Telltale trying to force ships?



  • My mind immediately went to this when you said that.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    ^ Going to side with armis. The setting and all would have left me googly eyed with anyone in the same setting, hadn't their eye been scoope

  • I agree, hopefully there are some more Rhyiona moments in Episode 4.

  • edited June 2015

    Jack just never takes control of Rhys so nobody comes to ruin their moment and it ends on a good note.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Wait what? 8U The scene is different then? How?

  • I don't really get involved with shipping. The relationship didn't feel forced to me, though. I feel like they've actually had a decent amount of buildup. Granted, yeah, there should definitely have been more non-romantic options, but as it stands I don't have anything against the relationship.

  • You don't have to neglect/not wash your hair to get dreads. It's a common misconception.

    What are you talking about?

  • omfg that was hilarious.

    Mazekial posted: »

    My mind immediately went to this when you said that.

  • Or he's trying out the ol' reverse psychology...

    Bokor posted: »

    Jack's comments about the two sisters make it seem like he really doesn't want Rhys having sex with either of them.

  • Agreed, Rhys and Fiona are much better together than Rhys and Fiona.

    Mikejames posted: »

    Seconded. While I could agree it wouldn't hurt to have more of a middle-ground for those who didn't want to purse a romance, I thought the d

  • I like how they are putting ships in the game but I want a Rhys Fiona ship not Sasha and Rhys. Sasha in my opinion feels way younger than Rhys and the rhysha relationship felt forced with the romantic music and awkward scenes

  • I know it was my shitty sense of humor. I'm more confused that they said Sasha is black and asked me why someone with dreads would wash their hair. Is Sasha black? Does that matter anyway? And the question asked of me implies that she shouldn't wash her hair, the entire post is just confusing to me really.

    nursethalia posted: »

    You don't have to neglect/not wash your hair to get dreads. It's a common misconception.

  • I really, really like Sasha, and "Rhysha" is my own pairing, but even I do think it was a little forced.

    Actually, forced may not be the best term. It was more... herded. Telltale didn't FORCE you to like Sasha or get romantic with her, and the flower choice even asks "Did you get sweet on Sasha or did she leave a sour taste in your mouth?" No, they didn't force it, but they definitely strongly encouraged it.

    So less of "forcing" a romance, more of "strongly encouraging" it.

  • Sasha is 24. Vaughn is 27, and Vaughn mentions being in the same year of college together with Rhys this episode, so therefore Rhys is also 27. Three years really isn't that big of a deal.

    USA2283 posted: »

    I like how they are putting ships in the game but I want a Rhys Fiona ship not Sasha and Rhys. Sasha in my opinion feels way younger than Rhys and the rhysha relationship felt forced with the romantic music and awkward scenes

  • I don't hate Rhysha ship and I do think it is cute. But the way it was done in episode 3, was hindering Rhys' own character development. But then again, I thought, maybe it was the point. Episode 3 is the episode where Fiona takes the front stage and is becoming a badass thanks to Athena. Episode 4 will be the episode where Rhys takes the spotlight, because it will take place in his element.

  • What?

    Piggs posted: »

    Agreed, Rhys and Fiona are much better together than Rhys and Fiona.

  • edited June 2015


    Cyanistic posted: »

    ...and more Vaughn abs. Just 'cause ^-^;

  • I hope if there will be any, they won't be like that. Because if so, they can keep it to themselves. It was annoying enough with August in ep1 and now in ep3. And I personally was fine with pinky promise and throwing boots scenes, but suddenly all the humor and subtlety is gone.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I agree, hopefully there are some more Rhyiona moments in Episode 4.

  • Piggs is making fun of typos again.

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • Thank you~ :*

    Cope49 posted: »

    Well said Cyanistic.

  • Holy shit shut up about being fucking gay. I'm a bi female but do I rant about it? You're complaining about being forced to see a hetero relationship (no you're not) yet youre forcing your gay views? Do you not see the hypocrisy? Its not an RPG, you play a character, if that character happens to be hetero its not a personal attack.

    Fucking hell not everything has to be tailored to suit YOUR views. Go back to tumblr.

    rivaini posted: »

    both sides? as in rhyiona and rhysha? did i not mention i'm a lesbian? i don't want to be forced into either.

