What Do YOU Want Regarding Boderlands 3 and Handsome Jack (The Ultimate Poll Thread)
So there are a lot of people who want Handsome Jack back in Borderlands 3. But a lot of people don't want him as the villain. Though a lot of people love his humor and comedy he brings to the Borderlands series. It could be hard to see Jack as a protagonist because of all the things he's done thus far.
I think a way to please everyone would to be possibly making Rhys a vault hunter. That way he wouldn't be the villain, but he would still be there for the laughs. Plus, this Jack does seem different from the Borderlands 2 Jack. They are still very similar, but AI Jack seems different if you side with him. He seems a lot nicer, and even seems really broken up if you side with him but don't ally with him. He even does things the regular Jack wouldn't, as seen when he says MY MAN! but then stops himself because it's unlike him to say so. Also the high five. And I can't forget to mention that when Rhys asks him to stop calling him kiddo, he actually listens to him and calls him by his real name! AI Jack is turning out different than regular Jack if you do listen to him. He seems to be going down his own road.
I have some strawpolls down below that I would like you to answer if you have the time just so I can get a vibe for what you guys think.
Do you want Jack in Borderlands 3?
Can AI Jack turn out different than real life Jack?
Do you want Rhys to be a vault hunter?
Who would YOU like to see in Borderlands 3?
Thanks for voting and feel free to discuss in the comments
Edit: More strawpolls for you guys to answer
Who from the main cast as a vault hunter?
Who should be the starting vault hunters in Borderlands 3? (Pick 4 please!)
Who will die by the end of Tales From the Borderlands?
Edit: also I've changed the title since this is basically the ultimate poll thread now Feel free to share what you would like in Borderlands 3
Edit: I'm gonna add a few more strawpolls
How would you best describe Handsome Jack?
Favorite Antagonist from Tales?
If you could live the life of one character, who would it be?
That moment when more people want Vaughn's abs than Vaughn himself
Until the vote changes
What about Fiona as a Vault Hunter? She seems to be one much more likely than Rhys.
Borderlands can survive without Jack, claptastic dlc (who barely has any jack in it) was the best Borderland thing of the past year
I think that Telltale´s original characters (alongside with AI Jack) should stay in Tales and there should be season 2.
they shouldnt over do jack, borderlands has alot more to it. there is so much corporations we didnt even seen, besides who said we even need to fight a corporation. there is the eridiums and what not, the universe is big.
I would love to see other corporations that hyperion and torgue(BL2 DLC) i would love to see maliwan corporation, very stylis. and all others, hyperion was taken alot of damage so maybe they will got replaced. afeter all they did replace DAHL, right? or ATLAS.
i wish so. season 2 would make me happy too.
I'll add a few more strawpolls regarding things like that
I added more strawpolls for you guys
If you have an idea for a strawpoll, tell me or post one yourself 
I don't know why you only put previous characters for the starting 4 in BL3.
Well it's because of the ending of TPS when it's said that "A war is coming and you need all the vault hunters you can get." So I put all previos vault hunters to see what people would choose. Also I can't make up a character (although I probably should've put an option for a new character, my bad)
Yeah, I think they would use new characters.
I personally think they might use a grown up Tiny Tina, maybe Fiona, an Eridian Warrior, and someone else.
I like you, sir.D :
Do you want Jack in Borderlands 3?
I could care less if there is A Jack in Borderlands 3, so long as it is not OUR Jack. Let them find a way to revive the real one or a back-up AI or something.
Can AI Jack turn out different than real life Jack?
Of course he can. He seems to be steadily growing as a character-actually saying "Vault Hunters" instead of "bandits", realizing that he has faults and admitting to them, recognizing how his inability to work with people he didn't trust led to his dead... He also has potential for a friend in Rhys. Being an AI gives him a lot of time to reflect, and it prevents him from acting on his every violent impulse.
Do you want Rhys to be a vault hunter?
No. It just does not suit him at all.
What will be AI Jack's fate?
He'll...be fine. I hope. I want him to not become a villain and to end the game in Rhys' head still.
Who would YOU like to see in Borderlands 3?
