Vaughn Episode 3

What does everyone think happened to Vaughn? I thought for a second Vallory was going to say that he was dead.


  • I guess, Vallory made him an offer he couldn't refuse. By the end of ep.3 Vaughn has too many strikes - being jealous, dealing with Vasquez and stuff. I trusted him, but now I'm 99% sure he's gonna betray me.

  • Yo. You should spoil tag this. But I think Vaughn died as he isn't useful towards gortys

  • Naaah. Vaughn may die, but it's going to be a big event, not off screen. Weird thing - I sold him out to Vasquez - now dead - so he won't know about that, but Sasha does, and she doesn't seem to care.. got all romantic with Rhys this ep... so those choices feel a bit wonky. But we'll see.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Yo. You should spoil tag this. But I think Vaughn died as he isn't useful towards gortys

  • After this episode, I genuinely think Vaughn is The Stranger.

    I'm going to write up my thoughts somewhere later, but for the time being I just found that a lot of this episode focused on Vaughn's insecurities (much more obviously in the "choose Jack" playthrough - but enough to be a notable theme in both), and how he doesn't feel like a badass when compared to the people around him. He feels worthless in comparison, and he had that tiny glimpse of power in episode two before realising that even in the badass wasteland of Pandora everyone still sees him as a geeky sidekick. He may have felt more powerful than when he was tabulating figures on Helios, but no matter how many awesome things he does on Pandora he still plays second fiddle to everyone else (hell, people think the two robots are more capable than him)!

    I think he wants to make a power play to prove that he's smarter, stronger and tougher than all of them combined - and the only way for him to do that is to conceal his appearance (which he speaks about a lot in the Jack playthrough - noting that Rhys is every bit as nerdy as him, but gets away with it because of the way he looks/his confidence). Like everyone else on Helios, his role model is Handsome Jack - and what does Handsome Jack's story tell you? Put on a mask, act confident and you'll rule the galaxy (or die trying). Isn't that exactly what The Stranger is doing?

    I also think that this very likely means that he's set himself up a nice little deal with Vallory - and perhaps that there was more to Vasquez's deal than meets the eye (what if he had something really dodgy set up with Vasquez and now that he's dead he's screwed and needs to do something drastic?)

    And I kind of sympathise with him. I made sure to be super nice and promise him that I wouldn't leave him - and then literally the next scene I'm (admittedly forced) to ditch him and go make kissy faces at Sasha - that actually disappointed me a bit, I made a promise and the game forced me to rescind that promise - not cool.

  • Anyone think that the theories of Vaughn being the masked stranger might be true? What if we don't see Vaughn anymore in the past scenes and whatever Vallory did to him didn't kill him but for some reason made him have memory loss or something along those lines? I don't really have any other good ideas to back this up but, during the campfire scene in the present day, Fiona asks the stranger why he wears his mask and assumes it's to do with desperatley hiding his identity from Fiona and Rhys and that he's either someone who knows them or needs them. But what really made me believe it might be Vaughn is that after Fiona pointed this out he says "how confident are you in this hunch?" Which Fiona seems confused by. Both the stranger and Vaughn walk with a notable hunched back and that line might be the stranger subtly hinting who he was.

  • Ok, I admit, I sold Vaughn out to Vasquez - now dead - but Sasha knows what I did... and doesn't seem to mind? The 'romantic' stuff with her can happen anyways? That feels a bit weird and ooc...

    I also need another playthrough, I kinda accidentally snubbed Vaughn when he tried to reminisce... Wow, my Rhys is screwed.

    After this episode, I genuinely think Vaughn is The Stranger. I'm going to write up my thoughts somewhere later, but for the time being I

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I didn't get to see much of Vaughn this episode as he was paralyzed and strapped to Loader Bot's back for the first half of the episode. Kind of sad about that.

  • Hmm, maybe he escaped in a Nick of time!

  • I just hope he isn't dead.

  • I have no idea what happened to him but I hope he's okay. I felt genuinely sad when he confessed just how unimportant and overlooked he felt next to Rhys. Then he jumped on Vallory and saved Rhys and just vanished after that... I don't know. I hope he's alright. Me and him... we're bros.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    He definitely feels like the Samwise Gamgee of the Borderlands universe, doesn't he? :D

    Rock114 posted: »

    I have no idea what happened to him but I hope he's okay. I felt genuinely sad when he confessed just how unimportant and overlooked he felt

  • I agree, after Vasquez is killed :) (still soooo happy about this) Vaughn looks terrified, which makes me think that he was still working for him. And then at the end, nobody knows where he is? Last we saw him he was wrapped around Vallory's neck, so what happened? He's always dissapearing, which makes me very suspicious.

    After this episode, I genuinely think Vaughn is The Stranger. I'm going to write up my thoughts somewhere later, but for the time being I

  • He's going to be saved by Timothy Lawrence and then the cinnamon rolls are going to save the day.

  • Same here. I think Vaughn's gonna be MIA in Episode 4 for that reason

    After this episode, I genuinely think Vaughn is The Stranger. I'm going to write up my thoughts somewhere later, but for the time being I

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