Who else didn't touch the flower?

Because they knew what would happen? I knew it would happen because didn't this happen in like..atlantis...or avatar? anyway I thought I was being smart.



  • Me.

    Because Rhysha was forced and I don't like doing obvious things.

  • This isn't the thread to start flame wars >> the rhysha being forced thing didnt end well so lets not discuss that. Besides, characters have feelings ..

  • It was a little bit forced .-.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    This isn't the thread to start flame wars >> the rhysha being forced thing didnt end well so lets not discuss that. Besides, characters have feelings ..

  • Okay maybe a little ._. gotta give it to ya. But I felt rhys was coming on fiona and sasha with episode 2 and 3 xD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It was a little bit forced .-.

  • Like 6% didn't give her it. I wonder how many keep it compared to not touch it.

  • I think more people didnt touch it than kept it themselves actually

    Like 6% didn't give her it. I wonder how many keep it compared to not touch it.

  • i prefer to look at beautiful things rather than take and destroy them

  • Well, my Rhys was an absolute prick to both Sasha and Fiona at all opportunities. On my playthrough it was 110% forced.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    This isn't the thread to start flame wars >> the rhysha being forced thing didnt end well so lets not discuss that. Besides, characters have feelings ..

  • I didn't pick them either. A lot of the other plants there where poisonous and completely unknown to them. You would be more than a little foolish to go around manhandling a plant you don't know anything about. A raging case of poison ivy comes to mind.

  • My second playthrough, I didn't take the flower. I'm not gonna be forced into a BS pairing situation.

  • Right? I would go by the rule "Don't touch anything at all on Pandora. Ever."

    I didn't pick them either. A lot of the other plants there where poisonous and completely unknown to them. You would be more than a little f

  • Nah I kept the flower for myself. Because Rhys is fabulous.

  • edited July 2015

    I picked it. I mean, did you see how snazzy that thing was? It was too good to leave there. Rhys gotta have style.

  • Same here. Brightens up that stuffy corporate suit!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nah I kept the flower for myself. Because Rhys is fabulous.

  • I picked it because I didn't know there would be an option not to, considering how the camera kept zooming in on an extremely awkward looking Rhys lingering there. I swear I could hear the Jaws theme as every second ticked by that I didn't do something.

  • edited July 2015

    [Jaws theme]

    Piiiiick it....piiiiick it...pick it pick it pick it, pick iiiiiiiit, pick pick pick pick pick

    I picked it because I didn't know there would be an option not to, considering how the camera kept zooming in on an extremely awkward lookin

  • Haha same here! That scene so was stressful! D:

    I picked it because I didn't know there would be an option not to, considering how the camera kept zooming in on an extremely awkward lookin

  • I can pretty much say Rhyiona is forced if the same scene happened with Fiona.

  • I kept it. I thought Rhys can give the flowers to Fiona :(

  • You could, if the same scene happened with Fiona it would be just as stupid and forced

    I can pretty much say Rhyiona is forced if the same scene happened with Fiona.

  • I didn't because I hate when someone tells me what to do. :D Especially in games ya know? When they tell you where to go and such, it's like they're begging us to do the opposite.
    Also, common sense. I would've never touched random plants on Pandora, that's just stupid.

  • ...that's not to mention it would've been twice as stupid if the exact scene happened with Fiona because for her it would be absolutely out of character (if she reacted just like Sasha to that nonsense).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You could, if the same scene happened with Fiona it would be just as stupid and forced

  • Because Rhys is fabulous.

    Damn right. :D

    Alt text

    (though he acted like an asshole in that scene, but oh well)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nah I kept the flower for myself. Because Rhys is fabulous.

  • The main problem for me is that the whole scene is absolutely ooc in my playthrough, regardless of dialog choices... for both Rhys and Sasha. I said this before somewhere, but my Rhys was a dick to Sasha at every opportunity, and you'd think all those 'Sasha will remember that's would amount to something... but no, she's still nice to Douchebag 'Hyperion Rules, Pandora Drools' Rhys...

