Inconsistency with Rhys' arm...

This isn't really a big deal or a flaw with the game by any means, but I've noticed the Episodes have been a little bit inconsistent when it comes to Rhys' robotic arm. Early on in Episode 1 a lot of fans asked why Rhys didn't use his cybernetic arm in combat, since a typical Hyperion worker wouldn't be very physically strong. Telltale's answer? He's left-handed and isn't skilled in hand-to-hand fighting. Fair enough. He punches a bandit at one point with his human hand, and it doesn't seem to do too much beyond stumble him a little bit. He also uses his human arm to try to choke a much larger man to death, which works, well, not so much.

Shoot to Episode 2, where we see him fling a full-sized shovel, singlehandedly, so hard and so far that it spears through the (probably quite thick) window of Vasquez's car. That was a hell of a throw, and made it pretty obvious Rhys' robo-arm is a lot tougher than his normal one. Rhys proves he's not really "weak" in this Episode at some parts, but still not too physically tough.

Now Episode 3. Choosing to trust Fiona leads to a scene where he tries to pull her up onto a ledge with his robotic arm, but he can't. Fiona even asks "Why are you so weak?" which he doesn't have much of an answer for. But THEN cut to the climax, where he's able to actually nearly move some fallen rubble in front of a gate which even Loaderbot can only lift by doing it piece-by-piece, then cut to where he's able to pull both himself, Sasha, and their respective gear up a fallen walkway with complete ease via his robotic arm, whilst having a much harder time doing so with his human arm. This is the incident that stood out the most; if he can pull himself and Sasha up with no effort at all with his robotic arm, or can actually partly-move rubble that Loaderboat needs time in moving, how come he couldn't pull Fiona up in the beginning of Episode 3? Why was his robo-arm so weak there?


  • He says his Robotic arm is way too heavy, which makes sense when pulling somebody else, or supporting his weight from a ledge.

  • edited June 2015

    he's levelling up and putting points into the cyborg tree

    jokes aside it is pretty inconsistant, especially that scene where he can't pull Fiona up, my guess is she's actually really fat and is wearing one of those steel corsets that keep all the fat in while moving around internal organs

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