Who is The Stranger Megathread!!! No more posting your own discussions
So there are obviously a lot of possibilities of who the stranger might be...
The forums have been flooded with loads of different theory's and ideas, so if you have an idea or theory put it in here and we'll chat
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We don't have a traitor megathread for Game of Thrones we don't really need this.
With "we" you mean the GoT-community? May be. But I am also tired of the scattered theories and multiple posting depending on where you are chatting with whom about who else it could be. So maybe the TftBl-community needs it.
Undertaker, I'm on your side.
I suspect Felix.
I don't know if I've replied to you about this already, but it's pretty much impossible for him to have survived.
I mean, let's take a look at the worst possible circumstances of his death; first, he's shot in the chest, gasping and wheezing for air. Already, he sounds near death, and the fact that the bullet pierced his flesh proves that he's not wearing a protective shield. Then, he's directly in the center of a MASSIVE EXPLOSION. Without a shield, an elderly, dying old man wouldn't be able to survive that, even in the Borderlands universe. He's dead.
The stranger is none.
Dr. Ted.
I find it amusing that the creator of this thread has made several different Stranger threads.
Wait, weren't you the one flooding the forums with the Stranger theories?
Anyhow, the Stranger is Claptrap trying to exact his revenge on Handsome Jack and bring the CL4P-TPs back into common use with the money and power from the Vault.
You are forgetting one thing, sir.
Shooting him is optional LOL
Shooting is optional indeed, and my fiona warned him so he could get away. Thats also what my Sasha said in the hide-out.
I was just thinking about one thing as some characters die optionally: What if TT bases the identity of the stranger on the choices you made? i mean what would be more awesome in a game where the outcome is more or less depending on your decisions? They could have a ranking for the possible figures lets say: 1 vasquez, 2 shade, 3 felix (just an example, i dont imply anything with this order, just to explain what i mean). And if a higher ranked character is killed the next one takes the place of the stranger. Eg. In my save game vasquez died but shade didnt, so in my game shade is the stranger. In another playthrough shade died as well, so its felix then. I dont know if there's a chain of choices that let vasquez survive - i only saw him dying, but if he survived he would be the stranger then...
Vasquez dies whatever choice you make, because Valory isn't killing her son
Ok, thx. It was only to be used as an explaination. Not as base for how likely or unlike vasquez, felix or shade the stranger are.
If Felix is the stranger, I'll only forgive Telltale if they give him a sweetass beard.
Uh, yeah? What I'm saying is that I don't think Telltale will make the identify of a masked man determinant.
Why not? They have the possibility to do it, and maybe they are following our discussions here on the forums, so they finally come across some nice explainations they find worth implementing. Wouldnt be the first time they rewrote something or changed in the story, no?
If that were true, then this would be the one time I threw my full, willing support behind Handsome Jack. The only thing worse than a world with Handsome Jack in it is a world with Claptrap units in it.
Lee is the stranger. Obviously.
Oh wait no...
Art by theon-stark
No, Telltale doesn't make important plot points optional especially when this will be transferred directly into BL3.
Felix is dead, there is no way he's the stranger. Sure he is alive if you warned him but that doesn't mean he's coming back.
Shooting him is optional, however let's look at the facts. Worse case scenario, Felix is shot showing he didn't have a shield as the bullet when through his flesh and then he was at the base of an explosion. If you didn't shoot him, Felix didn't have a shield...But let's look at it from if he had...If a bullet was able to destroy his shield in one shot then a massive explosion at the middle of it would definitely destroy it.
Is it confirmed that there will be a borderlands 3 staged after the tales?
Borderlands 3 is going to happen and it is confirmed that this will lead into it, do not ask for links because I don't have them.
Seriously though, Felix isn't the stranger. Also, you're new so I don't know if you know this but so far, Telltale hasn't made any large plot details a major determinant choice. The most likely thing is that Felix is either dead or in hiding (If you saved him). Felix may make some kind of appearance if you saved him but the likely hood of him being the stranger is very slim and at best under 5%.
