Why isn't this being talked about?
I'm not sure if this has been talked about (forgive me if it has, I must have skipped past it), but how the hell did Sasha manage to easily catch a man with a ROBOTIC ARM?
Not to mention how heavy Rhys must be with wiring and all that other nonsense (possibly aka Handsome Jack) in his head and upper body.
Nice flirtation though, Rhys. Boys, take lessons.
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I thought this was a bit weird too, especially seeing as how Fiona complains about Rhys being unreasonably heavy earlier (if you trusted Fiona). But then you've got to remember that this story is being told in retrospect, so most things are exaggerated at least a little, but potentially sometimes a lot. Rhys may not have literally fallen into Sasha's arms, but maybe that's just the way he described it in his recount?
I believe the best explanation is that Sasha is a lot stronger than she looks.
That could be true.
But if he said this in his recount, wouldn't he want to take out all the shy and awkward bits he has with her? Make it sound like he's smooth? Fiona wasn't there, so she couldn't deny it.
Because forced awkwardness
The power of their love gave her strength, I don't know.
Yeah, but a robotic arm? If Fiona struggles while just giving him a boost, then how would her younger sister even manage to hold him up?
Now that I think about it.
Fiona cant lift Rhys easy, and Rhys cant lift Fiona.
And now Sasha can carry Rhys, and Rhys can pull Sasha up.
u ded wrong get rhackt
I think the same explanation stands - Sasha is a lot stronger than she looks.
Plus, the age doesn't mean that she must be weaker.
Maybe he fell on his face in a pile of poop and it was so embarrassing he switched it out with another awkward moment when telling it? Hue
Haha, true.
Maybe Sasha is secretly buff too and has stellar abs =D
It was probably just to make that joke, it doesn't have to make sense.
It was the ice cream
Exactly. I totally agree. It was just for laughs.
Yeah, that part actually puzzled me in hindsight.
You'd think that Rhys would be super embarrassed to be talking about hitting on Fiona's sister in front of her - or at the very least that Fiona would have interjected with a few snarky comments (or at least a "yuck" a'la the option with August and Sasha at the Purple Skag).
Yeah I suspect Sasha is a mad powerlifter (what else is there to do on Pandora other than steal stuff and shoot folk).
To be honest with the way they seem to repulse each other in the present day he would probably exploit any opportunity to wind Fiona up.
Because Funninez
Carry good looking Hyperion guys with fashionable hair and strange stick-on tie addictions?
[cue sexy Rhys saxophone theme.]
Just wait until Vaughn pulls all of them up with one arm
"how the hell did Sasha manage to easily catch a man with a ROBOTIC ARM?"
It's the power of love! #rhysha
Out of interest, did you ever catch any of your teammates/Ellie once?
According to Axton when he took over the ECHOcast twitter, Maya gave a piggyback ride to Krieg.
You know, THIS GUY:
She's a siren though...
Her cool powers don't include super strength though, only her Phaselock ability as far as I know.
Hey, for all we know, Rhys may have made up that part of the story!
Nah, Vault Hunters have shields, which means we don't have to worry about "fall damage", we just jump and enjoy the view...
"As a mere mortal you couldn't break free of those metal chains - but as a god-like siren they pose no problem to you!" Pretty sure this means sirens are just all around super-human, including their strength.
Or, jump down, make a three point landing, get up and be so Badass every bandit's testicles will disintegrate in shame.
By the power of love of course!
That wasn't Maya though... that was Brick. Who is not a Siren. Most of that video also took place in Tina's head.
You mean forced bullshit?
I think my description's more accurate.