I don't really play the main games, so I don't have much of an opinion.
For Jack, we should find Timothy who is hiding up on Helios, put Echo eyes in him, and a chip in his brain and let Jack take him over.
The Timothy fangirls are going to KILL you. You know that, right?D :
Grown up Tiny Tina would be AWESOME
Thank you sir
I am quite fond of thou as well
You should check out some of my Jack topics.XD
I'll look forward to hearing from you.: D I've been trying to get some good conversation about this character going.
yeah, most people that play the games really don't trust Jack at all. I on the other hand think it's ok to trust him since he didn't do anything technically. It was the real Jack not the AI that did all the bad stuff. It's like judging a child for what his father has done.
Also, sadly I can only see your recent posts because the forums don't let you see the discussions people post
but I did find a couple so I'll comment on those. And we have here.
And yeah it's like nearly 11pm here and I'm getting tired so I'll get to it in the morning
Regarding Tales, I'd like to see almost all Vault Hunters back and playable, but our beloved TFTB Vault Hunters are THE most powerful ones now. Seriously. It would be so cool to see them all kicking the asses of the other remaining ones in a sparring match. Imagine Rhys throwing Zero into Brick!
Anyway, here are my ideas:
(Note: The first two entries originally came from my WMG theory TV Tropes, with the help of another troper.)
Rhys: Overall, he fights like the Terminator/T-800. He can use his electronic arm like Tony Stark's to fire an explosive autocannon similar to Jack's, send multiple enemies flying with a punch like Brick's or even jam weapons with a shock blast. If Jack sticks around, he could warn Rhys of incoming bandits or Badasses. Also, for raid bosses or general boss fights, Rhys can summon Loader Bot, who is now a Super Badass BUL Loader with snark, is armed with two slag Autocannons and two Torgue rifles and has increased immunity to elemental effects.
One of Rhys' skill trees can be focused on Jack and act pretty much like the Doppelganger's skills (summoning Jack to aid him in battle), while the ultimate skill is "The Man Who Wants To Be The Jack", where Rhys allows Jack to "possess" him with some huge bonuses and the frickin' wrist-mounted laser beams that act like the heat rays that the Angelic Guards use, capable of wrecking shields, burning flesh and even doing serious damage to armoured enemies.
His signature weapons could be either assault rifles or Hyperion shotguns.
Fiona: She can use Awesomeness By Analysis to outline critical spots like Zer0, and her shots home in on them, similar to Nisha's Showdown. As well as that, any non-elemental, Torgue or Jakobs guns have a chance to deal elemental damage that changes based on the kind of targets.
Fiona gets bonuses with pistols too, especially Jakobs.
Sasha: Her signature weapon would be SMGs. As for her action skill, we'll wait and see.
August: First things first, I still like him. Second, he could be the Berserker for the group, seeing how he's all muscular and angry. Third, although what could be his action skill has yet to be determined, he would be particularly effective with shotguns, particularly Torgue ones.
I can give you some links:
I'll get to it in the morning when I'm rested and can put my thoughts together
But seriously, thank you! Perks of having an overactive imagination-me and Syberian created a whole headcanon AU together.
I came up with this for Vault Hunter Rhys:
He is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He doesn't even feel terror anymore. And he absolutely will not stop, ever - until he manages to kill you/get that legendary/complete that sidequest/level up.
I dislike the lack of Vaughn
Tall Tina?
I cant pick a favourite protagonist, ahh! The struggle
Very much this.
No one ever told me what we are saving him from. If is from him looking like Jack, lets just get Jacks face off of him.
Eh, he can be Brick's right hand man, a Badass Crazed Marauder who wields the Bitch SMG and moves super fast and punches super hard.
no one believes that Rhys' and Jack's mind will eventually merge to become the new antagonist of Borderlands 3? Awww...
That would be awesome but I just don't want another Jack as the villain. I personally prefer him to be a protagonist because of how much comedy he adds. That is definitely a HUGE possibility though, I could definitely see that happening with all the re-writes we've gone through lol
whats the point in having a charcter killed, revive him and then kill him again, thats bad writing
Wilhelm is dead I seent it