Probably when the gang doesn't have the heart to tell Gortys that the body it is trying to drag off to 'adventure' is a corpse. I chose 'he's sleeping' because I couldn't shatter that little orbs candylike view of the world.
Because we would never expect the characters to be able to see the notifications, they're for us.
It's so weird, and really funny. But does this mean that Jack can see all of the notifications now, or just the ones that apply to him? Or was it a one off joke?
It's not a line, but I liked the "journey" scene at the beginning after they activated Gortys. I was amazing to see these characters interac… moret with each other. I loved how Sasha and Athena were shooting at a Jack billboard and Rhys and Jack are just standing behind them with Jack facepalming. That was amazing.
I told her the truth, cuz i mean, there's sure to be more dead bodies right? Little Gortys bot needs to be prepared.
But Rhys did give me a look like i just told her Santa wasn't real. So?
Rhys gets all mumbly because Sasha asks him what he said. Then they have a cute little awkward moment.
Just buy her a new one!
Because we would never expect the characters to be able to see the notifications, they're for us.
It's so weird, and really funny. But does this mean that Jack can see all of the notifications now, or just the ones that apply to him? Or was it a one off joke?
Shit, it looks way funnier with subtitles. I didn't even pick up on everyone else's Huh's.
Jack breaking the fourth wall with "What the hell is that?"
Oh my god Jack's face xD
Get rekt m8
That's pretty adorable..
Oh my god, how upset she sounded made me burst out laughing!
I just found out Anthony wrote that and he's (rightfully) proud of it!
Yes this is one of my favorite too ^_^ !!!
The last part is along the line of "YES, this IS the weirdest thing I've seen, and I've seen a lot of weird things"
Loved it ! Especially coming from Athena
Yeah I loved that part too ^_^ !
Fiona: "Hang on there, Doc. If that even IS your real name."
Cassius: "It's not, and I never said it was."
Vaughn: Hey can I have a gun?
Fiona: No you cannot have a gun!
Vaughn sounded so damn happy when he asked it, while Fiona is so 'what no!' about it XD too funny.
the athena eye quote made me lose it.