Spoilers Episode 4 Vaughn theory

Does anyone think Vaughn might become a psycho?

In Episode 1

  • he gets a psycho mask before the start the race

In Episode 2

  • we find out Vaughn is has a ripped body which is the kind of physique psychos have

In Episode 3

  • if you side with Handsome Jack Vaughn doesn't get paralyzed and stares at Vasquez and pokes him with a stick which prompts Athena to ask whether he's okay

  • if you make an alliance with Jack Fiona asks Rhys whether all of his BFF's are murderers which could imply the Vaughn kills someone in Episode 4 or 5

This is all just speculation and its probably way off the mark but I'd like to know what you guys think also I haven't been through every forum post yet so I really hope I haven't stolen anyone else's idea


  • edited June 2015

    Note this post has spoilers for the enitre game thanks

  • edited June 2015

    Psychos are specifically people who have gone insane due to excessive contact with vault-related artifacts--They're not just your average schizophrenic/maniac. He does seem like he's losing it, but I don't know if he'd go straight psycho.

    It would be pretty cool to see a Hyperion desk jockey slowly develop into a bloodthirsty maniac, though. That's some Lord of the Flies type shit.

  • Ah okay that makes sense :)

    Piggs posted: »

    Psychos are specifically people who have gone insane due to excessive contact with vault-related artifacts--They're not just your average sc

  • I think Vaughn, if he doesn't end up being The Stranger, will in fact try and eat your babies.

  • I dont think so, but who knows, Athena can tell Rhys hes going to become a phsyco if he says he is talking to no body

  • Really thats interesting I tried telling Athena that rhys was talking to handsome jack and handsome jack made him stop

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think so, but who knows, Athena can tell Rhys hes going to become a phsyco if he says he is talking to no body

  • He only gets the Psycho mask if you choose that one, and Fiona gets it too. Does that mean Fiona's turning psycho too, i mean she communicates with them pretty easily....

  • If Vaughn doesnt show up in episode 4, I have little doubt in my mind that he is The Stranger.

  • I think he will try to kill some members of the group at one point. as we already heard from him in ep 3, he feels like he can't keep up with rhys and thinks that he's just the little nerdy friend. the anger he stored in all these years and all the stress on pandora will maybe break his mind and cause him to turn absolutely insane. the only question is if the turns insane for a short period to let out all his anger or if he becomes a maniac like jack

  • if exessive contact with vault artifacts makes you insane, that kind of explain jacks turning into "handsome jack" at the end of tps. i guess sirens immune to this (even though in borderlands 1 all the vault hunters can use artifacts to extend their powers only lilith did it in canon, you can see she is using fire artifact on her phasewalk in bl2)

    Piggs posted: »

    Psychos are specifically people who have gone insane due to excessive contact with vault-related artifacts--They're not just your average sc

  • edited June 2015

    Oh yeah, Lilith punching the Vault symbol into his face definitely pushed him off the slippery slope, though he was already becoming more ruthless as the story went on. He doesn't even listen to Zarpedon at all.

  • ruthless yeah, but he still didnt murdered people for fun and gauge their eyes out with spoons.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Oh yeah, Lilith punching the Vault symbol into his face definitely pushed him off the slippery slope, though he was already becoming more ruthless as the story went on. He doesn't even listen to Zarpedon at all.

  • We don't know that. When he killed the Meriff he said he liked it. I think he also said something like that when he killed the scientists. And there's also that:

    Alt text

    I haven't played BL1 and I don't know where this whole thing with psychos and the Vault artefacts comes from tho.

    clap-tp posted: »

    ruthless yeah, but he still didnt murdered people for fun and gauge their eyes out with spoons.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    the meriff shot jack in the back after he let him live, and one of the scientists could be a traitor. yeah he liked it but he had reasone to kill them. in borderlands 2 he kills people for fun, like he says in tftbl "killing people thats how i deal with things"
    and this forum things you post here dosent means nothing, he didnt even killed his wife angel did and he strungled someone for bringing her up so obviously he cared about her

    DeityD posted: »

    We don't know that. When he killed the Meriff he said he liked it. I think he also said something like that when he killed the scientists. A

  • edited June 2015

    It's not about killing them, it's about enjoying it, enjoying the process. Just look up his reaction and what he says in the moment right after he does that. They clearly meant to show us that he always was like that, he just didn't have the power and the influence, or enough guts to go full psycho until the end of TPS. I mean yes, I think that the contact with the Vault symbol and the trauma from the scar and his face being wrecked made it worse, but it's not like it turned him into a completely defferent person. Those were just the final steps to his downfall and all those things led to this moment.

    clap-tp posted: »

    the meriff shot jack in the back after he let him live, and one of the scientists could be a traitor. yeah he liked it but he had reasone to

  • as i said, i know he liked killing but its still not the same as killing people for just for fun

    DeityD posted: »

    It's not about killing them, it's about enjoying it, enjoying the process. Just look up his reaction and what he says in the moment right af

  • He also gets a thrill in dangerous situations. Before you see his abs he's all "THIS IS BEST THING EVER WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

  • It's really close tho. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "just for fun". I can't really remember such a murder in his long list. If you're thinking about the people in New Haven you have to remember he came there to hunt Lilith and they refused to "cooperate" - at best.

    clap-tp posted: »

    as i said, i know he liked killing but its still not the same as killing people for just for fun

  • Hey, that's my theory! xD

    I wouldn't be surprised if he would become Psycho, he seems to be headed that way bit by bit...

