Ep 1 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Google/Android Out Now, WiiU Jan 21st,Vita TBA



  • I actually though the trailer looked pretty great, but then again I'm probably biased. :P

    ata95 posted: »

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAnRtMEDrvU A trailer is out. Honestly, it looks bad in my opinion. But you guys may enjoy so yeah, do so :P

  • It must be really cool getting to meet Telltale staff in person! Sounds like a great time! :D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Are you ready for a story :P A couple of weeks ago i was looking up information about London minecon as Telltale hinted they would be the

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    My emotions are confused right now.

    ata95 posted: »

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAnRtMEDrvU A trailer is out. Honestly, it looks bad in my opinion. But you guys may enjoy so yeah, do so :P

  • Yep. You can also hear Dave Fennoy aka Lee. :P

    TWD_stan posted: »

    I just watched the trailer and it looks alright. Btw is that Ashley Johnson's voice? o.o

  • edited July 2015

    I've watched the trailer. In one word: awesome. I hate Minecraft, but everything Telltale touches becomes gold.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you check Talltale's blog you can see a list of actors they have.

    TWD_stan posted: »

    I just watched the trailer and it looks alright. Btw is that Ashley Johnson's voice? o.o

  • Patton Oswalt, Ashley Johnson, Scott Porter, and fucking Dave Fennoy, Telltale you have won me over, I'm so sorry for the shit I gave you, this game does look pretty good.

  • Boy, I hope there aren't any frozen rivers in this game, hopefully Scott Porter's character doesn't have to cross any.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    My emotions are confused right now.

  • v_v ugh...

    Boy, I hope there aren't any frozen rivers in this game, hopefully Scott Porter's character doesn't have to cross any.

  • I knew that would make you happy.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    v_v ugh...

  • Oh cool! We will have Lee,Luke and Ellie all at one place.Nice ! XD

  • edited July 2015

    I like how they upped the "pixel count" on the characters. ;)

    Also faces with expressions instead of being stoned 24/7 is also nice addition.

    It also seems that they made them slightly more complex too in terms of shaping. They actually have something that resembles a neck!

    Well not really a visible neck but due their heads are bigger, they stand out and look a lot better.

  • edited July 2015

    even that new DBL 360 video is interactive in real time...

    ...still looks better than this...

    How many people work at TT? More than 5 I bet...

    Because DBL's animations are pre-rendered. In which TT's are real-time.

  • edited July 2015

    I will buy it just because of Scott Porter and Dave Fennoy but only when it's like 5$ at a Steam summer sale because the game looks like trash.

  • edited July 2015

    as expected this looks atrocious

    I'm a big Telltale fan but I hope this one fails hard
    Terrible idea

    We get this shit instead TWAU? WTF

  • edited July 2015

    It's not real-time tho.

    EDIT: Do you know how long it is to even make a 3-minute CGI minecraft video? Few months.

    Plus, It's not the whole Telltale company that develops the Minecraft game; only the team assigned to it. Probably tens in number.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    even that new DBL 360 video is interactive in real time... ...still looks better than this... How many people work at TT? More than 5 I bet...

  • Wow, this game looks even better than I thought it would. The mouth animations in the trailer bothered me a little, but I'll deal with it because of how interesting everything else looks. I just wish we wouldn't have to wait (most likely) til November/December, since they probably don't want TFtB, TWDM, and M:SM going all at the same time

  • TWAU ended well, no need for a second season.

    Journey95 posted: »

    as expected this looks atrocious I'm a big Telltale fan but I hope this one fails hard Terrible idea We get this shit instead TWAU? WTF

  • If you were a big Telltale fan you wouldn't be wishing for their failure. It doesn't matter what you think they should be working on. Instead of being as salty as possible towards a company you claim to like just because they made a game you personally don't like, you could instead be hoping that it works out for them and the people that want to try the game out.

    Journey95 posted: »

    as expected this looks atrocious I'm a big Telltale fan but I hope this one fails hard Terrible idea We get this shit instead TWAU? WTF

  • edited July 2015


    Instead of a frozen lake, it'll be a lake of lava.

    I knew that would make you happy.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm definitely more interested after that trailer. The mouth animations are a little weird but I'm sure I can get use to it, and the music and voice acting is top notch Telltale as usual, yeah I'll be picking up the season pass. ;)

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I have to say, I'm sold. I will be buying this, if it wasn't TellTale I probably wouldn't.

    The trailer has spiked my interest in it, and did I hear Ashley Johnson in there?

    And the series has been confirmed to have five episodes.

  • Fennoy is that black guard with the diamond sword?

    And I didn't hear Scott or Patton. I heard Ashley, but yeah.

    Patton Oswalt, Ashley Johnson, Scott Porter, and fucking Dave Fennoy, Telltale you have won me over, I'm so sorry for the shit I gave you, this game does look pretty good.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It has been cool, i was with them for most of the day and had lunch with them but they needed to meet someone from Mojang to sort some panel stuff out. I am now waiting in line for the Telltale panel :D

    It must be really cool getting to meet Telltale staff in person! Sounds like a great time!

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

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  • Ok.. magical penguin coming from the ground... i will pretend i did not see this moment

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Laura and Job are getting ready :D

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  • Dave Fennoy voices a character in this game. Also I heard a girl that sounds like Clementine.

  • I'm hyped for this. And I don't even like Minecraft. Telltale you basturds xD

    Also, Dave Fennoy voices a dark-skinned character with a beard around his mouth and it's black.

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    Ah, the references.

  • its totaly an easter egg

    Crips posted: »

    I'm hyped for this. And I don't even like Minecraft. Telltale you basturds xD Also, Dave Fennoy voices a dark-skinned character with a beard around his mouth and it's black. Ah, the references.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    According to the trailer they showed at the panel the game's rated PEGI 12.

  • ''sooner than you think''


    ''the four letter word our fans love is soon''

    Bravo. Bravo, you trolls xD

  • I actually got an eye twitch on the second 'soon'...

    I love how self-aware/deprecating TT are, though.

    Crips posted: »

    ''sooner than you think'' ''soonish'' ''the four letter word our fans love is soon'' Bravo. Bravo, you trolls xD

  • Oh, thank God the pig doesn't talk.

  • Is that Europe's version of rated T?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    According to the trailer they showed at the panel the game's rated PEGI 12.

  • edited July 2015

    SOON it's now ^^

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    Crips posted: »

    I'm hyped for this. And I don't even like Minecraft. Telltale you basturds xD Also, Dave Fennoy voices a dark-skinned character with a beard around his mouth and it's black. Ah, the references.

  • I still dislike Minecraft, but I like this Minecraft: Story Mode ;)

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    SOON it's now ^^

  • I have a lot more faith in this series now. I have a feeling that this is gonna be the video game equivalant of the Lego Movie. Remember back when the trailers for that first came out and everyone groaned at how dumb it looked. Nowadays people are still pissed off that it wasn't nominated for Best Animated Feature.

  • Got all the slides.

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  • If the pig dies I'm gonna lose my shit. I love animals and I always hate it when they die in movies/shows/games

    Crips posted: »

    Got all the slides.

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