Why do people STILL not trust Telltale?

Post trailer release discussion

As can be seen currently throughout the sea of salt that is the forums, the "fanbase" is essentially split in half at the moment. Half of which are people trusting and believing in Telltale to continue their streak of good games and then the other half who believe that Story Mode will flop super hard, even wishing for Telltale to fail and that the game will in fact be shit solely because it is Minecraft.

If you're one of the people who just believe that it's not to your taste. That's perfectly fine and I respect your opinion.

It seems that every time Telltale announces something it's the same thing over and over again. Beginning with The Walking Dead, hell I was one of the haters that were going against the game, complaining that it should have been an FPS (and look at how well that turned out). Then it's out and people freaking LOVED it. Receiving universal acclaim and over 90 Game of the Year awards. Then The Wolf Among Us gets announced. Fanbase gets split again. The game comes out and now people won't shut up about how a second season should be made. Same goes for Game of Thrones and especially Tales from the Borderlands which got an obnoxious amount of hate. Then the fucking game comes out and blows a lot of peoples expectations away, I see people calling TFTB Telltale's BEST GAME TO DATE, some reviewers are calling it Game of the Year material.

Then Story Mode gets announced and the fanbase is split once again. Though I am NOT saying that this will in fact be a good game with a good story, we'll be able to see for ourselves when the thing is actually out, I just have to ask why people still don't seem to trust Telltale.

To those who choose to join the discussion, please act civil. Don't just spout hate just to hate.



  • History repeats, it is a circle.

    But I have learn my lesson from doubting Tales from the Borderlands. I will keep an open mind on the game and watch some gameplay once it gets out before deciding whatever or not I should buy it. As for now, it looks interesting.

  • I dont get why people dont trust telltale either they have made many great series by now i know its minecraft but with telltale at the wheel we could

    be looking at the start of a awesome series im gonna buy give it a chance if others are skeptical i would say they should look like at a lets player play the 1st episode to get grasp on it

  • That's just how the fanbase works for some reason. It's splitting into two groups whenever a game is announced - the supporters and the haters. But this...THIS is a special case, because it is Minecraft. Many people think Minecraft is unsalvagable, unsavable and other words starting with ''un'', Minecraft is to be believed a lair for little kids who can't spell properly or cry whenever they're slain in multiplayer. All this hate is more towards Minecraft and the youth playing it than Telltale really, which makes it...slightly worse.

  • edited July 2015

    I have checked with a few of my buddies who play minecraft and it seems the telltale fanbase over reacting over on the minecraft young fanbase 1 of my friends who is on the forums said the forums rarely have immature members so i guess they just over reacted on the fanbase

    Crips posted: »

    That's just how the fanbase works for some reason. It's splitting into two groups whenever a game is announced - the supporters and the hate

  • edited July 2015

    My guess is that Telltale games brings people from different fanbases and that leads to conflict about which franchises comes first.
    Some people want Telltale to focus solely on the Walking Dead.

    Some people think that Telltale is working on too many games and they're afraid this will affect quality across the board.

    Some people hate Minecraft just because its popular.

    Some people think that Telltale is beholden to working games they deem "adult" or "mature" and not kiddy stuff like Minecraft. These people believe that lots blood, death, and cussing is what makes a """mature""" game.

    Some people are so afraid that their beloved Telltale is going over to the dark side of money interest that they would rather have the studio fail if it means Telltale wont change.


  • Because Minecraft.

    Everyone is bitter about that game for no logical reason.

  • I guess people are just bitter about it because of its "kiddy" type of feel.

    Because Minecraft. Everyone is bitter about that game for no logical reason.

  • It's not about trust. It's the concept itself people don't really like.

  • I don't hate Minecraft just because it's popular. It's just not my type of game. Then again I was skeptical about Tales from the Borderlands until I saw the trailer. This time I was skeptical before and after seeing the trailer.

    Kireilt posted: »

    My guess is that Telltale games brings people from different fanbases and that leads to conflict about which franchises comes first. Some

  • I think people just get mad that Telltale is not doing the property they want.

  • Minecraft is a game of creativity and imagination. Which is why kids like it so much.

    I can say that those who hate it are those who don't have that "artistic" side in them, or who hates it's style of graphics.

    versacebabe posted: »

    I guess people are just bitter about it because of its "kiddy" type of feel.

  • It's perfectly fine if Minecraft isn't your thing. I can understand that. What I can't understand is why so many people need to mention that in the first place. Why are people skeptical about something they have no interest in?