    Why? Sasha has been shown to be emotional and brash, and definitely not someone who forgives easily (Felix, anyone?). So why in the world would she be making eyes at this corporate dick who clearly cares only about saving his own ass... And why would Rhys do the same when he's been nothing but condescending towards the girls so far?

    I feel like these potentially romantic scenes should have occurred only if you've been consistently nice to Sasha... but I guess TT doesn't really factor choices all that much into gameplay, sadly.

    DeityD posted: »

    ...that's not to mention it would've been twice as stupid if the exact scene happened with Fiona because for her it would be absolutely out of character (if she reacted just like Sasha to that nonsense).

  • I had a feeling picking the flower will lead to something awkward, so I didn't touch it. And then it was a really nice moment when Sasha picked it herself and said she'd wanted to show it to Fiona. Doubly cute if you as Fiona said that it'd be great if Sasha saw you being a badass.

  • edited July 2015

    Why? Sasha has been shown to be emotional and brash, and definitely not someone who forgives easily (Felix, anyone?)

    Emotional - yes, but I actually think that she's quick to anger and imo quick to forgive and move on. I mean, that's my interpretation but the way I see it, she's quick to judge but when he sees that someone's not a complete moron she starts to treat them better quickly until they screw something up. In opposite to Fiona, who treated the boys almost just like any other Pandorans but who's way more reserved around them and trusts them less now that she knows them.

    And Felix didn't have a chance to explain and redeem himself in her eyes, I mean not really.

    I feel like these potentially romantic scenes should have occurred only if you've been consistently nice to Sasha...

    Well, yep. In games like DA or Mass effect that would've been the case, but TTG don't have too much experience with romances. That and they probably wanted to give a chance to everyone, regardless of what we did way back in ep1.

    The main problem for me is that the whole scene is absolutely ooc in my playthrough, regardless of dialog choices... for both Rhys and Sasha

  • I didn't picked it.
    It was something like that:

    "Nope. First rule of this planet: everything on Pandora is trying to kill me. Not gonna happe-

    Sasha picked the flower

    WTF SASHA... Oh, nothing serious happened. Okay...

    Those weird flying things turning red


  • Eh, it was encouraged, but not forced.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    It was a little bit forced .-.

  • the way I see it, she's quick to judge but when he sees that someone's not a complete moron she starts to treat them better quickly intil they screw something up.

    Yeah, but that's the thing... with certain choices, Rhys can be screwing up things pretty consistently, yet the Sasha scenes play out the same...

    In games like DA or Mass effect that would've been the case, but TTG don't have too much experience with romances. That and they probably wanted to give a chance to everyone, regardless of what we did way bac in ep1.

    That is also very much true. But when it comes to games like DA, it takes +/- 100 hours for you to replay the whole thing and see the different outcomes. With TT - I can (and very much did) replay the whole game in one afternoon, so since it's a choice based game the options really should make a difference.

    Now. I'm not bashing the game - I love it to bits. There are just those little things that bug me, that I'd like to matter more.

    DeityD posted: »

    Why? Sasha has been shown to be emotional and brash, and definitely not someone who forgives easily (Felix, anyone?) Emotional - yes

  • Wait what? A douche bag and condescending? It's clearly been shown that Rhy is in over his head and this act is an act. If any condensation has gone on it's on Fiona's behalf. She and Sasha have no problem reminding them time and again that Rhy and Vaughn own them their lives, never mind the fact that their lives are at risk because of of the two. They are also rather quick to throw out the stupid insult regularly. Nice from a chick who needs a babysitter herself.

    The main problem for me is that the whole scene is absolutely ooc in my playthrough, regardless of dialog choices... for both Rhys and Sasha

  • Yeah, but that's the thing... with certain choices, Rhys can be screwing up things pretty consistently, yet the Sasha scenes play out the same...

    I dunno, he can be kinda rude but that's all about it for now (till they find out about Jack).

