Fiona and Athena

Sorry to interrupt The Rhys/Sasha parade( duh too boring), but am i the only who enjoyed Fiona/Athena scenes more? I dont ship them romantically, because well cheaters dont do it to me, but as friends, hell yeah. They really seemed to bond pretty quickly and came to care about each other:)


  • Completely agree - I really enjoyed the exploration of their (platonic) relationship.

    Fiona has always had to be the big sister to Sasha, so has never really had a strong female role model to look up to - while the one thing Athena needs (besides the love of a particularly adorable Elpian mechanic) is a little sister to nurture and protect again.

    I think we got to see a side to both of them we haven't been privy to - they both have to be so reserved and closed-off due to their past experiences and responsibilities - so it was really nice to see a bit of their 'true' nature shine through.

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