    Wigams posted: »

    I don't hate Minecraft just because it's popular. It's just not my type of game. Then again I was skeptical about Tales from the Borderlands until I saw the trailer. This time I was skeptical before and after seeing the trailer.

  • Even though the trailer and plot idea seems very meh to me, I'm not gonna trash on it yet. There's always a chance I could end up absolutely loving it

  • Yeah that's what makes it so great, at least to me. You can build some pretty cool shit in there and make friends.

    Minecraft is a game of creativity and imagination. Which is why kids like it so much. I can say that those who hate it are those who don't have that "artistic" side in them, or who hates it's style of graphics.

  • I wont judge it yet, but Im not really excited yet. For example, I was a little nervous about Tales from the Borderlands, but when I saw the trailer, I wanted to get it. When I saw this trailer, Im not so sure

  • I honestly think it's because the name Minecraft is there, at first (around the first hour or so when the game was announced) I too felt what a lot of other people were feeling. Then on the same day I also decided to forget that Minecrafts name is on there, and just focus on the Telltale part, it obviously made things a lot better for me. People need to get over the fact that it's Minecraft and realize that it's going to be way different then the actual game, tell me, are TFTBL and Borderlands anything alike? No. So why would the game and storymode version of Minecraft be the same thing as well?

    I also completely agree with KCohere, it's also because Telltale isn't doing what THEY want. I went to the trailer on youtube and viewed the comments, one of them was "Why make Minecraft when you can make TWAU S2" so I definitely think Telltale not doing what some people want is a major reason as well.

  • It's hate towards Minecraft, not TellTale. When I see Minecraft I think of 12 year olds who can barely spell or construct proper sentences raging over the internet. A lot of the posts I've seen when scrolling past the Minecraft sections haven't exactly proven me wrong.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    It seems that every time Telltale announces something it's the same thing over and over again. Beginning with The Walking Dead, hell I was one of the haters that were going against the game, complaining that it should have been an FPS (and look at how well that turned out). Then it's out and people freaking LOVED it.

    Although that was the reaction that people who weren't familiar with Telltale had when Walking Dead was announced, fans who were familiar with Telltale had a different reaction.

    They thought that Telltale were "abandoning" what their fanbase liked (comedy puzzle games) and were only moving towards a large franchise because they were "in it for the money", and that there was no way Telltale actually cared enough about the source material itself to make a good game. Oh, and people were also worried that because Walking Dead was a dramatic shift in tone in comparison to previous games, it automatically wouldn't be good since everyone knew a mature rated Telltale title would never work, of course! On top of all that, the Telltale forums also worried that because Telltale was making a zombie game, it would attract all sorts of immature and rowdy fans who wouldn't have good discussions.

    ...Sound familiar?

    It happened with Walking Dead.

    It happened with Wolf Among Us (because it "stole the spotlight" from Walking Dead: Season 2, even though it was announced alongside Season 1 of Walking Dead.).

    It happened with Tales from the Borderlands (because Borderlands is just about memes and guns, and it will attract rowdy FPS fans since Telltale can't make a good story about memes and guns).

    It happened with Game of Thrones (because Game of Thrones is a big franchise and Telltale "only cares about the money" - but the big franchise we like, Walking Dead, is different of course!)

    And now, it's happening with Minecraft. Just because something is different, it doesn't mean it's bad. As the main poster of this thread said, this happens all the time.

  • True, however, after the trailers they usually come round. That hasn't this time, so I think that is telling. It doesn't matter anyway as it'll sell loads due to it being Minecraft.

    It seems that every time Telltale announces something it's the same thing over and over again. Beginning with The Walking Dead, hell I was o

  • Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I understand it from the business perspective. Minecraft is big thing for kids and theres potential for a lot of money to be made but is it worth alienating the old fan base that is much more mature and loyal?

    And TTG has failed me before with TWD season 2.

  • I don't wish anything bad on this game, good for the people who have been looking forward to it. I found the reveal trailer to be really cringey and it gave me flashbacks to that Minecon cringe video, so I'll just steer clear and enjoy Telltale's other games.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Trailers rarely caused people to come around to the idea of a new license for an upcoming Telltale game. It wasn't until the final product that people came to like the games.

    There were lots of people still griping about Tales from the Borderlands even after the trailers, simply because it was an FPS game and they felt it didn't make sense to have a story game without FPS mechanics set in that universe. There were still lots of "there's no story in Borderlands" posts even after the trailer came out.

    People were complaining about The Walking Dead after the trailer came out too. In fact people were actually complaining even more after the trailer, since they thought the game was going to be like Jurassic Park.

