Is sasha dead? On present days

So when Fiona and Rhys are talking to the stranger and if you trust jack on the car top scene, Fiona asks if all hes BFF´s are mass murderers, and rhys just turn back in silence, this makes me belive that could vaughn be the new boss of hyperion? and somehow got sasha killed? Or im just crazy?


  • Actually, Rhys does that weird (almost haunted) turning around thing regardless of what you choose and regardless whether or not you agreed to Jack's deal.

    So it seems to relate to Jack himself - rather than Rhys' comments in that moment.

    At first I panicked and thought that it was in relation to me trusting him/agreeing to his terms (meaning that it backfired BADLY in the future), but when it happened in my second playthrough where I didn't trust him and told him to stay the hell away from me I realised it wasn't so black and white.

    So I think either Jack does something horrifying in the future, or something bad happens to him (please be the former, please be the former!) - and Rhys feels that he bears some responsibility by either taking his deal, or not taking it.

  • I think we can end this discussion aggreeing that something terrible will happen in the future episodes.

    Actually, Rhys does that weird (almost haunted) turning around thing regardless of what you choose and regardless whether or not you agreed

  • So with a title like that there's no point in putting a spoiler tag xD

  • But this is comedy gold, this series are amazing fun to play big laughts so will telltale realy kill someone? I think if there is a game that a main charactr dosent die it may be tales.

  • nah, Fiona would be a little more upset if sasha was dead

  • Please no :(

  • He turns around like that no matter what. Which is weird, it felt more fitting that he did that if you didnt trust Jack twice because Jack basically says to Rhys that hes going to take him over and to "have fun with his body while its still his."

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