Best episode



  • 312.

    3 was simply phenomenal.

    2 was just not quite as funny as 1.

  • It was cool but I felt like we spent to much time looking for the upgrade and at the dome.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why would you say 2>1>3? Wasn't Episode 3 more interesting to you?

  • Episode 2 had interesting dialogue cool action and Jack was hilarious. The intro was priceless.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why would you say 2>1>3? Wasn't Episode 3 more interesting to you?

  • ep 1 > ep 3 > ep 2

    I don't know why, but after The Walking Dead season 1, in all their other franchises, at least for me, ep 1 seems to always be the strongest...

  • What abou the end? It was the best moment of this episode.

    Pyro-Toxin posted: »

    It was cool but I felt like we spent to much time looking for the upgrade and at the dome.

  • edited July 2015

    episode 2 was my favourite waited long enough for it and had the best intro music so far episode 3 kinda dragged in the centre of the game the change machine was fun but expensive

  • Ep1 > Ep2 > Ep3 ( episode 3 still a great episode and i loved it)

  • 2 (because of Jack) > 1 (great introduction to a game that I did'nt know) > 3 (because not enough of Jack in my opinion). But I like the three of them, they are very close.

  • nothing sad in episode 3 endings

  • 1-2-3, I think. Not to say they're getting progressively worse or anything. I love them all. But ep1 was the one that made me fall in love with the series, I laughed so much. After about 15 minutes, I wanted to buy Borderlands. My favourite section in all the episodes was the death race (and the bits that led up to it). That was so much fun, and it was an interesting switch in dynamic to have Rhys with Sasha (hilarious, cute stuff with the stun baton and Zer0!), and Fiona with Vaughn (also funny, and they make a surprisingly good team!).

    However! Ep2 has Handsome Jack, lots of Assquez, alternate quest paths, Scooter, sisterly bonding, a marvellous intro, and some really cute stuff with Rhys and Fiona. Ep3 has Gortys, bonding with Fiona and Athena, more Vault Hunters, the chase and fight at the end, and imo the best intro so far! I love the 'family' feel of it, and the fact it changes depending on your choices! Fiona giving Rhys his shoe back is so sweet, and I like Jack's path since Vaughn is involved, and Jack is less creepy on the caravan roof (high-fives, woo!).

  • I like said it was the middle that dragged for me. The end was cool.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What abou the end? It was the best moment of this episode.

  • I thought that athena dies which made me sad

    clap-tp posted: »

    nothing sad in episode 3 endings

  • Episode 2 is my favourite! Humor and drama are in perfect balance, it has the best intro so far(made me cry, so beautiful!) it introduced HJ to us and that cliffhanger was pretty intense.

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