So, I'm officially an addict...
[ I had to confess that fact ]
Now TTG, please support my addiction by developing more Seasons of this awesome piece of art.
It is painful to watch a game with so much potential for a sequel just to sit quietly in corner right now, every once in a while I see comments on YT, tweets, forum threads and posts regarding the fans desire to experience more of Fabletown stories in video game format.
What is even more painful to me personally is fact that this game have helped me to get out of very bad mind set and being a horrible person overall, on top of that it actually somehow motivated me to keep becoming better and more friendly person. I'm not going to explain my story here, but believe me that I'm being more honest than I ever was to a group of people on the internet (I hope you won't find that phrase offensive). And now seeing all this potential go to waste in name of Minecraft which got cradload of expansions is almost insulting. I do not expect a sequel after sequel, and I understand that as developers you want to keep going forward and explore new possibilities, but I doubt that making two more seasons on the course of upcoming years would hurt your artistic souls and wallets.
I had to get it out of my system, sorry...
I think all we really want is closure. Yes or No. Are we getting a season 2 or not?!
Honestly I'd like a season 2 as much as the next guy, but I'm kinda scared for it considering how people completely tore apart TWD S2, I'd hate to see the same happen to TWAU. Also, we shouldn't judge Minecraft before it's even come out yet, saying it's a waste of potential is completely untrue considering that, again we know nothing about it yet.
149 hours of gameplay?!?!?!?! :O
Jesus Christ dude, you must've replayed the entire Season like 30 times or more!
We all know - "The Walking Dead: Season Two" was and always be best
Holy shit, take a days off,man....woah.
Opinions, opinions...
I think it's 50x50!
Telltale made another BIG job!
It's MY opinion
Walking Dead is a bit different though. The writers don't have much to go on. Which is why I think Season 2 was bland and bad. It felt like it was the same as Season 1. Fables has a lot to expand on. They can do really new and interesting things with the story. Which is why it would most likely be a good sequel.
You my man, are the real MVP of TWAU.
Pretty much what Poogers said. We all know that feel. This fanbase in general is just longing for a sequel.
Hey, bro, hang in there. TWAU is in my heart too, and all of the fans here are rooting for Season 2 as much as they can. All we can do is wait - seems like nothing will reach the ears of Telltale now, and only time can save us.
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no other game, hold no Minecraft, father no TWD sequels. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the forum. I am the shield that guards the realms of Telltale. I pledge my life and honor to The Wolf Among Us, for this night and all the nights to come.
Also, Huff and Puff
@HazzatheMan Tell me something I don't know :P
@Raging_Blades lol, you've made my day
@armis37 I'm sorry, I forgot to Huff and Puff this thread
Your poem should become an official anthem of TWAU fans tho!
It's okay, seems like not many remember it
We can try to make it happen with a separate thread!
This is... woah, probably looks unhealthy... But I tell you what, spending 200 hours in this game gave me also unhealthy amount of joy
You know what I do find extremely awesome? Even tho I've went through that story like 30 times now, I'm still sometimes running into scenes I've never saw before. Telltale magic!
When you say 'scenes you've never seen before', you mean minor alterations in dialog and such? Not actual new scenes, though I know scenes can/do change based on the places you choose to visit and the order you to choose to go to them in.
Anyhow, even if so, it shows Telltale does put quite a bit of work into personalising the experience even if it doesn't branch a lot. Annoying when people say nothing changes etc., when it's just the overall arc that never changes. The details do.
I have a feeling though, while I've not played it yet, that you'll enjoy Until Dawn if you have a PS4 and enjoy horror films, particularly of the slasher kind. Seems like one that actually has unique scenes etc. pop up as a result of choices. (Sorry for mentioning this here too, but I geniuinely want people to know about it who complain about choices etc. as it seems like it might be something special when it comes to story branching, though again, I haven't played it yet.)
Well, yeah but some of them are minor and some of them are major depending on the situation. Anyway, it's always nice to see something new even if you replay the game for like 30th time, you know? That's why I love TTG games
Yeah, I do, and can relate. I was pretty much a 100% sure that you meant what I said, but wanted to clarify that you didn't mean totally unique scenes or else I might have had to replay and bug you about it.
(Which would have shocked me, missing that)
I think I've played TWAU two or three times. I remember replaying one chapter several times though where Bigby was being treated, following episode 3's conclusion. With restarting it a few times, I uncovered a slight branch in the dialog tree that I didn't know existed. It might have only lasted for a few lines and wasn't big, but I didn't expect it as the dialog trees normally reconnect after one - two lines from the character you're speaking to (which also, I believe, triggered different responses for Bigby because it took longer for the dialog to reconnect). It occurred because of a choice made in episode 1. Anyhow, small things, but they help to personalise the experience and it's nice to uncover them. Does make you wonder what other dialog changes based on what you chose.
PS: Fun fact, I think Telltale have said a typical episode script is around the length of four movies. Certainly a few movies anyway (I think that was for TWD S1 though).
Btw, I'd also like to say it was pleasant coming across this thread, given all the negativity around here and the web in general.
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