    Lots of people were complaining about the art style of Game of Thrones when the trailer came out, and there were tons of people wanting them to focus on The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, because they felt they had better art styles.

    Heck, going even farther back, people were even complaining about the "Telltale only cares about money" thing with Back to the Future, and when the trailer came out they were complaining because the art style was of a cartoon style rather than realistic.

    So, this really isn't telling anything at all. It's exactly the same thing that has always happened with the Telltale fan base since Telltale became large enough to get mainstream licenses, and unfortunately, it seems it will always be that way.

    Revec posted: »

    True, however, after the trailers they usually come round. That hasn't this time, so I think that is telling. It doesn't matter anyway as it'll sell loads due to it being Minecraft.

  • I want TWAU as much as you do, but I dont feel like theyre failing me because they are working on something else. I really dont think one has to do with the other. The reason we're not getting Wolf yet could be because liscencing issues and other problems were not privy to. Meanwhile, Telltale has to do what they do. It just means be patient, wait and see. itll be worth it when it happens.

    Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I underst

  • If you look at the comments on the reveal trailer just released, you can find a few reasons. For some reason, there's a comment about Telltale "losing it" in 2015 that has 649 likes. A lot of the hate seems to come from previous Telltale fans or people who have only seen some Telltale gameplay, and hate on Telltale products for creating an "illusion of choice". So, in part, the reason why it may appear that history is repeating itself is that it is the same people saying the same things over and over. Another comment is simply "but, why?" with similarly high likes, so I guess people hate on it because they don't think that a strong story can be made out of it. And, other comments are simply people wanting Telltale to do other things instead, like a second season of TWAU (which I would absolutely love, but I understand that Telltale has the right to choose what to produce, and has the right to diversify its products)

    I don't have any issue with this game at all. Sure it's a strange choice, but it makes commercial sense - Minecraft is a phenomenon in terms of sales, and already has an established, massive fan-base. And I am sure that Telltale can make a strong story, just like what they have done with TFTB (which is my all-time favourite telltale game, and absolutely GOTY material so far). When the first episode is released, I'm adamant that the hate will die down

  • I agree, but beyond TWD, I'm not too sure what else they're making I'm interested in personally.

    I don't wish anything bad on this game, good for the people who have been looking forward to it. I found the reveal trailer to be really cri

  • At least it's something new, something fresh. TTG should avoid sequels. I don't know much about Minecraft but I'll give it a chance.

    Dave Fennoy is the problem imo. I do love him because of Lee but why he has to appear in every Telltale's game?

  • From a purely commercial point of view, doing a Minecraft series instead of TWAU makes perfect sense. I don't know the selling figures for TWAU, but it seems very hard to argue that it would do better than Minecraft. The reason is that Minecraft has a HUGE fanbase. It is the most watched game on Youtube, almost always in the top 3 selling apps on both Itunes and Google Play, and has sold incredibly. Of course, it may be true that TWAU sold incredibly, but it doesn't seem logical to argue that it would sell more than a Minecraft game.
    And, I'm not sure about the "alienating old fan-base" point. There are a lot of sceptics (as seen on the forums, with one anti-minecraft post getting I think 77 likes), but I don't think that the vast majority of Telltale fans have been turned off by this. Telltale have shown that they can craft stories in many different genres (TFTB, GoT, TWAU, TWD), and shown that they can be trusted with a large IP (Again, TFTB is proof of this). If it does turn out to be terrible, then you can immediately tell me that you told me so, but I can't understand how Telltale fans can be annoyed at the prospect of another game. Yes, TWD S2 failed to live up to the standards of S1, but that is still one arguable mistake, and Telltale has the other games that have been good.

    Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I underst

  • It annoys me that people have disliked the trailer and started bashing the Minecraft game purely because Telltale wants to make a different game. It's Telltale's right to choose what game to make, and people shouldn't hate Telltale or any of their future products just because Telltale aren't doing what they want. It just creates an inaccurate perception of whether people like or don't like the new Minecraft game

    Green613 posted: »

    I honestly think it's because the name Minecraft is there, at first (around the first hour or so when the game was announced) I too felt wha

  • Your post makes the assumption we would've gotten Wolf Among Us Season 2 over another original game if Minecraft Story Mode was not a thing.

    Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I underst

  • Why not? He's not just "Lee". He's an actor who, im going to assume, loves his work and wants to put his wonderful voice to good use. I am happy to hear him in any game he is in.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    At least it's something new, something fresh. TTG should avoid sequels. I don't know much about Minecraft but I'll give it a chance. Dave Fennoy is the problem imo. I do love him because of Lee but why he has to appear in every Telltale's game?