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited July 2015

    we dont know what happened in new heaven but we know he killed loads of people who just for living there. helena escaped with a few people jack tracked them down and "killed those savages" with willhelm. and to likes killing is nothing like killing for fun, its like to say having fun killing terrorists who tried to kill you is the same as killing someone randomly you see in the street for the lolz.

    DeityD posted: »

    It's really close tho. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "just for fun". I can't really remember such a murder in his long list. If you'r

  • I mean, that's how he sees it. I don't think I can find the the echo log with Roland and Lilith which we're suppose to find in the beginning of BL2, but I think even without it you know he was searching for Lilith there. Now I'm not saying that it's not f*cked up what he did in New Haven, but it's still now what I would've called "killed just for the lolz of it". He just took his anger out on them instead of Vault hunters and Lilith.

    But I guess we just can't agree on the term here.

    clap-tp posted: »

    we dont know what happened in new heaven but we know he killed loads of people who just for living there. helena escaped with a few people j

  • If Vaughn becomes a psycho, the only thing i would like to see is him grab somebody by both their arms and rip them in half while screaming his battle cry, and then the blood gets in his eyes and he yells "Waaaar Viiiiissson!!!!" and go into terminator mode.

  • I think that maybe they needed him gone for some time 'cause he - if Rhys had told him about Handsome Jack - then wouldn't be able to explain it to the others. Maybe Handsome Jack will do something really bad? I mean, I know Vaughn will come back - they wouldn't kill him offscreen, and was so sad in this episode; that has to mean something, too:)
    But I don't think Rhys gets to explain it and then it's just all cool.

  • i dont think so. i think he's going nuts a bit, but no.. i dont think he will be a psycho... plus if you consider vaughn that crazy, you dont know half of the characters we even play as. i dont think vaughn is as crazy as salvador or jack or nisha! i think he's fine. he;s just been traumatized in a short period of time, thats all.

  • edited August 2015

    No, thats a really stupid theory.

    I thought this was going to talk about where Vaughn is during the ending of Ep 4. We only see him hanging on a tree passed out and then he disappears. I have a feeling he will play a key role in their rescue or whatever.

  • To be fair, Pandora can drive even the most swole accountants to madness.

    No, thats a really stupid theory. I thought this was going to talk about where Vaughn is during the ending of Ep 4. We only see him hangi

  • edited August 2015

    Yes but the OP's reasons make no sense. Why not assume all the rest also turn into psychos? since "Pandora drives people mad"?

    To be fair, Pandora can drive even the most swole accountants to madness.

  • Sort of off topic, but does anyone else think TTG might have written in that scene where Vaughn is upset about just being seen as Rhy's tiny nerd friend because we wouldn't stop referring to him that way?

  • He jumped outta the tree onto vallory

    No, thats a really stupid theory. I thought this was going to talk about where Vaughn is during the ending of Ep 4. We only see him hangi

  • Gah, way to make me feel even worse about that scene! :(

    nursethalia posted: »

    Sort of off topic, but does anyone else think TTG might have written in that scene where Vaughn is upset about just being seen as Rhy's tiny nerd friend because we wouldn't stop referring to him that way?

  • He's too short to be the Stranger, tbh most people aren't tall enough only August, Jack and Rhys are tall enough but it's possible. Also the Stranger isn't fond of Jack since they called him" A Bonefide Nutcase" so he or she must be Pandoran.

    stevean2 posted: »

    If Vaughn doesnt show up in episode 4, I have little doubt in my mind that he is The Stranger.

  • At least on the Jack path we assure him that he's not just a tiny nerd! :)

    ...he's a buff nerd.

    Gah, way to make me feel even worse about that scene!

  • Cmon man. It's borderlands. I doubt "he isnt tall enough" is much of a reason. Cant he be standing on like y'know stilts ... like... y'know... future stilts... or something equally borderlands esque.

    Ontop of the bonefide nutcase thing, while that may be strong evidence they're from pandora.. vaughn has shown that he doesnt praise all hyperion bosses that slightly wrong him all the time. Such as when he resorted to calling vasquez "assquez". After all he's been through, I dont doubt that he'd disrespect Jack too.

  • God help Vaughn if Jack ever gains the ability to directly converse with people other than Rhys - his obsession with Vaughn's abs is slightly terrifying (and he said Rhys' fanboying was creepy)!

    mirashade posted: »

    At least on the Jack path we assure him that he's not just a tiny nerd! ...he's a buff nerd.

  • Here's my theory:

    Vaughn is simply forced to do Vallory's accounting while Rhys is away, because why kill him when you have an experienced accountant to sort out all your shoeboxes of receipts with his Atlas watch? When Rhys comes back, Vaughn will come out a gibbering wreck and wearing a mask...for a few seconds. Then he'll reveal that he wears the mask because it looks cool.

  • This is the man who boasted on an Amazon review that the game was great, except he wouldn't die at the end, because the bullets would bounce off his bulletproof 8-pack.

    God help Vaughn if Jack ever gains the ability to directly converse with people other than Rhys - his obsession with Vaughn's abs is slightly terrifying (and he said Rhys' fanboying was creepy)!

  • When Vaughn is choking Vallory, she literally calls him a "Little Psychopath". I think the full quote was "Get off me, you little psychopath!", or something to that effect. Foreshadowing doesn't get more obvious than that.
  • I'd be alright with Vaughn becoming a Pandoran to be honest.

  • Psychos are people who have been driven insane and sometimes mutated by eridium exposure or injection, they all worship the vault symbol and have virtualy no self-preservation instincts, I don't think Vaughn is a psycho but I have a hunch he'll be disguised as one at some point.

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