well I personally cant see why they cant be up and at work at 6am, that would give them 30mins to get the game ready to download, and then it would be downloadable by now!!! cos its now 6.30am over where telltale are!!
doing it that way wouldn't make things this exciting don't you agree?
We're located on the west coast of North America, where as of this writing it is 8:00 PM on July 6th. There are still many hours until the game comes out, because it won't be released until we all get a good night's sleep and come back into the office tomorrow!
Until then, discuss away! See you guys in the morning...[/QUOTE]
discuss away lol.. they are defo watching what we are saying lol...
If they keep me any longer i will release these haha:
And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?
I've spoken with apes more polite then you.
I usually see people like you passed-out on tavern floors.
arrhhh i need to go out and wont have internet access, i was hoping to take my lap top with me after downloading it but its still not here, how long now? does anyone know?
I'll wait.
Have you checked your PMs lately Marill?
doing it that way wouldn't make things this exciting don't you agree?
Power to the Norwegians!!! Heia Norge
Knappast! Vi är pirater som är oslagbara. Förbannade sjögurkor!
Sorry. Popups are blocked, I didn't see it. I'll check now.
To have something to look at while waiting.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of grog on the wall.
98 bottles of grog on the wall, 98 bottles of grog.
Take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of grog on the wall.
97 bottles of grog on the wall, 97 bottles of grog.
Take one down and pass it around, 96 bottles of grog on the wall......
Until then, discuss away! See you guys in the morning...[/QUOTE]
discuss away lol.. they are defo watching what we are saying lol...
If they keep me any longer i will release these haha:
And I've got a little TIP for you, get the POINT?
I've spoken with apes more polite then you.
I usually see people like you passed-out on tavern floors.
lol.... bless um
Take one down and pass it around, 95 bottles of grog on the wall......
stop stop! don't pass the bottle we don't wanna be drunk when it comes out!
EDIT: Unless they're bottles of near-grog
ill just have the one then
96 bottles of grog on the wall, 96 bottles of grog.
Take one down and pass it around, 95 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 94 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 93 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 92 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 91 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 90 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 90 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 89 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 88 bottles of grog on the wall......
.... I miss grog
....... I reaaaallllllllllllyyyy miss guybrush
Heck, I even miss LeChuck!!!
But not for too much longer, ssoooooo lets revel in what we've missed because soon we won't have to miss it anymore
*a positive spin on things
Take one down and pass it around, 87 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 86 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 86 bottles of grog on the wall......
It's one of my favourite numbers! ...*goes bananas*
{Covers ears with hands}: Stop. Stop! STOP!!!
"It's the last day to pre-order Tales of Monkey Island! http://www.telltalegames.co...
about 20 hours ago from web"
Does this mean 4 hours to go...
Take one down and pass it around, 86 bottles of grog on the wall......
Take one down and pass it around, 85 bottles of grog on the wall......
The brass is what we'll polish and the deck is what we'll mop.