Why do people STILL not trust Telltale?



  • I like minecraft and am hoping this game will be good but we just need to wait until the game comes out c'mon people just because you've seen the trailer doesn't mean the game is going to be bad like I said we just need to wait and see before we judge the game

  • okay

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    There is two words that I'd like Telltale to say to some of the people. STOP. BITCHING.

  • the trailer is supposed to give you an insight into the game, it did and its still cringe

    I like minecraft and am hoping this game will be good but we just need to wait until the game comes out c'mon people just because you've see

  • I don't trust telltale because you don't trust a company. People should not buy any product(especially pre-order) before its reviewed by credible sources.

  • there Are no trustworthy sources anymore Except These Forums.

    Reliqum posted: »

    I don't trust telltale because you don't trust a company. People should not buy any product(especially pre-order) before its reviewed by credible sources.

  • Oh there are plenty of trustworthy sources. I would currently recommend TotalBiscuit on youtube, he has done GoT and TFTB so far so I don't see why he shouldn't do this game. Its also quite interesting to see how they managed make a story out of minecraft which should also interest TotalBiscuit enough.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    there Are no trustworthy sources anymore Except These Forums.

  • edited July 2015

    Meh I'll be skipping out on this one even though I think time could have been spent else where I still didn't let that interfere with what I thought of the trailer and I was not too impressed. I heard a few familiar voices (Lee Everett, Philip J Fry) so that grabbed my attention but the preview didn't really ring out to me. Things look really cartoony and that cheap, goofy humor Borderlands has which doesn't appeal to me that much. I'm not a hater and won't advise anyone to not buy it but with Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 and Halo 5 coming into play this year, this won't be a game I'll spend money or time on

  • honestly, after seeing the trailer it didn't help sway me either way. It didn't look terrible, but it didn't really impress me either. This is probably due to the voice acting, for some reason he voice acting attached to the animations really annoyed me.Either way, I'm stuck in the same place I was at the beginning, neutral, which is kind of disappointing because in the past I've always been excited for upcoming titles after seeing the trailer. This one left me with no feeling or opinion at all.Its a TTG though, and I do love their games. I'll probably try it when all the episodes come out or if it gets amazing reviews, but I can't really say if I'm for it or against it yet. Hopefully, it'll sway me for it at some point. I love the whole process of playing the episodes, getting into the story, and being able to talk about it with other members of the community.

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