  • edited June 2015

    I feel you, OP! I'm aromantic asexual so pretty much every romance option always seems a little bit off to me. I can't identify with that, but hey, I get that love is a thing that happens and I'm okay with it. So I'm open to everything, and maybe I can get to enjoy Rhys/Sasha in the next episodes, but now I can't help but agree with you.

    I did feel it was forced, but I wasn't sure I felt that because it was or because I just didn't like them together. I adore Sasha, but I feel like her relationship with August is way too recent (and turbulent) for her to see Rhys as a romantic interest. I like Rhys with Fiona, but I knew deep in my heart it was kind of "doomed" since a romance between the two main characters would be very predictable and cliché. But yeah, guilty pleasure. I would love it nonetheless.

    I think we'll have to wait for the next episodes to fully grasp what kind of relationship they're going for with Rhys and Sasha, I don't really know how to feel about it right now. Maybe it ends being optional after all, maybe it's not what we thought, maybe it's just played for laughs and doesn't get anywhere, I don't know.

  • is it me or does this thead's title make it seem like TTG is attempting to sexually assault aquatic vehicles?

  • Rhysha or Rhysha

    hahahaha the only Real choice, i mean his rarely you have a win- win situation?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It was really forced. It was kinda annoying try everything you can to not do it, but then having it happen anyway. I mean, if anything I was expecting Rhysha or no Rhysha, not Rhysha or Rhysha.

  • It's beacuse this stupid ships toppics... I was disgusted too.

  • Except Rhys is still his own character, as you can see when playing as Fiona. Sure, we dictate some of his big actions, but he's still his own person and so it makes sense he'd flirt with Sasha. Also, what kind of logic is you being a lesbian meaning you don't want Rhys and Sasha to hook up or anything? That doesn't make sense. It's Rhy's relationship, not your's.

  • edited June 2015

    But that logic also completely destoys the argument like "it'll be so weird to see Rhys and Fiona together because duh, we play as them. Nope, but seriously weird".

    It's either this or that. We have to say in what they're doing or we don't and we'll gonna perceive them just as a regular cardboard characters. But TT claims that their games are about choices, and then they do this. I haven't seen anything like this in ME,LIS or Dreamfall chapters.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Except Rhys is still his own character, as you can see when playing as Fiona. Sure, we dictate some of his big actions, but he's still his o

  • Well it was obvious since the episode 1 that Telltale was going this way.

  • I still think some you guys are overeacting. It wasn't forced, you had the option to be romantic, but it doesn't have to be the scene that plays out. You can the it's beautiful or jungley, you can give her flower, keep it or just not pick it at all. The situation had the option to be romantic and it was up to the player to decide.
    Jeez, come on guys, lets keep our hats on ;)

  • that was my main problem with it that it kinda took over Rhy's part of the epsiode as you can see in the choices at the end of the epsiode but oh well. just wish there would have been a few more other options :)

    I don't hate Rhysha ship and I do think it is cute. But the way it was done in episode 3, was hindering Rhys' own character development. But

  • Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching three ways, one for romantic/flirty responses, one for just friendly ones and another for jerkass ones? Fortunately Jack came in and saved me from Rhysha. He is truly the hero of Pandora.

    (no disrespect to the Rhysha shippers though - I'm sure you guys loved this and I'm happy for you, it's just a shame that unavoidable-ness of the romantic stuff kind of brought down my opinion of an otherwise really cool episode)

  • This. Though, I really love the scene no matter how you play it. Either you make it romantic, or you make it awkward. Either way, it feels to me exactly how Rhys would respond picking either one of the options.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I still think some you guys are overeacting. It wasn't forced, you had the option to be romantic, but it doesn't have to be the scene that p

  • It's not unavoidable :P
    It's a situation two people find themselves in, where you get to choose how you think Rhys would have responded. Not how YOU would respond.

    Anyway. Saying this is 'unavoidable' and therefore stupid is stupid in itself. It's like calling out how Vasquez died, and you can't save him, yet nobody seems to be weaseled out of the fact you get NO options to change that fate.

