchase a product beforehand from say eBay as example if I believed the package will be delivered within just a week or two according to the seller or company and come to find out I never got the package until like half a year later without any word or updates from the merchant via email for severe tardiness. I would soon seek a refund.. as a result of thinking I had been hoodwinked out of my money for a product I have not received at all or in a timely fashion.

  • This is why I have never purchased their season passes for any of their games. And likely never will even for the beloved series they have such as Walking Dead

    The Walking Dead S! & 2 have been fully released. Not buying the season pass and getting all the episodes is unwise.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Now I may not care much about Borderlands anyhow so the wait isn't as agonizing for me but..This is why I have never purchased their season

  • edited May 2015

    I am aware they've been fully released as of now thanks. However, I am saying during the times that they were being released one at a time episodically (which were also the times I personally played both seasons) I refused to buy a season pass because of the uncertain/unspecific release time tables that came along with the games. If anything it is more unwise (from my perspective) to dish out more cash all at once for a product you'll receive far down the road of time at some point and many paychecks later if employed. Than to technically pay less INDIVIDUALLY each time and get the product IMMEDIATELY upon payment and not wait after paying. Or maybe to you it is perfectly rational because that is how you've been operating. Whatever floats your boat I suppose go for it.

    P.S. Actually now that I think about it for season 1 of Walking Dead I ended up renting the entire game at once on disc. So I honestly played all those episodes at once for just Red-box's price since at the time I was still sort of new to TTG after playing Jurassic Park the game. But season 2 I purchased each episode individually same for Wolf Among Us, Borderlands, And Game of Thrones.

    This is why I have never purchased their season passes for any of their games. And likely never will even for the beloved series they have s

  • edited May 2015

    You can't disagree on something that's a fact? Telltale has 2 different teams, you can't just say that's bullshit because you don't like the timeframes the episodes release. Game of Thrones is in a contract with HBO, of course they have to keep to a more regular time schedule.

    Not my problem

    If you didn't want to hear what other people had to say why did you even start a discussion?

    They said around 8 weeks And got is already at episode 4 and started later I find that bullshit sorry if you disagree. Not my problem

  • Tales from the borderlands is a good game But why does telltale game keep delaying it.

    Because they're rewriting stuff, AGAIN! T.T Lakes! Lakes everywhere!

    Alt text

    Didn't Job J Stauffer mention on playing the new episode of Tales from the Borderlands alongside the new Game of Thrones episode on twitter recently? So there could be news on it soon or it'll be coming out soon.

    Soon ;_;

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Not a bad idea, maybe they could parody the lake scene, give them all the technology to easily cross it then have one of them stubbornly insist on it, then when people are dying it's revealed to be an embellishment.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Tales from the borderlands is a good game But why does telltale game keep delaying it. Because they're rewriting stuff, AGAIN! T.T L

  • me neither,
    sorry if it sounded rude :(

    I am not english

  • Now this is said a lot but Quality > Quantity.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    TellTale has a certain style Tweets, screenshots, trailer, then finally the episode. And if you're not a patient person (like myself) to bad.

  • Y'know, I don't want Telltale to change themselves if it'll hurt the games they make. If this is the time they need to take to make each episode as incredible as they've been, I'm okay with that.

    But startin' to agree with that one guy who said to remove the 6-8 weeks approximation from the FAQ. Say what you will that's been said 50 times over, that's where people are getting their expectation, and then filling this forum with shit.

  • Glad you're learning.

    Cope49 posted: »

    TellTale has a certain style Tweets, screenshots, trailer, then finally the episode. And if you're not a patient person (like myself) to bad.

  • Yup, I kinda like waiting. Like obviously the waits between ep 2 of Wolf and Tales were long, but we kinda know something happened while they were making it. But anyway, I kinda enjoy Telltale's 2 month waits because they make it more exciting, and it makes it so it isnt something you buy, play all the episodes, and are done with.

    ActionHank posted: »

    Y'know, I don't want Telltale to change themselves if it'll hurt the games they make. If this is the time they need to take to make each epi

  • Love the username.

  • But startin' to agree with that one guy who said to remove the 6-8 weeks approximation from the FAQ.

    4-6 weeks

    ActionHank posted: »

    Y'know, I don't want Telltale to change themselves if it'll hurt the games they make. If this is the time they need to take to make each epi

  • Even worse dealio then. =P

    Kurusu posted: »

    But startin' to agree with that one guy who said to remove the 6-8 weeks approximation from the FAQ. 4-6 weeks

  • Positive way to look at it, that's for sure. At least so far we haven't had the misfortune of being spoiler-bombed by pirates getting the game early leaked.

    Poor Life Is Strange.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup, I kinda like waiting. Like obviously the waits between ep 2 of Wolf and Tales were long, but we kinda know something happened while the

  • Me too, it has a certain "I came here just to troll" appeal.

    Green613 posted: »

    Love the username.

  • I feel like were kindred spirits.

  • edited May 2015

    It wouldnt suck so bad if we actually got some news constantly. Not everyday constantly, but more constantly than we have it know.

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