  • edited July 2015

    Because he is awesome and I want him to get work? It makes me happy to hear his voice again.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    At least it's something new, something fresh. TTG should avoid sequels. I don't know much about Minecraft but I'll give it a chance. Dave Fennoy is the problem imo. I do love him because of Lee but why he has to appear in every Telltale's game?

  • It is obviously not about they making this instead of TWAU, if it were people would be complaining about Marvel Game and TWD S3. They are complaining because... Minecraft!

    Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I underst

  • The main reason this trailer worries me is because it takes Minecraft and turns it into something it's not. I play Minecraft, and I play it because it's a creative game, which can be a lighthearted game full of imagination and adventure and very atmospheric. But Minecraft has always had things thrown in to keep the entire experience feeling lighthearted.

    Then we come to Minecraft Story Mode, which looks exactly like a Machina video, and is trying far far too hard to shove Minecraft into something that it simply isn't. This has been my biggest concern from the day it was announced, was Telltale trying to take a game with virtually no story whatsoever, and trying to turn that into something that doesn't fit.

    With Borderlands, Walking Dead and such, Telltale had a guideline. They had a formula. They knew what way a universe like this should tell a story, because they had a base to work off. Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, and Game of Thrones are all games that you can tell would have a more serious tone. On the other hand, Borderlands is known for it's fast paced, in your face style humor.

    Minecraft doesn't have that because it's a lighthearted game based around the one simple fact that you are what builds it's story. You can build what you what, whenever you want. Here, It honestly feels like Telltale are haphazardly trying to force a grand epic story into a game that really doesn't need it.

    On top of that, I can't help but feel it's ripping off plot points from The Walking Dead, between things like some event forcing the new person of the group to join up with a smaller group, who are forced to go on the run after a certain event happens, only to get stranded in a location (The Nether for Minecraft, The Motel for The Walking Dead). They even have the scene where two characters are crossing a bridge only to get attacked by Creepers and Zombies, like in Season 2 of Walking Dead.

    All I can say is I can't say I'm very impressed by this game.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm very impressed by this game.

    Wow, after all that criticism and your still impressed with the game. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Nah, but If you aren't digging the idea that's completely fine, maybe some reviews in the future can change your mind. Who knows.

    The main reason this trailer worries me is because it takes Minecraft and turns it into something it's not. I play Minecraft, and I play it

  • After doubting TWAU and falling in love with it, my general policy with TTG is now to buy every game they produce. It has worked for me so far. (I sound like an ad bot)

  • edited July 2015

    Telltale should at least get the benefit of the doubt and sadly there are people who are just not willing to give them that even though they deserve it

    the trailer does look interesting but to me this is one of those games that is going to be a tough sell to some people no matter what.

    People Opinions on this game wont change until they play it for themselves and if its good you will see a lot of the hate disappear but if its bad you have a lot people saying "I told you so"

  • edited July 2015

    Mature and loyal? I've seen of people on here who claim to be huge fans of Telltale that give them a lot of flak every time Telltale announces something, only for them to backpedal on their opinion when the game actually gets released. I've seen people who refuse to get another one of their games unless it's up to their vision of how and what the game should be. Every day a new "When's TWAU Season 2????" thread pops up filled with the exact same type of comments. People made multiple threads just to shit on Story Mode when it had just been announced and the same goes for the TWD: Michonne DLC, and all we learned about either games were the titles. This fanbase as a whole is hardly as mature and loyal as you believe it is.

    And while I too am someone who would love to see a second season. It's not a priority, and besides, just because we don't get it now doesn't mean that we won't get it at all (Green613, 2015).

    Yes, I am mad that TTG is making this instead of TWAU season 2. If we didn't get so long delays with the episodes I wouldn't care, I underst

  • I thought it was okay. Not overly great, but not even bad. It was fine.

  • You've never played an adventure map created by someone else? Minecraft has been used in this capacity for quite some time.

    The main reason this trailer worries me is because it takes Minecraft and turns it into something it's not. I play Minecraft, and I play it

  • Can't please everyone. Especially when Telltale, a video game company, wants to make a different kind of video game that's right up their ally and is popular as hell. I'm sure any other business would jump on this opprutinity given the chance.

    Telltale aren't abondoning their fan base since we're still getting S3 of TWD and some new stuff down the line. If ya feel this game isn't for you just ignore it and go play something else you like. Problem solved...even though their isn't one to begin with.

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