Huh..Huhhhh... Huhhuhhuh!

Okay so I was playing episode 3 (again) today, and I was up to the moment (present time) when Fiona teases Rhys about his brain trauma. You know, when they find the gortys upgrade? It got me thinking. Did Gortys explode or something? Why would her upgrade just be lying around in the middle of a desert? It seems as if the impact came from above ( From Hyperion?). Do you think this will be explained in episode 4? Or do you think it was just used to attract Rhys' attention?


  • I suspect that Gortys might have been split up and sent back to Pandora in some sort of rocket, which explains why Rhys located the upgrade by looking at an unusual hole in a rock formation. If so, that might be because it fulfilled its purpose in locating a Vault, or was broken up to protect its information from bad people. I expect for it to be revealed next episode

  • Find out in 3 months.

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