I've had this idea since episode 2 wondering if anyone else has picked up on this trend yet.
This is just my guess but I think Vaugh might turn into a psycho by the end of the series.
1. All psychos have great abs
2. vaughn in episode two showed a great excitement from danger and a near death experience.
3. him and Fiona having to wear a mask may have been foreshadowing of this future change.
4. He is called a psycho by Vallory when he jumped onto her.
5. His deep insecurities may drive him over the edge while also displaying a high dependency on Rhys so if separated he'll lose that anchor to his situation and sanity.
6. a possible reference is how he tells Rhy he's been remembering Rhy's speeches a prelude to voices inside his head psychos talk abou?
just throwing this out there seems like telltale have a special place for Vaughn to go


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