Oh man, I *just* discovered your Secret of Monkey Island video a week or two ago. Wow. Both are extremely incredible, I've watched both far too many times, and I still find them far funnier than anything should be after the amount of views I've gone through already. Just...great job. I really hope you do more of these!
lol i was actually pretty mellow about waiting for the first episode of TMI but your video boosted my anxiousness 1,000,000,000,000,00(insert random number of zeros her)%
lol i was actually pretty mellow about waiting for the first episode of TMI but your video boosted my anxiousness 1,000,000,000,000,00(insert random number of zeros her)%
Okay... *deep breath*
This is Awesome! I knew the jokes, I knew the script, and I still laughed my shoes off! It's incredibly funny! Great job, guys! Great GREAT job!
TTG Team, and Fans from all around the world, thank you for the kind words! And, by the way, Majus... I think you should listen to them and make more animations = ) ) Maybe we should all team up again and make a mini-series or something.
Thank you for mentioning my name in the credits. I don't know how to translate this without sounding silly, but it felt really really cool, being part of your team and working on something cool with you guys! Also, thank you TTG Team for telling the world about this little animation in your blog. :D Man, I'm so excited! I'm gonna watch it again! And again... well, until my brain will send me signals such as "Go eat", "Go drink", "Go to bathroom"... and so on.
Woah, this was a fun-project I did in just a weekend. If you wonder why everything is weird: The MI-Flash-Movie made it to the finals of a contest, and a few days before the end I almost got disqualified because of copyright infringement… So I made this NON-copyright-infridngement-version of the movie, to show them how ridiculous this copyright-debate was.
And, to answer your question: I’m a little preoccupied at the time, but when theres more demand for it, I’m going to translate it somehow
Hahaha, that was awesome... actually, it's almost even funnier than the original Monkey Island.
Haha, awesome. I loved the not-monkey-island-1-summary, probably it was even funnier than the original. You should really translate it, our English speaking friends are missing out on something amazing.
Also, a bit off-topic maybe, but I just saw Arbeitsmann & Faulmann. Hilarious. And I guess it loops forever?
Yeah what gives! We're trying to make a video game here, stop being so cool.
I laughed a little too hard at the screaming narwhal sailing through the air.
I really liked how you went so far as to emulate the look of the clouds! Little touches like that turn something awesome into... uh, more awesome.
Favorite part... the narwhal getting launched. I laughed out loud at that bit. Also, shooting of Guybrush in the beginning. Also, cutting of mast.
And needless to say, this was awesome
tudelutudelutudletudelu tutututudelu:rolleyes:
You think of work, in kazaksthan ministry of properganda! make the funny film flash of jews! Waa Waa Wee Waa!
OMG, it's over 9000!!
Okay... *deep breath*
This is Awesome! I knew the jokes, I knew the script, and I still laughed my shoes off! It's incredibly funny! Great job, guys! Great GREAT job!
TTG Team, and Fans from all around the world, thank you for the kind words! And, by the way, Majus... I think you should listen to them and make more animations = ) ) Maybe we should all team up again and make a mini-series or something.
Thank you for mentioning my name in the credits. I don't know how to translate this without sounding silly, but it felt really really cool, being part of your team and working on something cool with you guys! Also, thank you TTG Team for telling the world about this little animation in your blog.
Wow, ich sehe ja gerade, dass du Rick Kavanian für "Rick Rocket" bekommen hast... sehr cool!
I believe this is what you are looking for...
no. Majus already said he didn't translate it (yet). follow the thread.
Also, a bit off-topic maybe, but I just saw Arbeitsmann & Faulmann. Hilarious. And I guess it loops forever?
Jau, und das war wirklich brütalnice. Trotzdem schaffts Monkey Island mehr Zuschauer als Rick, hehe.
Thanks! Yeah, it loops forever. This was my 72h-film for the entrance examination at the Filmacademy in Ludwigsburg.
I wish a new Monkey Island story would be published with those oldschool comic drawings, not that pseudo modern 3d-ish comic models.
The gesticulation and facial expressions are really something to see!!
wait? no real Narwhals?
@Majus Super Job, aber der Wal hätte ruhig mehr schreien können
best flashvideos ever!