    Telltale wants to bring the story to a certain point and wants you to build different relationships between people. In this episode you have the chance to be cruel to Vaugh, telling him he needs to stand up for himself (Creating some tension between the two) or reasuring he is your bro.
    Telltale can't implement a whole system where in you get to decide if he is your bro, your lost friend, your lover, your nemisis. These are all things you COULD have Vaughn become if he wasn't a predetermined character in a game. This goes for Sasha too. They give you a few options, and you pick the one you prefer best. Don't like the choices? Then pick the one you have the least issues with. None of the choices are right. You just get to choice what you think is right.

    Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching t

  • The only ok option is really don't talk too much and don't even pick a flower. Anything else feels like "wtf" moments. It was really weird when I picked a flower out of curiosity and kept it,the scene afterwards was so lame I can't even. Just why? It started just fine, it could've been pretty cool if one of them had some sort of a funny reply to that. And instead it felt like I was kicking a puppy and crushing someone's hope. I don't want to be a d*ck only because I don't like her that much, why are you doing this TT? xD

    kaza125 posted: »

    I still think some you guys are overeacting. It wasn't forced, you had the option to be romantic, but it doesn't have to be the scene that p

  • They weren't forced. Jeez I'm repeating myself here, you can it's jungley or beautiful, neither of those are romantic. You can keep the flower, or just not pick it up.

    Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching t

  • Left a really bad taste in my mouth.

    It's funny cause that's exactly what we can read in the description of that choice in the end.

    Godamn these scenes were forced as hell. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. Would it have been so hard to have a dialogue tree branching t

  • Yeah, that part really didn't make sense... dreads aren't a natural thing that hair just does, like someone with curly or kinky hair, no matter what race you are. Maybe rivaini doesn't know that.

    I know it was my shitty sense of humor. I'm more confused that they said Sasha is black and asked me why someone with dreads would wash the

  • You know there is actually the option to not be a dick or be romantic, right? Just go with the 'beautiful' option, and don't pick the flower :P

    DeityD posted: »

    The only ok option is really don't talk too much and don't even pick a flower. Anything else feels like "wtf" moments. It was really weird w

  • Um, I know. That's actually what I said in the first sentence, that it's the only way not to be a dick if you don't want to see all the cheesiness.

    I just didn't expect that picking a flower and keeping it will result in a burn and a really lame scene instead of something entertaining or funny.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    You know there is actually the option to not be a dick or be romantic, right? Just go with the 'beautiful' option, and don't pick the flower :P

  • This is getting almost as dramatic as people freaking out and claiming to be traumatized about gay romance being "forced" on male players a la Anders in Dragon Age 2 (despite the fact that all he does is admit he likes you... you can say "not interested" and he'll never, ever bother you again, so... how is gay romance being forced?) I didn't ship Sasha or Rhys before this episode (I hadn't even consider them shippable at all, to be honest), but I thought the interaction was sweet, and I never felt pressured or forced to choose the romantic options while progressing through the episode.

    Personally, I'm still waiting for ace representation (and for it to actually come up in-game, not just be confirmed later, off-screen, like with Maya), but I certainly don't get upset when characters in games have sex (gay or straight) despite the fact that in real life, sex makes me very, very uncomfortable.

    I'm definitely not trying to tell people when they can and can't be offended/uncomfortable... not trying to say "well I'm not offended so YOU can't be offended! or anything... but it feels like a lot of people are blowing this out of proportion and making it a much larger issue than it actually is.

  • Ahh, I gotcha~ ^-^

    DeityD posted: »

    Um, I know. That's actually what I said in the first sentence, that it's the only way not to be a dick if you don't want to see all the chee

  • edited June 2015

    Oh my goodness...

    "Forced". Why do you people keep using that word? Was Lee "forced" to have feelings for Carly? I mean come on people, you can make a few choices in telltale games here and there, but the fact of the matter is that the story ultimately has a solid path, an already thought out and written backbone. The affection Rhys has for Sasha is part of that backbone obviously, but luckily you have a choice to choose to go with it or resist it.

    If you're expecting the Bioware treatment and getting a bunch of romance options, please get that out of your heads. Be happy you have the option to not play along with the romance, but thinking it's forced is ludicrous.

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