Anyone else enjoy Fiona's development?

"My one skill is to keep talking until people get confused." (Paraphrasing)

This is quite descriptive of Fiona's character prior to Episode 3. There's not really a whole lot of depth there as she's mostly a smooth-talking con artist, making it her only defining trait and the angst at Felix's betrayal is mostly shown through Sasha as Fiona comforts her.

I really liked how Episode 3 expanded on Fiona's character with the inclusion of Athena as a "big sister" kind of figure. Seeing as she spent her whole life as the big sister for Sasha, it was nice to see Fiona learn from someone older that she trusts. Looks like Fiona's becoming a bona-fide Vault Hunter?

Fiona was also quite adorable early this episode, two such instances being:



her hat

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It was a nice hat though.


  • I like where this is going, she's becoming AWESOME :D I really enjoyed Athena's company too.

  • before this episode Fiona just seemed like she was along for the ride and the Focus was mainly on Rhy's character but after this episode we finally got some much needed character development for Fiona.

    I felt like Fiona become a much more in interesting and compelling character

  • edited June 2015

    Here! Here!

    As a big fan of Fiona, I find episode 3 really satisfying as I always love Fiona and I thought I would never like her more, but I'm wrong! She has a bunch of her own adorable, beautiful and badass moments in this episode, and looks pretty in all costumes <3

    Her personality and back-story are much more developed than in the previous episodes, which amazes me the most. She always looks confident and calm, yet she had her own worries and weaknesses. Athena brought a lot of questions and challenges for her, pushing her to overcome her limits. At the same time, though Fiona is so proud of her conning skills, she thought that is the only thing she is really good at. She has to deal with her feelings towards a family member who betrayed her, how she views herself and what she really wants in the whole journey. The interaction between her and Athena is really touching as well as serving as an encouragement for me. I love how she is modified to have chances to grow up and become different from the beginning.

    And yes, I always think that something similar to this hat option could happen, and she is perfectly adorable when she said that line <3

  • This seriously was a great episode for Fiona. Such amazing character development.

    Now that we are heading to Helios in episode 4, maybe we'll see some development from Rhys?

  • Fiona is my favourite character and I love her development. That is why I kinda didn't like Rhys in the last episode because his character development was mainly taken over by Sasha this episode. I would like for him to realise that there is more than Hyperion or at least have a choice. :) and I LOVE the hat option hehe

  • I loved Fiona in this episode. I wasn't all that impressed with the first two episodes, I didn't hate her, but she wasn't one of my favorite TT protagonists. This episode however really got me to start liking Fiona, I still prefer Rhys, but her development and goofiness in this episode really helped her. The touch goal, the hat (and yes, it was a nice hat), the [Make her head spin], and all of her moments with Athena were great.

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