    That is also very much true. But when it comes to games like DA, it takes +/- 100 hours for you to replay the whole thing and see the different outcomes. With TT - I can (and very much did) replay the whole game in one afternoon, so since it's a choice based game the options really should make a difference.

    Let's be honest, when it comes to such things TTG is just not the best devs in the world. Our choices means nothing,but everyone's used to it. I'm sure even trusting/not trusting Jack won't have an impact in the end.

    the way I see it, she's quick to judge but when he sees that someone's not a complete moron she starts to treat them better quickly intil th

  • Well, the girls' attitudes are another issue, but what I'm saying is that you can potentially choose dialog options for Rhys that establish him as a fairly loyal corporate employee who just wants to get what he came to Pandora for - namely riches - and who thinks the people of Pandora are basically bandits who are into death sports and such. (He's not wrong, imo...)

    The problem is - with all the options you get to antagonize Sasha (and Fiona, but mostly Sasha), it really should have some impact on how she sees Rhys. But it doesn't. You can get all romantic with her no matter how different your viewpoints are. And for a character like Sasha, who is all about emotions, vs. Fiona's stoicism, it just feels awkward. For me, mind you.

    Wait what? A douche bag and condescending? It's clearly been shown that Rhy is in over his head and this act is an act. If any condensation

  • I'm sure even trusting/not trusting Jack won't have an impact in the end.

    Oh please don't say that... I'm really excited about that choice... ;) But I do agree, BL3 will happen no matter what, and well... I'm sure they've got their plot all set by now. I can dream though...

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah, but that's the thing... with certain choices, Rhys can be screwing up things pretty consistently, yet the Sasha scenes play out the sa

  • You're on Pandora where everything wants to kill you. You are surrounded by Giant Spores, which are classified as Bad-Ass Tier enemies. No one in their right mind would pick that flower.
    That is the main reason I got pissed in this episode, they clearly had multiple characters being intentionally stupid for the sake of forcing a romantic situation. And I don't mind Rhysha,their moment in Ep. 1 was heartwarming and cute but this flower scene here just captures when writers are trying to hard to force a romance.

  • Well that thing about Jack is at least logical. Just today I found this, and I think that person is right. It won't matter simply because it's Jack, he'll screw us over no matter what because that's who he is.

    I'm sure even trusting/not trusting Jack won't have an impact in the end. Oh please don't say that... I'm really excited about that

  • edited July 2015

    The link, that's a very astute analysis, yeah. And I've never had any illusions as far as Jack's interests are concerned, personally... The thing is, if Jack needs my rib cage to make a ladder to reach the top, I'm all 'yeah, let me peel my skin off to make it easier for you'.

    Which is why I hope me being a Jack doormat will matter in TFTB, but I'll understand if it won't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    DeityD posted: »

    Well that thing about Jack is at least logical. Just today I found this, and I think that person is right. It won't matter simply because it's Jack, he'll screw us over no matter what because that's who he is.

  • edited July 2015

    I do, and it's why I think Jack was right; it would be better if half these pariah where wiped off the planet. OK, how he was going about it...not so good, but he had the right starting idea. Gather up the folks into safe cities and nuke the rest. Pandora is a house infested with black mold, and vault hunters aren't the cure. Burn it down and build anew.

    Well, the girls' attitudes are another issue, but what I'm saying is that you can potentially choose dialog options for Rhys that establish

  • edited July 2015

    Well, yeah, but that's not a popular opinion, so it's better to keep it quiet until we can enforce that.. ;)
    (edit: what do you mean 'not so good'... you've got this bandit infested planet, you want to make it inhabitable, you've got to fucking nuke the shit out of it until whatever is left is actually human...)

    I do, and it's why I think Jack was right; it would be better if half these pariah where wiped off the planet. OK, how he was going about it

  • Picked it up because I thought I had no choice + I thought you could give it to Fiona + I wanted to get this shit done as fast as possible

  • Threshers are plants and they ripped Hammerlock's arm off.

    I'm not picking a flower.

    Almost everything on Pandora can kill you besides the sand and rocks.

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