I was right there with you on betting Felix to be the Stranger, but after you see that scene where the player shoots Felix and the explosion happens mere inches from him, it debunks that possibility pretty fast. My little theory with him surviving because of a shield just falls away after that, Piggs is right that no shield that gets broken from one bullet has any chance of protecting someone from an explosion.
And as much as I'd like to believe that the Stranger's identity revolves around your choices (which would be a great way to demonstrate that our choices matter), GoldenPaladin is right too that the odds are insanely low for that happening, it will more than likely be the same person across all playthroughs. Not trying to tear-down your hopes but just looking at the facts and TellTale's past, if you played TWD S1 and played to separate versions of Lee you'll know/see why all roads lead to this one outcome for the Stranger's identity.
Just jump on the Tim theory bandwagon! It brings up a lot of interesting points and such that you may believe.
It doesn't make any sense.
Let's say that depending on your decisions, the masked man can be August or Felix. That means that, if one were to die, the other would go through the exact same circumstances of and say the exact same things as the other. It doesn't make sense for the Stranger to be different people.
Although i played the series right from the beginning and followed the very entertaining release date threads, i only joined a few days ago, cause i really want to share all our thoughts and excitement, haha. Cant wait for E4 to come as everybody else here.
aaaand i have no idea about how to post funny memes and gifs, although i really like the ones you stumble across here, hehe...
But i dont know so much about the background work of TT indeed. neither did i play any of the other series seriously. Started twau but didnt continue after episode 2 or 3. My husbands is a big fan of TWD, but yeah. I prefer making a Sasha cosplay to doing research about how the story writers and makers are doing their job precisely...
Nuh-uh, it's Clem in her early 20's doing what she does best, be a bad ass.
Ah, you are like me, I stalked the Forums before joining too. Sorry, if I seem rude at all, I don't know if I have told you before but Welcome to the Forums (A little late but whateves. :P)
I can help you with that. When you make a comment, there are buttons at the top, the one that looks like a picture frame is the one you want to click on once you have the link to a picture or gif. You click on that, put the link and boom, you have a gif/pic. For videos it's different, you'll have to click on the button that looks like a globe and then put the link of the video into the box again (There will be two boxes, one first and then a second that pops up after the first, just put the link of the video into both.)
So far, Telltale is a pretty linear game company, they have choices that decide different occurrences in speech and actions but little besides that. The largest advances in choices they have made were first with TWD where saving a character will keep them there for a longer amount of time but eventually kill them...Tales has so far made the most advancement, although, through the advancement I can still say that the Stranger won't be choice dependent.
Thx for the welcome. You are actually the first to welcome me, hehe. And well. About the rudeness. Its the same with Piggs. His reactions to my comments also seem a little rude, but eventually this is a chat, we are all people, and everyone just expresses himself in a different way. I have to admit that it costs me but i dont take such things as offense...
I dont know where to get the links for the gifs in the first place XD but thanks for the explanation with the two times video link input. Maybe this could have been a stumbling stone in the future...
In fact i wouls be glad to meet felix ingame once more, although he deosnt necessarily have to be the stranger. Its just that i myself, just like the sisters cannot understand how he can just leave us behind... XD WHAT KIND OF STEPFATHER DOES THIS?
That's the thing about Internet conversations and arguments...You can't hear the other person's voice and therefore their tone. It usually, at least in my experiences, causes misunderstandings.
I use Bing.
Well, he did attempt to betray them for 10 million dollars, I doubt he would think they would understand and they might kill him on sight. If you let him live, he's probably trying to hide from Vallory.
But still.. .
Btw. Are there more people active now in europe (night) or us (afternoon)?
I don't really know, I gotta guess US.
Then im one of the few going to bed soon. LOL
Well, nice talking to you.
The same here.
read you soon
Well i did some research on that ahd found an article that claimed BL 3 to be confirmed according to take twos financial report. http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2015/02/03/borderlands-3-confirmed-by-take-two-interactive-current-gen-only/132986/
However, i was reading the financial report (http://ir.take2games.com/mobile.view?c=86428&v=203&d=1&id=2013202) and couldnt find a word or a hint on that...
Maybe somebody else does?